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21 Cards in this Set

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Explain Radical Behaviorism
B.F. Skinner's proposition that behavior is due to a history of reinforcers and conditioning. (1930s)
Name the gradual formation of association between a conditioned and an unconditioned stimulus.
Stimulus generalization
respond to things not identical to CS to get the CR
Stimulus discrimination
if a similar stimuli always produces no response the animal will learn to distinguish between them
second order conditioning
when other stimulus is associated to the US and the CS is associated to that FIRST stimulus
Experiment that proved classical conditioning can induce phobias
Watson's "Little Albert"
cognitive model of classical conditioning (1972)
Rescorla-Wagner Model; states strength of CS-US association depends on extent that the CS is unexpected
law of effect
Thorndike's theory of learning; established with puzzle box; states that behavior will occur more if it leads to "satisfying state" and less if it leads to "annoying state"
something that makes a behavior happen (because it is reinforced)
SKINNER'S take on the law of effect
How does shaping reinforce behavior?
it gradually reinforces increasingly similar things until you get the desired behavior
(kids learning to write)
secondary vs. primary reinforcers...difference?
primary - reinforcers that satisfy biological needs (food, sex, water)
secondary - not bio and established through classical conditioning
What did Premack discover about reinforcers?
some reinforcers are stronger than others. more valued activity can be used to reinforce performance of a less valued one
What is the partial-reinforcement extinction effect?
when a behavior takes longer to become extinct because the subject has to do the behavior more times and never knows when it will happen or not happen (doesn't attribute that much to it not happening)
latent learning
learning w/o reinforcement
unit of knowledge transferred within a culture (generation to generation...monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes)
What study was the Bobo study and what did it demonstrate?
The Bandura Observational Studies, proved that one can learn from observation
imitating behavior through observational learning
vicarious learning
people learn about consequences to behaviors by observing
What neurotransmitter is crucial for reinforcement?
Dopamine, gets released when good things happen, teaches you to do those good things to get it released more.
Hebb's quote "cells that fire together wire together" demonstrates what concept
Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) - biological basis of learning
Difference between Habituation and Generalization?
Habituation is the reducing of behavior due to long exposure
Generalization is the inclusion of stimuli similar to a CS in the CR