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72 Cards in this Set

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what is Classical Conditioning?
you are training someone to do something when you do a specific thing.
define memory
the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information
define rehearsal
the conscious repetition of information, either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage.
what are the two types of information processing models?
-Encoding, Storage Retrieval
-Sensory, short term, long term
What are the two forms of rehearsal?
Maintenance and elaborative rehearsal
what is maintenance rehearsal?
rote repetition of material in order to maintain its availability in memory
-ex. reading out of a text book to memorize it
What is elaborate rehearsal?
association of new information with already stored knowledge and analysis of the new information to make it memorable
-ex. using a personal story to describe it
What are the two types of encoding ?
automatic and effortful
What is Automatic?
when you encode information with no effort or unconsciously (time, space, and frequency)
What is effortful?
when you encode information when trying to store the information.
what type of encoding is rehearsal?
what is the spacing effect?
massed v.s distributed practice
what is massed practice?
when you process information in a short amount of time. (cramming)
what is distributed practice?
when you process information in a long period of time.
what is semantic encoding?
to remember with meaning
what is visual encoding?
to remember through what is visually seeing
what is acoustic encoding?
to remember what you hear
what is a peg word?
ex. one is a bun, two is a shoe, three is tree
what is an mnemonic?
memory aid, use imagery and organizational.
ex. peg word
what is an acronym?
memory aid, use verse or a formula
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
What is storage memory?
retaining information
what is encoding?
getting information in
What is retrieval memory?
getting information out
What are the three parts to storage?
sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term
what is sensory memory?
the brief initial coding of sensory information into the memory system
why does forgetting occur in sensory memory?
because if it doesn't make it's way from sensory to short-term it is gone.
what are the two main types of sensory memory?
iconic and echoic
what is iconic memory?
your visual sensory memory. lasts about a half a second. your brain decides whether it is important enough to store
what is a echoic memory?
your auditory sensory memory. last about three or four seconds. your brain decides whether it is important enough to store
what is short-term memory also know as?
working memory
what is short-term memory?
a limited capacity memory system involved in the retention of encoded information for brief periods
what are the limits of short-term memory?
unless our working memory meaningfully encodes or rehearses information it quickly disappears from our short term memory
-it has limited capacity. brief storage of item, up to thirty seconds if no rehearsal
what is chunking?
organizing items into familiar, manageable units. magic number is 7 +or - 2.
ex. phone number 802-5243
what is long-term?
unlimited capacity. seen as relatively permanent.
what are the two types of organizations of long-term memory?
schemas and semantic
what is schema?
an organized cluster of information about an object or event
what is a semantic?
schemas joined in pathways that link related concepts
what is interference?
when you learn something that causes failure to retrieve other items
what are the two types of interference?
proactive and retroactive
what is proactive interference?
(forward acting) when prior learning interferes or disrupts new information
ex. dating a new girl and call her your ex-girl's name
-if you move you can only recall old address not the new one
what is retroactive interference?
(backward acting) new information interferes your ability to recall old information
ex. if i got a new password for my computer i can't remember my old one
what is recall?
a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier.
ex. short answer, fill in the blank, and essay are recall. no hints involve. either you know it or you don't
what is recognition?
a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned.
ex. multiple choice and matching.
what is relearning?
a memory measure that assesses the amount of time saved when learning the material for a second time
ex. if you studied for your final you will learn the material faster the second time you study
what is priming?
the activation, often unconsciously, of particular associations in memory
pg. 269
ex. the rabbit/barber example. hare or hair
what is explicit memory? where is it processed and an example
Memory of facts and experiences that you must consciously retrieve and declare
-processed through the hippocampus
-ex.remembering things. personal memory
What is implicit memory? where is it processed and an example
memory of skills or procedures that are retrieved without conscious recollection
-classical and operant condition, they don't intend to do it they just do
-processed through the cerebellum
ex. breathing and walking
what is a synonym for implicit memory?
non-declarative memory
what is synonym for explicit memory?
declarative memory
what are two types of explicit memory?
fact and personal experiences
what are two types of implicit memory?
skills and classical and operant conditionings effects
what is the misinformation effect?
incorporating misleading information into ones memory of an event
ex. when the cars hit/smashed and how people responded to the crash differently because of the wording
what is source amnesia?
attributing to the wrong source and event we have experienced, heard about, read about, or imagined
ex. telling someone that you talked back to a teacher but you really didn't but you believe you did
what is amnesia?
the loss of memory
what are the two types of amnesia?
anterograde and retrograde
what is anterograde?
when you can remember everything before an injury or operation but can't remember new information
what is retrograde?
when you can remember everything after an injury or operation but can't remember anything before the incident
what type of amnesia was damaged when HM had surgery?
explicit memories, he can't form new memories that are explicit
what type of memory was not damaged when HM had surgery?
implicit memories, he can form new memories that are implicit meaning procedures
what is long-term potentiation ?
an increase in a synapse's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation. believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory.
know how and where memories are formed?
memories are formed when you have a more rapid firing of your synapse creating a greater long-term potentiation
how are memories stored?
memories are stored throughout your brain
-lashley would remove parts of rats cerebral cortex and he found out that no matter what part he removed the rats still remembered parts of the maze
why does forgetting occur in short term memory?
unless our working memory meaningfully encodes or rehearses that information it is quickly forgotten or it disappears from your short-term memory
what is shallow processing?
"structural encoding" emphasizes the physical structure
-memorizing, no meaning
what is deep processing?
"semantic encoding" emphasizes meaning
what is intermediate processing?
"phonemic encoding" emphasizes what a word sounds like.
is semantic shallow, intermediate or deep processing?
deep processing
is visual shallow, intermediate or deep processing?
shallow processing
is acoustic shallow, intermediate or deep processing?
intermediate processing
is peg word shallow, intermediate or deep processing?
deep processing
is acronym a shallow, intermediate or deep processing?
deep processing
is mnemonic a shallow, intermediate or deep processing?
deep processing