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14 Cards in this Set

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what is Emotional Intelligence?

being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration;control impulses and delay gratification, identify and understand ones own and other's feelings; regulate mood and the expression of emotions in social interaction, empathize with others emotions

List the 4 pieces that structure emotions

Emotion elicitors

Emotion states

Emotional expressions

Emotional experience

what is the function of emotions?

useful in prompting action toward achieving a goal; expression of emotion influenced by social goals and context

Primary v Secondary emotions

Primary: develop early, seem to be universal, argued to be innate;surprise, interest, joy,disgust, anger, sadness, fear

Secondary: "Self conscious" thoughts to require some awareness of self; shame, guilt, embarrassment, pride, envy

What are the original 6 emotional expressions that Ekman and his colleagues find to be cross-cultural?

Happiness, fear, disgust, anger, surprise, sadness

How can we tell what a baby is feeling?

Facial expressions, vocalizations, physiological state, and movement

What are positive emotions and when do they emerge?

Smiling: infants smile early but the meaning changes with age

Social smiling: directed at people, emerge 6-7 weeks by 7 most mainly to familiar people

Laughter: 3-4mos

Clowning (making others laugh): 2nd year

What are negative emotions and when do they emerge?

Distress : by 2-4 months facial expressions of fear,anger, disgust, and sadness are distinguishable from distress/pain

Fear: fear of strangers around 6-7mos

Seperation Anxiety: increases from 8mos to 13-15mos then declines

What are the Primary negative emotions?

Anger: as early as 3-4mos

Sadness: early as 2-3mos

when do secondary emotions emerge?

around 2-3 years

What are five examples of emotional regulation

Situation selection: approach or avoid an emotional event

Situation modification: change event

Attention deployment: think about something else

Cognitive change: shift how you think about it

Response modulation: engage in behaviours ie count to ten

Emotion v. Temperament

Emotion changes from minute to minute, temperament is more enduring

Temperament emerges early in life and is moderately stable across time

Measuring Temperament

1. Parents or other adults periodically report

2. Laboratory observations

3. Physiological measures

What were the temperament categories in Thomas and Chess's study

Easy Babies (40%)

Difficult babies (10%)

Slow to warm up babies (17%)

the rest didn't fit int these categories