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30 Cards in this Set

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What is behavioral estrus?
The period of reproductive cycle when a female will mate.
Do humans, in particular females, display behavioral estrus?
No. Humans, to be exact, females, have what is often referred to as concealed ovulation, meaning that not only is it not visible, but the female herself is NOT usually aware of exactly when she ovulates.
How is vaginal cytology done on humans? Using what to get the sample?
PAP smear. page 278 in textbook.
Mechanisms behind menses cycle.(brief)
Egg not fertilized>> corpus luteum breaks>> progesterone drops>> menses cycle.
Which hormone is an important component in INITIATING sexual behavior in female rats?
What is the correlation between levels of progesterone and sexual behavior in females?
Negative correlation. As progesterone levels in females increases, the body "think" it's pregnant, sexual behavior decreases.
____________ of females is needed for almost all species to be involved in sexual behavior.
(fill in the blank) Lordosis.
To what extent (in percentage) does estrogen stimulate reproductive behavior in all animals?
Only 60%. 40% did not respond to estrogen alone.
What are the 3 components of female sexual behavior?
1. Attractivity
2. Proceptivity
3. Receptivity.

page 289 in textbook.
Hormone which mediates 3 components of female sexual behavior(attractivity, proceptivity, receptivity)
Female reproductive cycles have been categorized into 3 basic types. Which type is humans and other primates classified under?
Type 1 cycles. In type 1 cycles, ovulation and pseudopregnancy are spontaneous.
What hormone is responsible for the body to act and react like it is pregnant. In this case, which is known as pseudopregnancy.
progesterone. (in high levels)
What is the basis for Bruce effect?
the ability of strange male to interrupt pregnancy and cause a return to estrus.
Lee-Boot effect
the interruption of regular estrous cycles in mice by prolonged diestrous periods when females are housed in groups.
Whitten effect
involves two different effects of conspecific females on one another: estrus induction and synchronization, and suppression of estrus.
Vandenbergh effect
the retardation of first estrus in female mice housed in the presence of adult females and the acceleration of first estrus in female mice housed with adult males.
What is the influence of ovariectomy on luteinizing hormone (LH)?
Ovariectomy is the removal of ovaries. So, when there is no negative feedback, then the LH will surge.
What will estrogen do to LH levels in the females?
When females are given estrogen, the LH levels will decrease/come back down.
Humans use estrogen OR estradiol?
What is the MAIN hormone responsible for female sexual behavior?
This hormone concentration was found to be correlared with sexual desire and anticipation of sexual acrivity(Rhesus monkey).
Can testosterone be turned into estrogen? By what?
Definitely! By aromatase.
What is the most effective treatment for restoring sexual desire in post menopausal women?
No lordosis = no reproduction? True or false.
Lesions to the _______________ REDUCED lordosis behavior.
Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN).
Brain region in females in pain relief during sex.
Midbrain central gray.
Combination of which 2 hormones will reinstate estrus behavior in females?
Estrogen and progesterone.
State the relationship between norepinephrine and lordosis in rats.
Blocking norepinephrine will block lordosis behavior.
Better BONDING between rat partners are due to high levels of which hormone?
What does GABA do to the body?
GABA is a neurotransmitter that blocks impulses between nerve cells in the brain. Basically, it acts as a depressant.
______________(hormone) promotes estrogen and progesterone receptor formation in the VMN, stimulating RNA transcription, protein synthesis, electrophysiological changes in neurons, and delivery of peptides to the midbrain central gray region.