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41 Cards in this Set

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3 characteristics of the therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy
1. working alliance
2. agreement about goals and tasks
3. effective bond
factors shown to predict improvement in psychotherapy
1. motivation to change
2. expectation of reciving help
3. protected setting
4. good match between client and therapist
how well a therapy does in a controlled clinical trial
how well a therapy does in the real world of practice
findings about efficacy of medication for abnormal behavior
medication has reduced how chronic and severe many disorders may be

side effects, comlex, drugs themselves generally dont cure
findings about efficacy of psychotherapy for treating abnormal behavior
may producing more long lasting benefits than medication
what makes psychodynamic therapy unique compared to behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapy
focuses on individual personality dynamics

intensive, long term procedure for undercovering repressed memories, thoughts, fears, and conflicts stemming from problems in early psychosexual development
free association
1. on a couch facing away from analyst
2. say whatever comes to mind, thoughts flow
analysis of dreams
1. underlying meaning
2. latent content
analysis of resistance
1. not showing up or coming late
2. resistance of topics
analysis of transference
unconscious placement of attitudes/feelings onto therapist belonging to other family members
4 main components of beavhioral therapy
1. a direct and active treatment to change a specific behavior
2. recognizes the primacy of behavior
3. acknowledges the role of learning
4. includes thorough assessment and evaluation
5 most common types of interventions
1. exposure therapy
2. aversion therapy - extinguish by associating neg. stimuli
3. modeling
4. reinforcement
5. token economies
what is the basic way that CBT work to change abnormal behavior
1. modifying self statemnts and construal of events
2. based conviction that cognitive processes influence emotion, motivation and behavior
3. use of cognitive and behavior-change techniques in pragmatic manner
attempts to change a client's maladaptive thought processes
Stress-Inoculation therapy
altering self-statements an individual makes in stressful situations
depression resluts from clients' illogical thinking about themselves and the world around them
how humanistic/existential therapies work to change abnormal behavior
1. we have freedom and responsibility to control our own behavior
2. focus on clients awareness
client-centered therapy
power of the organism to heal itself

helps clients accept themselves
existential therapy
bringing meaning to life

emphasizes importance of the human situation
unity of mind and body
Traditional Behavioral Couple Therapy (TBCT)
assessing and modifying the contribution each individual makes to specific problematic aspects of the relationship

reinforcement, modeling, and behavioral rehearsal
Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT)
focuses on acceptance integrated with change strategies
Effect of psychotherapy on minortiy populations in general
minorties are underrepresented in treatment research studies, underserved by the mental health system, and often have very different backgrounds than their therapists
effect of psychotherapy on african americans
better rapport with african american therapists than white therapists
effect of psychotherapy on latinos
cultural barrier - importance of religion, socioeconomic level, and language difference.

CBT may be more acceptable to latinos
2 classes of antipsychotic medications
1. atypical - lower risk of side effects, treat + and - symptoms
2. conventional - tartive dyskinesia side effect
how do SSRIs work
selectively inhibit re-uptake of serotonin following its release into the synapse
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
inhibt activity of MO enzyme in the synaptic cleft that helps break down neurotransmitters
tricyclic antidepressants
inhibits re-uptake of nor-epi and serotonin once they have been released into the synapse
used to treat anxiety

enhance GABA activity in limbic system
used to treat anxiety

acts on serotonergic functioning
used to treat mania and some depression
used to treat bi-polar disorder
how does electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) work to treat depression and other disorders?
affects every neurotransmitter system.

downregulates receptors for norepi
To be committed, an individual must be judged to be:
1. dangerous to themselves or to others
2. incapable of providing for their basic physical needs
3. unable to make responsible decisions about hospitalization
4. in need of treatment or care in a hospital
McNaughten Rule
"knowing right from wrong"

defect of reason that they did not know the nature and quality of the act they were doing
Irresistible Impulse Rule
accused person has lost the ower to choose between right and wrong
The Durham rule
accused is not criminally responsible if his or her unlawful act was the product of mental disease or mental defect
American Law Institute Standard
"substantial capacity test"

inability to appreciate its criminal character
Federal Insanity Defense Reform Act
"unable to appreciate"

defense must clearly and convincingly establish the defendants insanity