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20 Cards in this Set

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Irresistible attacks of sleepiness that can occur without warning are symptoms of a sleep disorder called:
You are a psychology professor reviewing the outline of a student’s paper on the mechanisms of falling asleep. As you read the outline, you notice that one of the steps is incorrect. Which one is it?
go to sleep when body temperature rises
The term ____ refers to mental and emotional processes of which we are unaware but that influence our conscious thoughts and behaviors.
implicit (or nondeclarative) memory
Evening people tend to be conscientious introverts.
Meditation, hypnosis, or drug use usually produces which type of consciousness?
altered states
Why are evening people less vulnerable to fatigue?
they have mire activity in their suprachiasmatic nucleus
"Controlled process is to automatic process as ____ is to ____.
full awareness; little awareness
If George’s hypothalamus is damaged and he shows severe disruption in his circadian rhythms, what specific part of his hypothalamus is malfunctioning?
ventrolateral peroptic nucleus
REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because:
although asleep. The brain waves are virtually identical to those recorded while awake
Which of the following did Charles Czeisler find could reset the circadian rhythm of a night worker?
exposure to bright light
A mother tells her son that if he doesn’t sleep he won’t grow. The mother is:
partly correct in that growth hormones are released during non-rem sleep
Dreams from non-REM tend to be:
dull and contain repetitive thoughts
Professor Johnson views the unconscious as an active psychological process that protects us from threatening thoughts and desires. Her views are mostconsistent with:
The use of a handheld cell phone while driving has been banned by law in ____ states, as well as in the District of Columbia.
Sleep apnea refers to:
a condition whereby a person stops breathing while asleep for 10 or more seconds
The food-entrainable circadian clock may be responsible for late-night eating in obese people.
"What is the literal meaning of circadian?
about a day
Thomas nudges Nancy, who is on the couch sleeping. Nancy says, “I feel as if I wasn’t even sleeping.” Nancy, most likely, woke from ____.
stage 1
Jason, a 10-year-old, is having a nightmare. In which stage of sleep does Jason most likely experience these episodes?
What did the discovery of rapid eye movement and its association with dreaming give researchers?
a reliable method to identify and study dreaming in the laboratory