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28 Cards in this Set

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Anxiety Disorder
diagnosed when levels of apprehension and worry become so extreme that overall behavior is impaired in some way
Generalized Anxiety
UNFOCUSED WORRYING. Chronically tense, excessive worrying, or free-floating anxiety, that lasts for at least 6 months and that cannot be attributed to any single identifiable source. Usually report trouble sleeping, muscle tension, etc.
Panic Disorder
recurrent discrete episodes or attacks of extremely intense fear or dread. Follows with pounding heart, shortness of breath, sweating, etc.
"Fear of the Market". Panic disorders are sometimes associated with this. An anxiety disorder that causes an individual to restrict their normal activities; someone suffering from agoraphobia tends to avoid public places out of fear that a panic attack will occur.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
An anxiety disorder that manifests itself through persistent and uncontrollable thoughts, called obsessions, or by the compelling need to perform repetitive acts called compulsions.
Phobic Disorder
A highly focused fear of a specific object or situation. 1. animals 2. natural environments 3.Blood- injection injury 4. specific situation (public transportation)
Social Anxiety Disorder
*Currently the most common psychological disorder
Intense fear of being watched, judged, and embarrassed in social situations. Can be accompanied by physical symptoms (Blushing, sweating, etc)
Somatoform Disorder
Psychological disorders that focus on the body
Is associated with excessive anxiety and may be related to anxiety disorders.** A long-lasting preoccupation with the idea that one has developed a serious disease, based on what turns out to be a misinterpretation of normal body reactions.
Somatization Disorder
Related to Hypochondriasis- the presence of the symptoms themselves cause the anxiety rather than the underlying disease (like hypochondriasis). People with this are not typically afraid of dying from a serious disease. Want someone to sympathize with their physical problems.
Conversion Disorder
(Unlike the other two somatoform disorders- There is Real physical or neurological impairment) The presence of REAL physical problems, such as blindness or paralysis, in which no physical cause can be discovered. Freud- unconscious conflicts have been converted into physical form.
Mood disorders
Prolonged and disabling disruptions in emotional state- 2 types:
1. Depressive Disorders
2. Bipolar Disorders
Depressive Disorders
one suffers primarily from depression. Most common of all psychological disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
A type of mood disorder characterized by depressed mood and other symptoms. Must show five or more of below sypmtoms for a period of at least 2 weeks. pg 465
Recurrent Depressive Disorder
a major depressive episode has occured more than once in an individual's lifetime (but separated by a period of at least two months)
Dysthymic (Depressive) Disorder
A major depressive disorder in which the depressive symptoms tend to be milder and less disruptive but MORE CHRONIC. Tend to show a relatively continuous depressed mood for a period of at least two years.
Double Depression
When a major depressive episode occurs at the same time as a dysthymic disorder.
Bipolar Disorder
one experiences mood shifts in two directions, traveling from the depths of depression (a major depressive episode) to a hyperactive, euphoric condition called a manic state.
Manic State
disordered state in which the person becomes hyperactive, talkative, and has a decreased need for sleep; may engage in activities that are self-destructive or dangerous. To be classified in the DSM-IV-TR the elevated mood must last for at least a week.
"Split-mind". A class of disorders characterized by fundamental disturbances in thought processes, emotion, or behavior. The person lives in an internal world marked by thought processes that have gone awry: delusions, hallucinations, etc. *No single symptom must be present for the diagnosis to be applied
Positive Symptoms
observable expressions of abnormal behavior, such as delusions and hallucinations, disorganized speech, and catatonia.
Negative Symptoms
deficits in behavior, such as inability to express emotions. EX: Flat affect
Cognitive Symptoms
difficulties in decision making and the ability to sustain attention
Personality Disorders
Chronic or enduring patterns of behavior that lead to significant impairments in social functioning. ** Tendency to act repeatedly in an inflexible and maladaptive way
Paranoid Personality Disorder
A personality disorder characterized by pervasive distrust of others.
Dependent Personality Disorder
(may show persistent need to be taken care of by others)
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Occurs mainly in MEN. Characterized by little, if any, respect for social laws, customs, or norms. No qualms about committing a crime.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Mainly in WOMEN. Characterized by problems with emotional regulation, social relationships, and sense of self. Associated with aggression, self-injury, and substance abuse.