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74 Cards in this Set

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the study of conscious experience
the father of American existential psychotherapy is_____________.
Rollo May
___________, a danish philosopher coined the term existentialism.
felt that a naïve acceptance of theistic beliefs impairs our ability to rationally cope with our mortal existence. Wanted people to discover values – not accept them.
coined the term "god is dead"
____________studied with Alfred Adler in Vienna, and became american spokesperson for existentialism.
Victor Frankl
Yaloms four existential realities are __________,___________,____________and __________.
2.Freedom and Responsibility for choice
____________, theory involves suspending judgement about reality so you can have fresh new ideas.
R.D. Laing
According to the Freudian theory, at birth we are all_________. Concerned with needs to survive. Governed by the pleasure principle.
During the __________stage, the ego emerges.
oral stage
___________governs the ego.
reality principle
The ___________drives one to seek pleasure and avoid pain
pleasure principle
stage where the superego begins to emerge
phallic stage
is the introject of parents and society
is central part of the phallic stage.
oedipus complex
boy desires the mother, fears the father, identifies with the father to avoid to avoid castration and gain vicarious satisfaction with the mother.
oedipus complex
girl desires the father, but not afraid of castration, perhaps penis envy
electra complex
generally corresponds to elementary school. Libido submerges allowing cognition to flourish.
latency period
___________, an analyst, argued that children have a grandiouse self, that can be pathologically reinforced by parental adoration
According to ___________,extreme narcossism reflects extreme psycopathology.
_____________ represent an extreme form of narcissism complete overvaluation, and self devaluation of others according to kerberg.
Where id was there shall ______ be.
____________stated what changes through psychoanalysis is not the drives and wishes, but what processes control and regulate the wishes.
___________therapy is aimed at insight, which requires a good deal of ego and strength.
Expressive therapy
__________therapy shores up weak defenses. Defences need to be respected.
supportive therapy
__________studied repression who had been sexual abused as children. After 17 years 38% of the women could not remember the sexual abuse.
_____________has identified what he calls the "core conflictual relationships" that influence a variety of relationships in a patients life, and that the interpretations of the transference can reduce the negative influence of these core conflictual relationships.
emphasizes internal relationships of others
object relations theory
emphasizes emotional bonds to others in children and adults
attachment theory
emphasizes on empathy and interpersonal nature of the person
self psychology
______________believe that we have an innate drive to form relationships, and that this is the fundamental human need.
object relations theorist
Freud originally used the term_________ to mean anything that an infant uses to satisfy drives.
object relations theory was pioneered by ___________,__________, and _____________ in the 1940s and 50s
Fairbain, Winnicott,and Guntrip
_______________, encompasses the idea that the ego(self)exists only in relation to other objects, which may be external or internal
object relations theory
object relations theorist believe we are __________seeking rather than __________seeking as Freud suggested.
The three fundamental affects that exist between the self and object are:
attachment, frustration and rejection
the term ___________refers to the self structure we internalize in early childhood, which functions as a blueprint for establishing and maintaining future relationships
______________is an expression of traumatic object internalizations from our childhood acted out in our current relationships.
_______________may desire long-term relationships but their lack of stable inner self makes it difficult to maintain relationships.
borderline personality individuals
___________was a psychoanalyst who studied severe disturbances in children. Found that emotional disturbances often linked to problems in the childs development of self and attachment to mother. Developed theory of personality based on separation individuation.
Margaret Mahler
First few weeks of life. The infant is detached and self absorbed. Spends most of his time sleeping. Mahler later abandoned this stage.
Normal Autistic phase
lasts until about 5 months of age. The child is now aware of his mother, but there is not a sense of individuality. The infant and the mother are one, and their is a barrier between them and the rest of the world.
normal symbiotic phase
begins at the end of the symbiotic stage. Seperation refers to the infants ability to differentiate from the mother, whereas individuation refers to the development of the infants ego. Divided into several subphases. (hatching,practicing, rapproachment)
seperation-individuation phase
___________theorized that the developing child has a poorly developed and fragmented sense of self, and that the parents support the development of the sense of self through empathy and positive feed-back
__________developed the sense of the self-object, which is an experience of the functions of another object that supports us.
Kohut developed the _____________ as "that dimension of our experience of another person that relates to the persons functions in shoring up our self.
Kohut said that when the child provides his own mirroring a _____________has occured
transmuting internalization
born in Austria in 1870 and died in scotland in 1937
Alfred Adler
was a cofounding member of psychoanalysis along with Freud and Jung
Alfred Adler
Alfred Adler argued for the need to see people ___________as opposed to breaking them down to components(drives, defenses etc)
Alfred Adler was known for his theory of _______________.
theory of inferiority
Adler argued our perception of reality is based on our ______________.
one of four components in Alderian Theory:
convictions about self
one of four components in Alderian Theory:
who i should be
ideal self
one of four components in Alderian Theory:
how the world works and what it demands of me
world view
one of four components in Alderian Theory:
what one believes to be right
ethical convictions
love joy excitement and caring,serve the purpose of bringing people closer together.
conjuctive emotions
anger, jealousy, bitterness and hatred, distance people
disjunctive emotions
adler personality type:
these people want other to do things for them, without giving anything back. Tend to be anti-social and have low activity levels
Getting types
adler personality type:
those who avoid defeat. May be successful but have not taken any risks there. Are likely to have low social contact because of fear of rejection or defeat.
Avoiding types
adler personality type:
strive for power and are manipulative in situations. Can be anti-social
ruling dominant types
adler personality type:
outgoing and active, have abundance of social contact, and strive to make changes for the good
the social useful
____________is the first working model the individual has of how society will work. Creates model of how and where he will fit in
the family constellation
founder of modern client centered therapy
carl rogers
the _____________approaches evolved as a reaction to the determanistic approach of psychoanalysis and the mechanistic approach of behaviorism
humanistic theories
within the humanistic approach ____________therapists are more active and directive than client centered therapist
belief in the worth and dignity of each individual and that each individual has the right and responsibility to control her own destiny.
democratic ideal
in humanistic approaches, a high value is placed on the subjective side of life. Denial of feeling in deference to intellect can indicate dysfunction
predominance of the subject
man is viewed as essentially rational. When people are evil or untrustworthy, it is because there natures have been corrupted. though gestalt tends to view man as a mixture of good and bad.
people are trustworthy and will self actualize
Guinness is valued. therapist endeavors to put himself aside and enter the world of the client. Counselor being real with the client and being in the here and now.
_____________, who lived from 1908 to 1970, wrote about self-actualization. An innate tendency for one to actualize one's potential
the ongoing activation and utilization of a person's intrinsic talents, which results in integration and synergy
____________was formulated by william Glasser in the late 1950s early 1960s, which emphasizes people can make choices in their lives
reality theory
__________according to reality therapy is the the ability to fulfill ones needs, and to do so in a way that does not deprive others of the ability to fulfill their needs.