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57 Cards in this Set

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________________________________ represent the most extreme forms of emotional and behavioural disorders seen in children.
Childhood psychoses and infantile autism
Children with pervasive developmental disorders have conditions that are __________________________.
Chronic and lifelong. These individuals are developmentally disabled.
Autism Spectrum Disorders— The major categories are ______________________________.
Autism and Asperger’s syndrome.
When children display some autistic characteristics but do not meet all criteria for autism, they may be classified as having _______________________________.
pervasive developmental disorders, not otherwise specified (PPP-NOS)
Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit a wide variety of symptoms including __________________________.
sudden mood changes, delusions, and hallucinations
______________ are serious mental disorders; the individuals affected lose touch with reality.
Disintegrative Psychoses
What is the onset of autism?
before 30 months
Youngsters who are autistic may generally be characterized as _______________.
non-verbal and non-relating
Why is the preferred terminology "Autism Spectrum Disorders"?
There are degrees of autism and other children with disabilities may demonstrate patterns of autistic behaviour without the full syndrome.
Infantile autism is ______ frequent than childhood schizophrenia.
In the autistic population, rates of additional disabilities are _____ and more _____ than ______ are diagnosed with the disorder.
high; more boys than girls
Recent research points to _________ as the major cause of childhood psychoses and infantile autism.
Biological factors: Evidence exists that genetics, fetal complications, biochemical disturbances, and central nervous system damage may be precursors of autism.
1943 - first to identify autism in chldren. Characterized these children as withdrawn and showing an obsessive desire for sameness. Found the parents to be highly intelligent, unusual achievers, emotionally cold, aloof, and reserved, which led later researchers to interpret children's autistic behaviour in terms of lack of adequate parenting.
Leo Kanner
Characteristics of autistic children
extreme aloneness from infancy, do not respond to other humans, do not begin to establish relationships, aversion to physical contact, repetitive and ritualistic play, self-stimulation, self-destructive behaviour; do not develop attachments to people but do become strongly attached to inanimate objects
Physical and Motor Development in autistic children
"tend to be healthier than other children with pervasive disorders, show grace and dexterity BUT basic self-help skills and toilet training are often very difficult to develop in such children.
Cognitive development in autistic children
often score poorly in cognitive functioning; large proportion of this population falls into the range of intellectual disability
suffer from constraints in attending to relevant cues, may exhibit a generalized over- or under-responsiveness to incoming stimuli; stimuli from all the senses may be interpreted differently by children who are autistic -- Visual stimuli may induce hand fluttering, crossing eyes, side glancing, or fixating on lights.
The language of children with infantile autism is often __________________.
non-existent or bizarre; echolalia, parroting, meaningless jargon, neologistic speech, repeating questions and statements -- Children who are autistic are almost invariably delayed in speech use and many never develop speech at all
Young children with autism show significant delays in the development of all forms of play, especially ____________.
symbolic play
Academics and Asperger's Syndrome
Students with Asperger’s syndrome have rote memory and visual memory skills and appear to understand quantifiable information. Still, they can experience academic difficulties.
Physical Development in children with Asperger’s syndrome
many have poor motor skills along with coordination and balance problems: awkward fine motor skills, clumsy gross motor skills, difficulty with toilent training, abnormal motility patterns
language development for children with Asperger’s syndrome
there is no clinically significant delay
Asperger’s syndrome is first and foremost a __________ disorder.
Social: children with this condition have the intellectual ability to engage in social interactions but lack the awareness and skills needed to connect with the world
Assessment of Children who have Autism Spectrum Disorders
battery of measures is prerequisite to treatment; assess language, behavioural, and social skills, as well as mental ability and academic functioning, often through questionnaires; functional assessment using structured interviews with arents & student + rating scales/checklists + anacdotal records + general observations in naturalistic environments
Functional analysis—or functional assessment
A broad approach useful for all children with disabilities but especially those with behavioural disorders, severe or multiple disabilities. The major aims of functional assessment are to generate hypotheses about the possible causes of a student's behaviour and then develop intervention strategies that correlate with the hypotheses.
