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112 Cards in this Set

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social psychology
study of individuals behavior while in the precense of others
the study of how groups and people behave
a position in society that has rules or norms that more-or-less dictate how a person should behave when occupying that certain position
Phillip Zimbardo's experiment
prison study, college students cast into the role of prisoner/guard
result of zimbardo's experiment
inmates became depressed, apathetic, angry. guards became power-hungry
impressionistic summaries of people pertaining to specific groups to organize information about a group
grain of truth hypothesis with regards to stereotypes
asserts that there is some truth to most stereotypes we have about others
3 problems with stereotyping
1. focus on how diff others are from us
2. cause us to underestimate differences within other groups
3. cause us to engage in selective perception
selective perception in regards to stereotypes
we focus on behavior manifested by someone from a group that "fits" with out stereotype of the groups whereas we tend to ignore or not pay attention to behaviors that would not fit with our stereotypes
diffusion of responsibility
act diff when with a group bc the responsibility will be shared by others
when a person loses his or hers sense of being an individual, when we think of ourselves as individuals we feel more responsible for our actions
foot-in-the-door approach
when someone asks for a small favor then asks for a large one which is what they actually wanted in the first place
start by making a large, unreasonable request so that they are more likely to accept the smaller request
amount of ova female produce between puberty and menopause
germinal stage
when the zygote (while experiencing mitosis) is wandering throughout the uterus prior to implanting itself in the uterus wall
embryonic stage
when implantation occurs and lasts up until about the 8th week of development, major organs become pronounced
fetal stage
3rd month- birth
all major organ systems formed, fingers/toes formed, sex can be determined
jean piaget's influence
his children
learning new ideas and information--> adding info into our existing knowledge, must modify info
object permanence
during sensory motor stage, understanding that objects that aren't in our view still exist
sensory motor stage
experience the world through basic senses, birth to one and a half
preoperational stage
1 and a half to 6 years, children are very egocentric and animistic (attribute life to inanimate objects)
formal operational stage
adolescence to adulthood, people are capable of thinking hypothetically
what erik erikson thought about freud
placed too much emphasis on sex drive and not enough on the social context in which human development occurs
trust vs. mistrust
birth to 1, infant develops sense of trust bc they can rely on the world to meet their needs, if infant is neglected it feels a sense of mistrust
autonomy vs. shame
1-2, parents approve of self sufficient behavior they feel sense of autonomy, parents unsupportive feel sense of shame
initiative vs. guilt
2-5, children interact with fam, if received well feel initiative, received poorly feel guilt
industry vs. inferiority
6-puberty, must conform to rules and schedules, if transition to school goes well feel sense of industry, doesnt go well feel sense of inferiority
identity vs. role confusion
adolescence, if they get through the other stages without much trouble they find their identity
intimacy vs. isolation
early adulthood, fairly solid identity and social skills so we try to experience intimacy. if it doesnt go well, feel isolated
generativity vs. stagnation
middle adulthood, if we are happy with our lives we will continue being productive, if not we become stuck and we try to change our lives
ego integrity vs. despair
late adulthood, try to determine if it was a good life. if we did, we can accept death, if not then we regret our lives and will resist the idea that we are going to die
level one: preconventional level
depends on whether the behavior will be punished or not
level two: conventional level
society has laws and rules to prevent chaos and to be fair so we must respect society's laws
level three: postconventional level
doesnt commit behavior based on whether it is legal, but whether it should occur if either the law is unfair or the circumstances warrant committing the behavior
what type of study is environmental psychology?
interdisciplinary (involving other disciplines outside of psychology)
most serious threat to society today
human overpopulation
what does over humanpopulation mean is going to happen to the world?
crowded schools, increased consumption of goods and foods, and less natural resources and energy supplies
situationist theory
believe that behavior can be changed as a result of stimuli or an event in the environment, ex: people recycling bc more bins are put next to trash cans
transactional theories
focus on interdependence that exists between humans and their communities, (environment affects behavior)
cross-cultural psychology
differences between well-dilineated cultures, usually from distinct countries
multicultural psychology
examines info pertinent to national minority groups and examines these groups from the context of these members having historically been oppressed by the dominant culture
etic perspective
approach to studying/treating behavior that the value associated with the behavior transcends cultures and is therefore, universal
emic perspective
considering a specific behavior in the context of local norms, looking at a behavior where it occurs
idea that there is nothing inherently right or wrong in the world, it all depends on a culture's belief system
idea that there is an objective reality outside of ourselves and therefore there is truth and there are standards for art and beauty, standards on which most cultures would agree
socioeconomic status (SES)
racial and ethnic minorities have been overrepresented among the lower social classes
when a person pre-judges someone before trying to understand them
when people think that their people are better than everyone else in some way
having a preference for one's own group
effect of self-esteem on bigotry/racism
profound need to feel good about themselves and one way is to hate other groups
effect of scapegoating on bigotry/racism
blame others for social and world problems
effect of economic competition on bigotry/racism
when newcomers join the work place and threaten us in the workplace we begin to view them as the enemy
effect of learned attitudes on bigotry/racism
can be learned from others
effect of a bad experience on bigotry/racism
unpleasant encounter with a handful of individuals who belong to a specific group
effect of innate knowledge on bigotry/racism
there is a possibility that we have a "genetic proclivity" to be prejudiced or racists against dissimilar groups of people
collectivist cultures
the needs of the group, particularly the family, supersede the needs of an individual
individualistic culture
the needs and rights of the individual supersede the rights of a group
pubic crabs and scabies
thrive off human blood and have a preference for residing in and around hair, in dark locations
