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12 Cards in this Set

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Who thought of Cognitive Dissonance?
Leon Festinger
Elaboration Likelihood model is a model of what?
how persuasive messages can lead to attitude change
central vs. peripheral
Define the Just World Hypothesis
we make attributions to make the world seem fair and safe
Define the Fundamental Attribution Error
tendency to overemphasize personal factors and not consider situational factors for behavior
(often positive events)
Actor/Observer Discrepancy is...
overestimating situational factors and not seeing personal factors as cause of behavior
(often negative events)
Payne's experiment on stereotypes involved what?
the identification of weapons or tools after a quick flash of white or black face (tools mistaken for weapons and weapons seen faster with black faces)
What will always create enemies and what study showed this?
Competition and isolation

Sherif's summer camp study
What can bridge bias?
common superordinate goals
What factors influence conformity?
group size and unanimity
What is altruism?
providing help when needed w/o apparent reward
The Genovese Murder brought what subject into scrutiny?
Bystander Apathy
Humans form relationships based on what factors?
proximity, similarity, familiarity, and personal characteristics