Childhood psychoses
A heterogeneous group of clinical syndromes characterized by any number of maladaptive behaviours or clusters of behaviours that include severe disturbances in ego functioning.
Development in Childhood Schizophrenia
"Occurs later than autism. After a period of more or less adequate development, children regress dramatically. Youngsters who are schizophrenic show disturbances in mood, thought, and behaviour; children are emotionally apathetic, indifferent, and withdrawn.
Developmental Consequences of childhood schizophrenia
loose associations, illogical thinking, and communication discourse deficits
Physical and Motor Development in schizophrenic children
commonly lag in motor development
Language Development in schizophrenic children
As children regress, their speech becomes limited and may reveal incoherent thinking.
Social and Emotional Development in schizophrenic children
marked reduction in interests, attachments, and relationships; disturbed social relationships and impairments in their interactions with parents, family members, and others in the environment
Assessment of childhood schizophrenia
DSM-IV -- at least two of the following symptoms: delusions; hallucinations; disorganized speech; grossly disorganized behaviour; certain symptoms of withdrawal
Intervention with Children who have Autism Spectrum Disorders and Psychoses
No specific treatment exists to help children who are psychotic or autistic reduce their anxiety and cope more effectively with reality. No one treatment method has proven notably effective with these children, and the prognosis remains poor.
drug therapy for the treatment of autism
generally inconclusive and unpromising results
drug therapy for the treatment of schizophrenic children
stimulants and tranquilizers show promising results
For which children with psychoses and autism are residential programs still proposerd?
seriously delayed children, children on whom extensive observation and assessment is necessary, when family relief is required
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
Lovaas treatment - an intense one-on-one program for young children, appears to be especially promising in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders
treatment for childhood schizophrenia should be ________ and include _____________________.
multi-modal and should possibly include pharmacotherapeutics, family interventions, cognitive therapy, and environmental interventions
neologistic speech
use of nonwords/ wods that are obviously peculiar
When the behavioural and thought processes of an individual become so disturbed that the person is out of touch with reality, the general description of the condition is
Current research on autism spectrum disorders indicates that the best way to look at the etiology of the conditions is through
a multifactorial approach
Echolalia is best described as
prolonged repetition of other people's words and phrases
Eleven-year-old Randy is diagnosed as autistic. He is just entering puberty. The research suggests that
Randy's problems are likely to worsen.
Autism is ______ times more common in males than females.
T/F Drug therapy using stimulants significantly improves the functioning of individuals with autism.
self-stimulating behaviour is
persistent, stereotypic, repetitive mannerisms
Of the developmental stages of preschool, childhood, and adolescence, schizophrenia is most common in __________.
__________ is defined as the study of behaviour and the manipulation of contingencies and setting events to increase or decrease specific behaviours.
ABA (applied behaviour analysis)
List five self-stimulating behaviours that may be observed in a child who is autistic.
hand flapping, twirling objects, patting cheeks, swishing saliva, gazing at lights, spinning, rocking, repetitive vocalization
List ten unusual speech patterns noticed in children who are autistic.
neologisms, pronoun reversals, echolalia, metaphorical language, immaturity, abnormalities in grammatical constructions, perseveration, meaningless & repetitive utterances, peculiar prosody, lack of gestures
What percentage of children with autism develop usable language?
about half
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is _________________.
a rare chronic, progressive encephalitis that affects primarily children and young adults, caused by a persistent infection of immune resistant measles virus
The preferred mode to assess children with pervasive developmental disorders is _>
functional assessment
primary goals in the treatment of psychoses
reducing anxiety, building self-esteem, learning mechanisms to reduce stress, improvement in interaction skills
T/F There are known racial, social, economic, or cultural distinctions in the prevalence of autism.