caused by bacteria, medical observer is obligated to report the "case" to the CDC, "joint disorder" that causes person to have sore joints
most common symptom of gonorrhea
discharge of pus from the vagina or penis
caused by bacteria, primarily among men who have sex with other men (MSM)
first stage of syphilis symptoms
"chancre" or sore will form at the point of infection, will generally go away after 2 months of being infected
second stage of syphilis symptoms
visible, unique rash with blueish tinted bumps, generally on the palms of the hands
third stage of syphilis symptoms
is no longer infectious to others but disease can have negative long term affects on the central nervous system
caused by bacteria, generally infect women particularly in the context of pregnancy
symptoms of clamydia
women: abdominal pains, painful intercourse, burning sensations when urinating, and itching in the vaginal region
men: swollen and painful testicles, burning sensations when peeing
result of clamydia for pregnant mothers
ectopic pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy
when the egg does not make it all the way down the fallopian tube and implant itself in the uterus wall, but instead implants itself at the end of the fallopian tube causing it to rupture which causes death for the mother
herpes simplex 1
affects ventilated, lighted areas such as the mouth
herpes simplex 2
affects moist, dark areas like the genital area
symptoms of herpes
outbreaks of a cold sore on the infected area 4 or 5 times during the first year of infection
cause of hepatitis a
by contact with human feces which can occur from contaminated food or sexual activity
cause of hepatitis b
contact of infected bodily fluids in the context of sexual activity
cause of hepatitis c
contact with infected blood typically either through the sharing of needles for drug use and abuse or via blood transfusion with contaminated blood
hep a and b symptoms
common symptoms associated with the flu
low risk sexual activity
hugging/kissing/massaging/ manual stimulation
medium risk sexual activity
oral stimulation (penile, vaginal, anal)
high risk sexual activity
any sexual activity that involves penetration
2 types of attribution
situational (something about situation explains behavior), dispositional (something about them explains their behavior)
fundamental attribution error
Making “dispositional” attributions and ignoring “situational” causes, ex: cashier being rude might not be their personality but maybe they had a bad morning
self-serving bias in regards to attribution
You making a situational or dispositional attribution for yourself depending on what is convenient for you→ if your behavior says something positive about you, you will make a dispositional attribution. If your behavior says something negatively about you then you will make a situational attribution
self-handicapping in regards to attributions
when you know that an outcome will not be positive you create a situation in order to have a situational attribution for why you didnt do well
just-world hypothesis
We want to believe life is fair and therefore we want to believe that if you work hard and play by the rules we will have a good life and if we don’t then we won’t
how often homosexuality is mentioned in the bible
biblical accounts of homosexuality
genesis--> sodom killed, doesnt explain why
leviticus--> specifically condemns man to man sex
romans--> condemn "unnatural" acts between same sex couples
how sexual orientation is defined in latin american countries
if the male is the penetrator he could be straight, but if he is receiving then he is automatically gay
what is sodomy?
any sex that is not penile/vaginal with two heterosexual people
controversy between richard loving and mildred jeter loving
cant be an interracial married couple in virginia so they were sentenced to 1 year in prison or 25 years of probation if they move out of virginia
rights of a same-sex married couple
same state laws as any heterosexual couple
rights of couples in civil unions
get a lot of rights, but not nearly as many as a married couple. more than couples in domestic partnerships
rights of couples in domestic partnerships
some rights, but even less than a civil union
first state to allow same sex marriage
state where couples in civil unions have the same rights as a married couple
washington state
first country to legalize same-sex marriage
most recent state to allow gay marriage
new york
only country that accepts same-sex marriage and polygamy
south africa
"social group" that has the most negative thoughts about sex
middle east
honor killings
if a woman is sexually assaulted, it is ok to kill the woman because she has disgraced the family
how does the US have a negative attitude towards sex?
dolls dont have genitals, abstinence is taught in schools, boys scouts/churches teach that masturbation is a sin and harmful
genarlow wilson
had oral sex with a consenting 15 year old and a friend put the video online and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “child sexual abuse”
inis beag
conservative catholics, dont encourage masturbation/premarital sex, when having sex lights are off, pajamas are on, man ejaculates as quickly as possible and they pretend it never happened
mangaia in regards to sex
let their kids masturbate, let teens have sex, have contests which man can give his woman the most orgasms at once
instinct theory
all behaviors are biologically driven, makes us feel valued and special, people dont have sex to make babies
cindy muston and david buss study
Asked people why they have had sex in the past
Common reasons--> Attracted to person, wanted physical pleasure, affection to partner, orgasm, fun, great sense of humor, bored
Uncommon reasons--> Give an STD, get promotion, feel closer to god, drugs in exchange
ways to measure sexual arousal
Penile plethysmograph (rubber ring that slides over the shaft of the penis when he is not aroused and measure his circumference. When he gets aroused it will change and you can tell how much the penis has changed in circumference)
Vaginal photocell plethysmograph (inserts “metal tampon” into vagina and measures how much light can get into that photocell), Heart rate
steinman study on male/female arousal
males said they were aroused and were, females said they weren't but physiologically they were
reasons to explore one's body
increase sexual satisfaction, improve body-image/ self-esteem, health reasons
hopi indians in regard to sex
if a little boy is crying someone will go over and stroke his penis to calm him down, there is a place where they live that looks like a vulva and males put their penis in it to "keep mother earth fertile"
sambians in regard to sex
when little boys turn 7 they have a ceremony and say bye to family and friends and they move to a nearby forest and for the next 10 years they should not have any contact with a woman and in order to grow into men they have to consume as much semen as possible
deaths in 2000
435,000 smoking
300,000 obesity-related
80,000 alcohol-related
43,000 vehicular
29,000 gun (1,500 accidents)
20,000 from STDs
17,500 “illicit” drugs
14,500 “falls”
5,000 food poisoning
4,000 drowning
3x more likely to get cancer from eating meat
2 ways to test for cervical cancer
pap smear/hpv test