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65 Cards in this Set

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What area of the brain mediates the stress response?
HPA: Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal axis
A glucocorticoid released by the adrenal gland in response to stress is...
When reserves are depleted, what part of the GAS stage are you in?
Cope is part of which GAS stage?
Flight/Fight is part of which GAS stage?
The bodys three stage model of Alarm - Resistance - Exhaustion is...
GAS: General Adaptation Syndrome
The area of the brain active in addictive behavior
nucleus accumbens
The area of the brain that includes many neurons that use dopamine = Pleasure & Reward
MFB: medial forebrain bundle
damage to this area is associated with human violence
orbital frontal cortex
high testosterone & low seratonin = what emotion
L. hemisphere of cortex damage =
stimulation of the amygdala
fear & anxiety
What area of the brain is critical in interpreting emotion of fear & anger?
What brain areas are involved with emotion?
limbic system
a polygraph is only about ____% accurate?
damage to the extrapyramidial pathways means someone can smile__________but not____________.
can smile on command, but not spontaneously
damage to the primary motor cortex means someone can smile _________but not____________,
can smile spontaneously but not on command
What type of expression involve extrapyramidial pathways?
What type of expression involves primary motor cortex?
What law states taht when arousal is too low or too high performance appears to suffer?
Yerks Dodson Law
Is emotion subjective or objective?
Are the activating effects of sex hormones permanent or temporary?
Are the organizing effects of sex hormones permanent or temporary?
What sex hormone is higher in females and include estradiol?
What sex hormone is higher in males and includes testosterone?
What are lipid soluable and have long lasting effects?
What sex hormone prepares uterus for pregnancy
What is known as a hormone (in bloodstream) and a neurotransmitter (when released on brain)
CCK: cholecystokinine
What condition is when a child is born with ambiguous genetalia but develops male secondary sex characteristics at puberty?
5 alpha reductase deficiency
In response to stimulation by FSH and LH the testes produce ________and ovaries produce__________.
testosterone & estrodial
What hormone release by anterior pituitary signals male testes to produce testosterone and regulates menstral cycle in females?
LH: Lutineizing Hormone
What hormone released by anterior pituitary sstimulates development of sperm and eggs
FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone
What stimulates release of LH and FSH by anterior pituitary gland?
GnRH: Gonadotropin releasing hormone
At onset of puberty what hormone is released by the hypothalamus?
GnRH: Gonadotropin releasing hormone
What condition is when a fetus is exposed to higher than normal androgens resulting in some masculinization of external genetalia and some cognitive behavior. (female = tomboys, lesbian preferences)
CAH: congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What androgen is secreted by the testes that masculinizes the external genetalia?
5 alpha dehydrotestosterone
What syndrome is a condition where a genetic male lacks androgen receptors which lead to development of female mind and body?
AIS: Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
What are steroid hormones that develop and maintain typically masculine characteristics?
During the 3rd month of development, the male testes secrete _________and________
testosterone and anti mullerian hormone
Ineternal fetal structure that will develop into a uterus, fallopian tubes and upper 2/3 of the vagina
mullarian system
A system present in males that will develop into seminal vessicles, vas deferens, and prostate gland
Wolfian system
What are the organs that produce reproductive cells called?
What syndrome is a condition characterized by an XXY genotype. They are males but need hormones to promote male development and inhibit female
Klinefelters Syndrome
What syndrome is a condition characterized by normal female external appearance but abnormal ovaries and infertility?
Turners syndrome
chromosomes are found in all human body cells except
red blood cells
human genome = ____ pairs of chromosomes
23 pairs
XY =
What type of diabetes occurs when insulin producing cells of pancreas have been destroyed?
Type 1
What is released as blood glucose levels drop?
What shuttles glucose to the blood
Where is insulin stored for later use?
adipose tissue
What decreases blood glucose levels
What shuttles excess glucose from the blood to other tissues that need it?
What are the pancreatic hormones?
insulin & glucagon
What is released by the duodenum in response to food?
CCK: cholecystokinin
What signals satiety (fullness) by slowing speed of stomach emptying
What cells secrete leptin
Fat cells
What part of the brain kicks in when it is hot as it is responsible for perspiration and dialation of blood vessels?
preoptic hypothalamus
What part of the brain kicks in when it is cold as it is responsible for heat conservation (shivering)
posterior hypothalamus
body temp greater than 105.8=
life threatening hyperthermia
body temperature lower than 95=
are mammals endotherms or ectotherms?
are reptiles endotherms or ectotherms?
What is an organisms ability to adjust to physiological conditions to maintain system regulation?