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30 Cards in this Set

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repeated/prolonged exposure----reduced response. (ex: violence on TV)
Classical Conditioning
Learned Associations (ex: Pavlov's Dogs)
Present CS without USC, and CR will eventually stop.
Spontaneous Recovery
Reappearance of a CR after a rest period.
Stimulus Generalization
CR occurs with other similar CSs.
Stimulus Discrimination
Organism learns to differentiate among stimuli so that CR only occurs only with CS
Higher Order Conditioning
Condition behavior without a UCS, by pairing a new, neutral stimulus with an existing CS
Taste Aversions
Food & Alcohol related illnesses (becoming sick or nauseous)
Operant Conditioning
Learning through consequence (punishment)
Operant Conditioning (ii)
Learning occurs as a result of stimuli that either increase or decrease the likelihood of a particular behavioral response.
Social Learning
learning vicariously through watching the consequences of others' actions (indirect)
the smallest unit of sound recognizable as speech. (ex: P = "puh"
the smallest unit of language that carries meaning. (ex: dog, -ing)
rules that specify how units of language can be combined to produce meaningful phrases
surface structure
how a sentence is worded
deep structure
the meaning of a sentence
fast mapping
Children’s ability to map a word onto underlying concept after only a single exposure.
Behaviorist Theory
Children learn language through operant conditioning
Nativist Theory
language is an innate, biological capacity
language acquisition device (LAD)
a collection of processes that facilitate language learning
Broca's Area (neurological)
language production - left frontal lobe
Wernicke's Area (neurological)
comprehension language (left temporal lobe)
Aphasia (neurological)
disorder in producing or comprehending language
Exemplar Theory (specific)
category judgments by comparing a new instance with stored memories for other instances of the category.
Prototype Theory (nonspecific)
yes/no categorical judgments made by comparing new instances to a category’s prototype.
factor analysis
stat technique that reduces large number of correlations to small # of factors
fluid intelligence
the ability to process info
crystallized intelligence
the accuracy and amount of info available for processing
relative intelligence
stable over time
absolute intelligence
changes over time