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14 Cards in this Set

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An optimal level of stress can help you focus on the test and remember the information that you studied; too much test anxiety can impair your ability to concentrate and make it more difficult to remember the correct answers. This is an example of:

Yerkes-Dodson law; Increased states of arousal can help increase performance.

What is the difference between Fear and Anxiety?

Fear: Prepares for immediate action; clear course of action such as fight or flight

Anxiety: Prepares for anticipated action; no clear course of action; person does not know what to do.

List 3 criteria for specific phobias according to the D.S.M V:

1. Marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation.

2. Fear or anxiety about the object is persistent for more than 6 months.

3. The object or situation is avoided or endured with intense fear and anxiety.

What is the defining feature of Social Anxiety Disorder?

Intense fear or anxiety about 1 or more social situations in which the individual may be subject to scrutiny or ridicule.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder may be similar to those of Panic Disorder but ONLY occur in ___________

Social situations

When it comes to specific phobias, which 2 were the most common?

Heights and Snakes

About what percentage of people do NOT seek treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder?

About 90%

Social Anxiety Disorder is highly commorbid with which other disorder?


In Social Anxiety Disorder, what happens to the amygdala?


What happens to the medial pre-frontal cortex in S.A.D?


Genetics account for 30-40% of phobia variance in the ____________


Mowrer's 2 factor model of Avoidance Learning involves what 2 types of conditioning?

1. Classical: Traumatic experience with a formerly neutral object

2. Operant: Negative reinforcement

What is the problem when people with S.A.D exhibit safety behaviors?

They perpetuate the problem via reinforcement

What does evolutionary preparedness theory state about phobias?

Some phobias are more readily acquired such as snakes, heights, drowning, etc. Things that we have learned to be inherently dangerous and harm our survival.