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26 Cards in this Set

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Stage model of memory:
Pg. 219. Sensory memory that has a persons attention passes to that persons Short-Term memory. Short-Term memory may transfer to Long-Term memory through Encoding and Storage. Information in Long-Term memory can be sent back to Short-Term (Working) memory through Retrieval.
What is the difference between sensory memory and short-term memory?
Sensory memory:
-Enviromental information is regestered.
-Has a large capacity for info
-Duration: 1/4 second to 3 seconds

Short-Term (Working):
-Can retrieve old info from Long-Term memory, as well as send it new info.
-Has a limited capacity for information.
-Duration: approx. 20 seconds
What is another name for short-term memory?
Working Memory
(Know the types of memory)
Sensory memory-
The stage of memory that registers information from the environment and holds it for a very brief period of time.
(Know the types of memory)
Short-Term memory-
The active stage of memory in which information is stored for up to about 20 seconds.
(Know the types of memory)
Long-Term memory-
The stage of memory that represents the long-term storage of information.
(Know the types of memory)(Short-Term Memory)
Working memory-
Short-term memory system involved in the temporary storage and active manipulation of information; in Baddeley's model, includes the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and central executive components.
(Know the types of memory)(Long-Term memory)
Procedural memory-
Category of long-term memory that includes memories of different skills, operations, and actions.
(Know the types of memory)(Long-Term memory)
Episodic memory-
Category of long-term memory that includes memories of particular events
(Know the types of memory)(Long-Term memory)
Semantic memory-
Category of long-term memory that includes memories of general knowledge of facts, names, and concepts.
(Know the types of memory)(Long-Term memory)
Explicit memory-
Information or knowledge that can be consciously recollected; also called declarative memory. Includes Episodic memory and Semantic memory.
(Know the types of memory)(Long-Term memory)
Implicit memory-
Information or knowledge that affects behavior or task performance but cannot be conciously recollected; also called nondeclarative memory. Includes Procedural memory.
In terms of forgetting, what is an Encoding Failure?
The inability to recall specific information because of insufficient encoding of the information for storage in long-term memory.
What happens to information in short-term memory when it is not further processed/rehearsed?
It fades away after about 20 seconds.
Our perception of what things should be. Can resort in memory distortion(remakes memories). Ex. of memory distortion; when you think something was in a Psychologists office (that you are no longer in), even though it may not have been, just because you expected it to be there.
In terms of recall, what is Mood Congruence?
Refers to the idea that a given mood tends to evoke memories that are consistent with that mood. i.e. If your sad or depressed, memories of other times when you were sad or depressed are more easily recalled.
Define Interferance Theory-
The theory that forgetting is caused by one memory competing with or replacing another.
(Interferance Theory)
Retroactive Interference-
Forgetting in which a new memory interferes with remembering an old memory; backward-acting memory interference.
(Interferance Theory)
Proactive Interference-
Forgetting in which an old memory interferes with remembering a new memory; forward-acting memory interference.
What does Barkley say ADHD is a disorder of?
He says it is a disorder of Intention. (Not attention.) When a person is unable to get things done that need to be done.
Which gender is ADHD more common in?
What are the 4 D's?
-Distress- measures the lvl of distress.


-Danger- Possible harm to self

-Deviance- Different from the social norm. (Determined by society.)
What did Conduct disorder used to be considered the same as?
Minimul brain damage.
Define Ritalin-
An amphetamine-like prescription stimulant commonly used to treat ADHD in children and adults. Also used to treat the daytime drowsiness symptoms of narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome.
What are the basis symptoms of Panic Disorder?
When panic attacks occur frequently and unexpectedly. frequency of panic attacks is highly variable and quite unpredictable.
What are the basis symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Global, persistent, chronic, and excessive apprehension is the main feature of GAD.