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26 Cards in this Set

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Neonate a

The term used for new bbrorns

Braxton-hicks conditions

False labor

First stage of labor

The longest stage of labor . The uterus contracts to open the cervix so it's wide enough for the baby's head to pass through

Second stage of labor

Starts when the baby's head begins to move through the cervix. Lasts around 90 minutes and ends when the baby has completely left the mothers body

Third stage of labor

When the child's umbilical cord and placenta are expelled . The quickest stage


An incision sometimes mad to increase the size of the opening of the vagina to allow the baby to pass

Apgar scale

A standard measurement system that looks for a variety of indications of good health in new borns


A restriction of oxygen to the baby lasting a few minutes during the birth process, that can produce brain damage


Close physical and emotional contact between parent and child during the period immediately following birth, argued by some to affect later relationship strength

Alternative birthing procedures

Lamaze- breathing techniques

Bradley method- husband coached

Hypnobirthing - self-hypnosis

Water birth- birthing in warm water pool

Epidural anesthesia

Produces numbness from the waist down

Walking epidural

Continues drug administration permits movement and fewer side effects

Preterm infants

Infants who are born prior to 38 weeks after conception ( also known as premature infants)

Low-birthweight infants

Infants who weigh less than 2,500 grams ( around 5 1/2 pounds) at birth

Small-for-gestation-age infants

Infants who, because of delayed fetal growth, weigh 90% or less of the average weight of infants of the same gestational age

Very-low-birthweight infants

Infants who weigh less than 1,250 grams (2.25 pounds) or, regardless of weight, have been in the womb less than 30 weeks

Postmature infants

Infants still unborn 2 weeks after the mothers due date

Cesarean delivery

A birth in which the baby is surgically removed from the uterus, rather than traveling through the birth canal

Fetal monitor

A device that measures the baby's heartbeat during labor


The delivery of a child who is not alive, occurring in 1 delivery in 115 in th US

Infant mortality

Death within the first year of life


Unlearned, involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of certain stimuli

Classic conditioning

A type of learning in which an organism responds in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about that type of response

Operant conditioning

A form of learning in which voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its association with positive or negative consequences


The decrease in the response to a stimulus that occurs after repeated presentation of the same stimulus

States of arousal

Different degrees of sleep and wakefulness through which newborns cycle, ranging from deep sleep to great agitation