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49 Cards in this Set

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Chemical agent affecting living processes is known as a
The action of drugs on the normal body is known as
The action of drugs on the CNS, mood and behaviours is known as
Biological abnormalities that results in mental illness can be derived from ______ and/or _______ abnormalities.
anatomical or neurochemical
What are fives sources of abnormalities that may interact to cause mental illness?
1. genetic
2. developmental
3. trauma/stress
4. infection
5. drugs
What are three types of monoamines implicated in mental illness?
1. dopamine
2. norepinephrine
3. serotonin
What is the main amino acid implicated in mental illness?
GABA stands for
gamma-aminobutyric acid
Mental illness can result from _____ between genetic and environmental factors.
What are the two basic ways that drugs can interfere with neurotransmission?
1. pre-synaptic mechanisms
2. post-synaptic mechanism
What are the seven presynaptic mechanisms that if affected by drugs can alter the transmission of neural messages?
1. Synthesis of transmitters
2. Axonal Transport
3. Conduction of axon potential
4. Storage of transmitters in vesicles
5. Release of synaptic transmitters
6. Modulation of transmitter release by presynaptic receptors
7. Inactivitaion of transmitter reuptake.
What are the five postsynaptic mechanism that if affected by drugs can alter the transmission of neural messages?
1. Inactivation of transmitter
2. Alteration of the number of postsynaptic mechanisms
3. Blockade of receptors
4. Activation of receptors
5. Activation of second messengers
Affect is the medical term for
emotional state or mood
Affective disorders, also know as mood disorders, are characterised by
disordered emotions
Depression is characterised by a feeling that one's emotional state is
no longer under ones control
If left untreated depression can last from ___ to ___ _____.
4 - 12 months
A diagnosis of Major Depression requires the symptoms of lowered mood and decreased interest in pleasure in all activities to be present
every day for a period of at least 2 weeks.
Mania is a dinstinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated , expansive or irritable _____.
Type 1 bipolar is characterised by
manic episodes
Type 2 bipolar is characterised by ______ and is always associated with episodes of ____ ____
major depression
HPA stands for
Disruption of the ___ system has been implicated as playing an important role in depression.
According to the monamine hypothesis of mood disorders suggests that depression is a result of a deficit in levels of released monoamine neurotransmitters ____ and _____
NE - Norepinephrine
5HT - Serotonin
The Diathesis-Stress Hypothesis suggests that the ____ _____ is the main site where genetic and environmental influences converge to cause mood disorders.
HPA axis
What are the 4 known treatment for affective disorders?
1. ECT
2. Psychotherapy
3. Antidepressants
4. Lithium
ECT stands fro
Electroconvulsive therapy
ECT disrupts _____
Although the neural mechanisms of _____ remain unknown it has been shown to be helpful in relieving symptoms for mild to moderate depression.
What are the 4 categories of antidepressants?
1. tricyclic
2. SSRI's
3. NE SRI's
4. MOA inhibitors
All antidepressants elevate the levels of ______ transmitters in the brain however they take ____ to develop.
Tricyclic compounds block the reuptake of ____ and _____
5HT and NE
SSRI's block the reuptake of ___
NE SRI's block the reuptake of
MAO inhibitors reduce the enzymatic degradation of ___ and ____
5HT and NE
Prolonged treatment of SSRI's increases _______
Receptors are protein molecules that initiate processes in the _______ cell when neurotransmitters or drugs bind to them.
____ are drugs that bind to post-synaptic receptor and initiate intra-cellular changes and prevent neurotransmitter access to receptors.
_____ are drugs that bind to post-synaptic receptors but do not initiate intracellular changes and prevent neurotransmitter access to receptors.
An agonist ______ the channel however antagonist _____ the receptor effectively ____ _____ _____ ______ _____.
prevents the channel from opening
Schizophrenia is characterised by a loss of contact with _____, and a _____ of thought , perception, mood and movement.
What are the four positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
1. delusions
2. hallucinations
3. disorganised speech
4. grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviour
What are the four negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
1. reduced expression of emotion
2. poverty of speech
3. difficulty in maintaining goal-directed behaviour
4. memory impairment
Schizophrenia is heritable and faulty genes seem to make some people .....
more vulnerable to environmental factors that cause schizophrenia
Receptors have slightly different structures depending on
where they are in the brain
The brand name for diazepam is
The diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia suggests that schizophrenia =
level of genetic predisposition + level of environmental stress
Neuroleptics sued to treat _____ such as _______ act on the ___ receptors, decrease +ve symptoms but the side effects resemble parkinsons disease.
According tot he dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, psychotic episodes are triggered specifically by the activation of ______ receptors.
According to the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia the disorder reflects diminsished activation of ____ receptors in the brain