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11 Cards in this Set

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Df. Hominids

humanlike ancestors

What 3 primary lines of research drive neuropsyc investigations with animals?

1. understanding basic brain mechanisms

2. designing animal model of human neurological disorders

3. describing phylogenetic (evolutionary) development of the brain

Which of the following are symptoms of parkinsons?

a) balances problems
b) loss of speech
c) rigid/involuntary movement
d) loss of hearing
e) tremors of limbs

a, c, e are symptoms of parkinsons (pg 33)

What are the 3 general lines of research in which scientists attempt to reconstruct human evolution?

archeological, biochemical/genetic, behavioural

What 4 general steps led from a chimpanzee-like ancestor to modern humans?

1. upright posture

2. extensive tool use

3. traveling lifestyle

4. elaborate culture

Df. Encephalization quotient (EQ)

the ratio of actual brain size to expected brain size (based on body size)

Df. Neoteny

when the rate of maturation slows down enough that some juvenile features of pre-descendent species become adult features of descendent species (ex. humans look more like baby chimp - less hair etc)

Match the lobe to the general function:

vision, movement, audition, body senses

frontal - movement

parietal - body senses

temporal - auditions

occipital - vision

Where are olfactory functions located in the brain?

Ventral surface of frontal lobe

Beneath cortex in limbic system

T/F: There is a correlation between brain size and intelligence between people, races, and sexes.

False - within species (humans) correlations are faulty

T/F: Between species differences in brain size may be correlated with between species differences in behavior
