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51 Cards in this Set

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Peer Facilitation
PG 424
The encouragement adolescent peers give one another to partake in activities or behaviors they would not other wise do alone
Adolescence Limted Offender
PG 440
A person whose criminal activity stops by age 21
PG 416
Erikson’s term for premature identity formation which occurs when an adolescent adopts a parents or societies roles and values wholesale without questing and analysis
Suicidal Ideation
PG 434
Serious distressing thought about killing oneself that peaks at about age 15
Repeatedly thinking and talking about past experiences that can contribute to depression
Moratorium PG 416
A way for adolescents to postpone making identity achievement choices by finding an acceptable way to avoid identity achievement. Going to college is the most common example
Cluster Suicide PG 436
Several suicides committed by members of a group within a brief period of time.
Identity Vs Diffusion PG 415
Erikson’s term for the fifth stage of development, in which the person tries to figure out who am I. But is confused as to which of many possible roles to adopt.
Need to establish various types of identity in adolesence
Adolescents seek a unique identity that is honest and self-assured. They value love and friendship from there parents and peers.
Sunk Cost Fallacy PG 399
The belief that if time and money has already been invested in something, then more time or money should be invested. Sometimes it is best just to walk away.
Imaginary Audience PG 393
Belief that other people are watching and taking note of, his or her appearance, ideas , and behavior. This belief makes many teenagers very self-conscious.
Invincibility Fable PG 392
Conviction that he or she cannot be overcome or even harmed by anything that might defeat a normal mortal, such as unprotected sex, drug abuse, or high speed driving.
How schools can decrease school violence PG 412
Increase peer friendships, strengthen teacher/student relationships, and promote student involvement
Inductive Vs Deductive Resoning PG 397
Deductive: Begins with an abstract idea or premise and then uses logic to draw specific conclusions.

Inductive: Predominates during the school years as children accumulate facts and personal experiences to aide their thought.
Technology and Cognition PG 404
Some hope that computers will be a boon to learning others fear that technology will undercut respect for adults and schools when adolescents realize what their parents don’t know.
Dual-Process Model PG 398
The notion that two networks exist within the brain, one for emotional and on for analytical processing of stimuli.
Generational Forgetting PG 387
The idea that each new generation forgets what the previous generation learned about harmful drugs.
Factors that Determine Puberty PG 366
Hormones cascading into the bloodstream always trigger changes of puberty usually around age 11-12. Genes, body fat, and stress can affect this age range from 8-14.
Primary/Secondary Sex Characteristics PG 373
Primary: parts of the body that are directly involved in reproduction including the vagina, uterus, ovaries, testicles, and penis.

Secondary: Physical traits that are not directly involved in reproduction but indicate maturity, such as a mans beard and a woman’s breast.
Glands that Produce Hormones
The pituitary gland in the brain responds to a signal from the hypothalamus producing hormones to which the adrenal glands located above the kidneys produce more hormones. This is called the HPA Axis.
Growth Spurt PG 371
The relatively sudden and rapid growth that occurs during puberty. Each body part increases in size on a schedule: Weight usually precedes height, and the limbs precede the torso.
Puberty PG 364
The time between the first onrush of hormones and full adult physical development. Puberty usually lasts three to five years. Many more years are required to achieve psychosocial maturity.
Parenting Styles (Baumrinds)
Family Income PG 348
Correlates with both function and structure
Deviancy Training PG 334
The process whereby children are taught by their peers to avoid restrictions imposed by adults.
The ability to understand the emotions of another person especially when those emotions differ from ones own.
ProSocial Behavior
Feeling and acting in ways that are helpful and kind, without abvious benefit to oneself.
Family Structure PG 344
The legal and genetic relationships among relatives in the same home.
Social Acceptance
Some children are like more than others. Most often shy children are disliked and the popular children in the US tend to be kind trustworthy and cooperative.
Resilience PG 353
The capacity to adapt well to significant adversity and to overcome serious stress.
Repeated systematic attacks intended to harm those who are unable or unlikely to defend themselves and who have no protective social network.
Withdrawn Rejected PG 338
Rejected by peers because of timid, withdrawn , and anxious behavior.
Aggressive Rejected PG 338
Rejected by peers because of antagonistic, confrontational behavior.
Long Term Memory PG 311
The component of the information-processing system in which virtually limitless amounts of information can be stored indefinitely.
IQ Test PG 292
Test designed to measure intellectual aptitude, or learning in school.
Concrete Operational PG 307
Piaget’s View: The most important cognitive structure attained in middle childhood characterized by a collection of concepts that enable children to reason.
Classification PG 308
The logical principle that things can be organized into groups according to some characteristic they have in common.
Total Immersion PG 316
A strategy in which instruction in all schools occurs in the second language that a child is learning.
English as a Second Language (ESL) PG 316
An approach to teaching English in which all children who do not speak English are placed together and given an intensive course in basic English so that they can be educated in the same classroom as native English speakers.
Dyslexia PG 299
Unusual difficulty with reading thought to be the result of some neurological underdevelopment.
Reversibility PG 308
The logical principle that a thing that has been changed can sometimes be returned to its original state by reversing the process by which it was changed.
Individual Education Plan (I.E.P) PG 302
A document that specifies educational goals and plans for a child with special needs.
No Child Left Behind Act PG 319
Intended to increase accountability in education by requiring standardize tests to measure school achievement. Fail to take local needs into consideration.
Sensory Memory PG 311
The component of the information processing system in which incoming stimulus information is stored for a split second to allow it to be processed. Also called sensory memory.
Comorbidity PG 297
The presence of two or more unrelated disease conditions at the same time in the same person.
Brain Lateralization
The specialization in certain functions by each side of the brain with one side dominant for each activity. The left side controls the right side of the body and vice versa.
Asperger Syndrome
(Autistic Spectrum Disorder)
Characterized by extreme attention to details and deficient social understanding.
(Autistic Spectrum Disorder)
Inability to relate to other people normally, extreme self absorption, and inability to acquire normal speech.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) PG 297
Difficulty concentrating for more than a few moments but also is inattentive, impulsive, and overactive.
Disease of the respiratory system in which the inflammation narrows the airways from the lungs to the nose and mouth causing difficulty in breathing.
Active Play
Play in which children are learning at the same time.