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34 Cards in this Set

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the onset of schizophrenia typically occurs during __ or __
adolescence or early adulthood
the period of risk for the development of a first episode is between the ages of __ and __
15 and 35
3 phases of schizophrenia
prodromal, active, residual
prodromal phase
increased tension, and restlessness, social withdrawal, indecisiveness, lack of willpower
active phase
second phase; hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech
residual phase
signs and symptoms similar to prodromal phase; most dramatic symptoms have improved but they continue to be impaired in ways; neg. symptoms like impoverished expression of emotions may remain pronounced in this phase
positive symptoms
(aka psychotic symptoms) hallucinations and delusions
negative symptoms
characteristics such as lack of initiative, social withdrawal, and deficits in emotional responding (absence of a particular respnse)
disorganized symptoms
verbal communication problems and bizarre behavior
3 types of symptoms
positive, negative, disorganized
blunted effect
(aka affective flattening) show no emotion; expressionless; no voice fluctuation
the inability to experience pleasure
lack of emotion or feeling
loss of willpower; no working toward goals or doing anything that needs to be done
and what are the two forms
impoverished thinking
1)poverty of speech
2)thought blocking
poverty of speech
don't have anything to say
thought blocking
their train of speech is interrupted before a thought or idea has been completed
disorganized speech
(aka thought disorder) the tendency to say things that don't make sense
loose associations
(aka derailment) shifting topics too abruptly
replying to a question with an irrelevant response
repeating the same word or phrase over and over again
immobility and marked muscular rigidity (but can also refer to excitement and overactivity); but still aware of what's going on
stuporous state
a state in which one has reduced responsiveness (unaware of their surroundings)
innapropriate affect
showing affect that is inconsistent with one's feelings
subtypes of schizophrenia
catatonic type,disorganized type,paranoid type, undifferentiated type, and residual type
catatonic type
symptoms of motor immobility or excessive and purposeless motor activity
disorganized type
disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and flat or inappropriate affect
paranoid type
have systematic delusions with persecutory or grandiose content
undifferentiated type
no longer meet the criteria for active phase symptoms but still demonstrate continued negative symptoms or delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech
schizoaffective disorder
an episode in which the symptoms of schizophrenia partially overlap with a major depressive episode or a manic episode
percent of the population that has schizophrenia at any given time
is schizophrenia cross-cultural?
high expressed emotion
family is negative, critical and hostile toward their schizophrenic family member
families with high EE often causes patients to __