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54 Cards in this Set

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measurable outcomes of a research study

description, prediction, control and explanation

Sciences 4 primary goals


a scientific process that involves the careful collection of data

scientific method

a systematic and dynamic procedure of observing and measuring phenomena, used to achieve the goals of science


a model of interconnected ideas or concepts that explains what is observed and makes predictions about future events. theories are based on empirical evidence


a testable, specific prediction narrower than the theory it is based on

1. form a hypothesis

2. conduct a literature review

3. design a study

4. conduct the study

5. analyze the data

6. report the results

the scientific method


repetition of a research study to confirm the results


unexpectedly finding things that are valuable or agreeable


something in the world that can vary that a researcher can manipulate (change), measure (evaluate) or both

independent variable

the variable that gets manipulated in a research study

dependent variable

the variable that gets measured in a research study

operational definition

a definition that qualifies (describes) and quantifies (measures) a variable so the variable can be understood objectively

Descriptive research

involves observing behavior to describe that behavior systematically and objectively. Includes case studies, observations and self report methods

case study

a descriptive research method that involves the intensive examination of an unusual person or organization

Participant observation

a type of study in which the researcher is involved in the situation

naturalistic observation

a type of descriptive study in which the research is a passive observer, separated from the situation and does not attempt to change it


the phenomenon that occurs when the knowledge that one is being observed alters the behavior being observed

observer bias

systematic errors in observation that occur because of an observer's expectations

experimenter expectancy effect

actual change in the behavior of the people or nonhuman animals being observed that is due to the expectation of the obserer

self report methods

includes surveys or questionnaires, can be used to gather data from a large number of people in a short time.

Correlational studies

examines how variables are naturally related in the real world, without any attempt by the researcher to alter them or to assign causation between them.

positive correlation

a relationship between two variables in which both variables either increase or decrease together

negative correlation

a relationship between two variables in which one variable increases while the other decreases

zero correlation

a relationship between two variables in which one variable is not predictably related to the other

directionality problem

a problem encountered in correlational studies;the researchers find a relationship between two variables, but they cannot determine which causes changes in which

third variable problem

a problem that occurs when the researcher cannot be confident that another, unmeasured variable is not the actual cause of differences between the variables

Experimental method

the researcher has maximal control over the situation; controls the phenomena


a research method that tests causal hypotheses by manipulating and measuring variables

experimental group

the participants in an experiment who receive the treatment

control group

the participants in an experiment who receive no intervention or who receive an intervention that is unrelated to the independent variable being investigated


anything that affects a dependent variable and that may unintentionally vary between the experimental group conditions of a study


the group that researchers want to know about

random sample

a random sample is taken at random from the population

convenience sample

people who are conveniently available for the study, likely to be biased

random assignment

placing research participants into the conditions of an experiment in such a way that each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any level of the dependent variable

selection bias

in an experiment, unintended differences between the participants in different groups; could be caused by non random assignment.

culturally sensitive research

research that takes into account the significant role that culture plays on how people think feel and act.

Institutional review boards (IRBs)

groups of people responsible for reviewing proposed research to ensure that it meets the accepted standards of science and provides for the physical and emotional well being of research participants

1. privacy

2. relative risks of participation

3. informed consent

4. access to data

4 key issues adressed by the IRBs

construct validity

the extent to which a variable measures what they are supposed to measure

external validity

the degree to which the findings of a study can be generalized to other people, settings or situations

internal validity

the degree to which the effects observed in the experiment are due to the independent variable and not confounds


the degree to which an experimental measure is free from error


the degree to which an experimental measure is free from error.

descriptive statistics

mathematical forms that provide an overall summary of the study's results

central tendancy

a measure that represents the typical response or the behavior of a group as a whole


a measure of central tendency that is the arithmetic average of a set of numbers


a measure of central tendency that is the value in a set of numbers that falls exactly halfway between the lowest and the highest values


a measure of central tendency that is the most frequent score or value in a set of numbers


in a set of numbers, how widely dispersed the values are from each other and from the mean

standard deviation

a statistical measure of how far away each value is, on average, from the mean


a graphical depiction of the relationship between the two variables

correlation coefficient

a descriptive statistic that indicates the strength of the relationship between two variables