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39 Cards in this Set

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Steven has a damaged hippocampus. What is he most likely to successfully learn and remember?
how to juggle three balls
Mental reminders that are created when you form vivid mental images of information are called:
retrieval cues
“When my grandmother was alive, she used to call me Gerald, who was her cousin, and my name is not Gerald.” Grandmother was experiencing:
proactive interference
According to the text, the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon results from:
inadequate retrieval cues or interference
The best analogy of the network theory of memory organization is:
a map with city (nodes) and interconnected by roads (associations)
As information is stored in short-term memory, our nervous system uses interconnected groups of neurons called:
neural assemblies
Based upon Ebbinghaus’ research using nonsense syllables, forgetting curves show that most unfamiliar information is:
forgotten within the first hour
The only research method available to researchers studying sexual activity in adolescents is:
the survey method
How does the drug propranolol, which is commonly used to treat high blood pressure, affect memory?
the drug affects brain cells in the amugdala
In a famous case, a Russian man with a fantastic memory would remember the order of lists of numbers by mentally placing the numbers in familiar spots on Gorky Street in his hometown and then mentally walking down the street when he had to retrieve them. The Russian man’s way of remembering is closest to the:
method of loci
Damage to the hypothalamus would negatively affect memory for nondeclarative information.
According to the network theory of memory, another name for memory files is:
Wow! The lecture in psychology last week was very interesting. But you wonder how much of it you’ll remember in seven years. The research says that we forget about ____ of interesting information.
Why do memory researchers use sea slugs for research?
they only have 20,000 neurons
Does the brain have built-in categories for sorting and filing information?
yes- the brain has different area for different categories
Jorge is watching a show on television that describes how to fix car engines. He sees the host of the show using a specialized tool. Jorge thinks he knows what the tool is called. Based on the research cited in the module, what part of the brain is showing maximal neural activity as he thinks of the specialized tool?
front of the brain
If memory loss follows a blow or damage to the brain, the person is suffering from:
“If I take my psychology exam in this classroom, then I should study in this classroom.” This would be consistent with the idea of:
state dependent learning
This semester you are taking psychology; last semester you took sociology and did well. Now, sociological terms are interfering with your memory of psychological terms. This illustrates:
proactive interference
What name is best associated with repression?
Sigmund Freud
Propranolol may be a promising drug to treat people with painful traumatic memories. What accounts for the drug’s promise?
it removes the fear associated with these memories
You are reading a case study of a patient with damage to the amygdala caused by a virus. Given your knowledge of memory and the brain, you’re not surprised to find out later in the case that the memories of the individual have:
lost their emotional impact to the individual
A man memorizes a shopping list by imagining where each item would be found in his local supermarket. He is using:
the method of loci
Repression occurs when we act in a way consistent with an earlier developmental stage.
“I know all of my students’ names this semester. But I would have a hard time remembering many of the names from past semesters.” This illustrates:
retroactive interference
How would the network theory of memory explain the time that you thought of baseball, and in a few seconds you ended up thinking about toothpaste?
you were following personal associations, or mental rodes, traveling from node to node
According to research cited in Module 12, when you think of an animal, the ____ part of your brain is very active.
the back
Dr. Wilson cannot remember the name of her advisor when she was in medical school 30 years ago. She “knows” that she knows his name, and makes a great effort, but just can’t remember. Dr. Wilson is experiencing:
the tip of the tounge phenomenon
Based upon Ebbinghaus’ research using nonsense syllables, forgetting curves show that most unfamiliar information is:
forgotten within the first hour
This module opens with a study of eyewitness testimony of a filmed assailant. Out of 2,000 viewers, how many identified the wrong man in a six-man lineup?
“I am always so ‘hyper’ when I study, since I drink a lot of pop. During exams, I don’t have caffeine and I try to relax so I can concentrate.” According to state-dependent learning, this student might consider:
being in the same emotional state as studying and test taking
People can recognize faces of their own race better than faces of other races.
Culture appears to have no effect on the encoding and recall of information.
In a recent study, subjects who were given the drug propranolol were less likely to experience:
intense anxiety and fear when looking at pictures of spiders
Mary uses numerous different colors when she takes notes in her psychology class. If she has difficulty with a question on an exam, she finds it helpful to remember the color of the notes relevant to the question. For Mary, the color of the notes acts as a(n):
retrieval cues
People with damage to the hippocampus:
cannot save any decclarative memories into long term memories
Mr. Nguyen witnesses a bank robbery. During the investigation, he was asked to report everything he remembered, without holding back anything. He also was asked to describe the crime from several viewpoints. The technique used to record Mr. Nguyen’s statement is called:
cognitive interview
Your cousin’s amygdala was seriously damaged in a car accident. Which of the following is most likely to happen with her memory?
she will still have memories, but they will not have an emotional component
In order to study memory and forgetting, Hermann Ebbinghaus utilized:
three letter nonsense syllables