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76 Cards in this Set

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process of acquiring new information or behaviors



process of memory that is retention of encoded information over time



process of getting information out of memory storage



persistence of learning over time

recall, recognition, relearning



processing of information into memory system


process of memory extracting meaning of new information

Sensory Memory

"Type of Memory"

- recording of sensory info/memory system

- recall visual info, exposed to less than duration of a lightning flash

- photographic or picture image memory

- take form of echoic memory

Short-Term Memory

"Type of Memory"

- activated memory that holds few items briefly

- seven digits, phone number while dialing, then forget it

- known as working memory

Long-Term Memory

"Type of Memory"

- permanent and limitless storehouse

- knowledge, skills, and experiences

Explicit Memory

"Type of Memory"

- memory of facts and experiences

- known as declarative memory

- processed through conscious effortful processing

- memories that require conscious recall

Implicit Memory

"Type of Memory"

- retention of independent of conscious recollection

- known as nondeclarative memory

- happens without our conscious awareness

- includes memories that do not require conscious recall, motor skills, cognitive skills


"Organizing of items"

- 4 second glance at a basketball play, recall all the positions of the players


"Memory Aid"

- peg-word system: list of items in order

- rhymes with the position number

Levels of Processing


- deeper level


"explicit memories"

- "save" button

- damage: disrupts recall of new explicit memories

Flashbulb Memory

"Type of Memory"

- Clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

- increased confidence in their accuracy of what happened

Context-Dependent Memory


- easily recall experiences when the context of retrieval matches the context

- accounts for the scuba divers

State-Dependent Memory


- more easily recall experiences in the same state

- who drank alcohol at both study and test

- our mood states provide an example of this

Serial Position Effect


- recall best the last and first item in a list

- "we" tend

- "we" were

Anterograde Amnesia


-to form new memories

Retrograde Amnesia


- retrieve information from ones past

Proactive Interference


- of prior learning on the recall of new information

Retroactive Interference


- of new learning on the recall of old information

Misinformation Effect

- incorporation of misleading information into one`s memory of an event

Source Amnesia

- attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced, heard about, read about, or imagined

Classical Conditioning

``Type of Learning``

Unconditioned Response

``classical conditioning``

- an unlearned, naturally occurring response

- be the salivation that the dogs showed when pavlov put food in their mouths

Unconditioned Stimulus

``classical conditioning``

- stimulus that unconditionally, naturally and automatically triggers a response

- be the food that pavlov put in the mouths of his dogs that made them salivate

Conditioned Response

``classical conditioning``

- a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus

- be the salivation that the dogs showed when pavlov sounded a tone

Conditioned Stimulus

``classical conditioning``

- orignally irrelevant stimulus that, association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response

- be the tone that pavlov sounded and that made his dogs salivate

Higher-Order Conditioning

``type of classical conditioning``

- procedure in which the conditioned stimulus in one conditioning experience is paired with a neutral stimulus

- occurring if an animal that has learned that a tone predicts food then learns that a light predicts the tone and begins responding


`diminishing of a conditioned response`

- in classical conditioning, occurs when an unconditioned stimulus does not follow a conditioned stimulus

- in operant conditioning, occurs when a response is no longer reinforced

- when the dogs stopped salivating to the tone

Spontaneous Recovery


- after a pause

- several hours after pavlov`s dogs stopped salivating to the tone



- for stimuli

- occurring when a dog conditioned to the sound of one tone also responded


``in classical conditioning``

- learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli

- occurring when pavlov`s dogs learned to respond to the sound of a particular tone and not to other tones

Operant Conditioning

``Type of Learning``

- behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer

- organisms associate their own actions with consequences

- involves operant behavior

- explains pigeon


"operant conditioning"

- event that increases the behavior it follows


"operant conditioning"

- procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior

Positive Reinforcement

"increasing of behaviors"

- presenting stimuli

- occurs any time a stimulus when presented after a response

Negative Reinforcement

"increasing of behaviors"

- stopping or reducing stimuli

- occurs any time a stimulus, when removed after a response

Continuous Reinforcement

"reinforcing" "type of reinforcement"

- desired response every time it occurs

- schedule that results in faster acquisition

Partial Reinforcement

"reinforcing" "type of reinforcement"

- response only part of the time

- results in slower acquisition

Fixed-Ratio Schedule

"operant conditioning"

- reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses

Variable-Ratio Schedule

"operant conditioning"

- reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses

Fixed-Interval Schedule

"operant conditioning"

- reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed

Variable-Interval Schedule

"operant conditioning"

- reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals


"operant conditioning"

- event that decreases the behavior it follows

Positive Punishment

- drecreasing of behaviors by presenting stimuli

- occurs any time a stimulus, when presented after a response, weakens the response

Negative Punishment

- a decreasing of behaviors by stopping or reducing stimuli

- occurs any time a stimulus, when removed after a response, weakens the response

Taste Aversion

- the avoiding of particular flavors if they are followed, even several hours after, by sickness

- predisposed to learn associations that enhance their survival

Cognitive Map

- mental representation of the layout

- mental representation

Latent Learning


- occurs but is not apparent

- occurs with experience

Observational Learning


- by observing

- occur without directly experiencing


"mental activities"

- thinking, knowing, remembering, communicating

- includes the formation of concepts


"mental image"

- allows



- type of problem-solving

- slower but also less error-prone


-simple thinking strategy

- "type of problem-solving"

- faster, more error prone


- sudden realization

- occurs when the pieces of a problem suddenly fall together

- type of solutions to word problems

- joy of a joke

Confirmation Bias

- tendency to search for information that supports preconceptions

- Saddam Hussein

Mental Set

- tendency to approach a problem in one particular way

- example of fixation



Availability Heuristic

- "estimation of the likelihood of events

- "type of heuristic"



- to be more confident

- overestimate the accuracy

Belief Perseverance

- clinging

- fuels social conflict


- "the way"

- an issue is posed

- problem is interpreted

- describes the patients and physicians


- "spoken"

- human infants

- most psychologists agree


- in a language, smallest distinctive sound unit

- "ch, a and t"

- identified 869 different ones


- in a language, smallest distinctive unit that carries meaning

- combines two or more phonemes

- english language has more than 100,000 of these


- in a language

- system of rules

- rules that guide us

- determines how the morphemes found in english

Babbling Stage

- first stage of speech

One-Word Stage

- stage of speech development

Two-Word Stage

- stage of speech development

Critical Period

- time of childhood represent this

- accounts for the fact that people who learn a second language after childhood

- type of window

Broca's Area

"brain area"

- of the frontal lobe

- damage = struggle to speak, familiar songs

Wernicke's Area

"brain area"

- temporal lobe

- damage = would speak meaningless words

Linguistic Determinism

- whorf's hypothesis

- theory

Imaginal Thought

- type of thought