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31 Cards in this Set

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relative social rank in terms of income, wealth, education, occupational status, and/or power

Cultural Aspects

-understanding of world and where you fit

-how we perceive our choices

-ideas, behaviors, attitudes, values

-think, feel, act, dress

-education and job you attain

-determines when you marry and when you become a parent

Class: Taboo?

-class and money more taboo than discussing sexuality

-children learn not to discuss family income

-shame associated with being too rich or too poor

Class Continuum

ranking of individuals/families in a society by income, wealth, education, occupational status, or power

Class is relative:

experience varies depending on whether we look up or down the continuum


(ruling class):

-hold positions of power in major institutions of society (President)

Mostly Advantaged

(owning class, middle class):

- owning class/rich: don't have to work; income producing assets

-upper middle class: doctors

-middle class: average professor

-lower middle class

Mostly Targeted

(working class):

-income dependent on hourly wages (BS degrees)



-income persistently inconsistent to meet basic needs


social status can be understood as the degree of honor or prestige attached to one's position in society

Class Indicator:

materials or experiential factor that reflects an individual's class

-ex. type of car, size of house, how many vacations


-the institutional, cultural, and individual set of practices and beliefs that assign differential value to people according to the socio-economic class

-economic system that creates excessive inequality and causes basic human needs to go unmet

individual classism:

classism on a personal or individual level

instituational classism:

manifestation in the various institutions of society


cultural classism:

manifestation through our cultural norms, practices, and ideology

Rich= worked hard

poor= lazy


commonly taught from privilege/ upper class perspective

-ex. industrialization, modern "productivity"

History of Resistance to Classism Invisible

-strikes, boycotts, slow downs, labor organizing

-labor movement: organized industries; 35% unionization rate by 1954

-2005: only 12% of workers in union

-media owned by the elite

Class privilege:

-Tangible or intangible unearned advantages of higher-class status

- personal contacts with employers

- health care

- inherited money

Intersections of class and other forms of oppression:

poor disproportionately:


-people with disabilities (ableism)



-seniors poverty level higher than middle aged

Classism: Non-economic Aspects

classists stereotypes portrayed in media:


-upper-middle class: normal

-working class

-poor: criminals, tragic victims, givers of wisdom

"Culture of Poverty" myth:

Lewis study on small mexican community 1961:

"frequent violence, lack of sense of history, neglect for planning for the future, ect"

Culture of Poverty

myth: poor people are unmotivated and have weak work ethic

myth: poor people are linguistically deficient

Prejudice in language:

Trailer trash


Red neck


class vs. classy

Prejudice in treatment of service workers

creating unnecessary messes for them to clean up

Poor and working class:

-stress of living in a society that looks down on them

internalized classism:

acceptance and justification of classism by working class and poor people

-feeling inferior to higher-class people

-hostility and blame toward other working class or poor people

-belief that classest institutions/policies are fair

Middle class and upper middle class:

internalized classism: feelings of superiority to people lower on the class spectrum

-rationalization of classist policies and intitutions


-Difficulties trusting others motives

-Fear that others want to connect because of $$$

-Entitlement and arrogance make it difficult to connect across class

-Children face isolation

:Raised by nannies

:Boarding schools

:See parents infrequently


government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability

-Innate abilities, working hard, good attitude, moral character, & integrity


-BlamingPeople on welfare for budget

-Men of color for crime

-Immigrants for taking away jobs

-Women and LGBT for breakdown of nuclear family

-Jewish labeled as controlling banks and media

-Foreign countries for taking jobs


classism is getting worse