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Search for more tutorials here - http://entire-courses.com/PSY-320-Week-2-DQs

This file of PSY 320 Week 2 Discussion Questions consists of: DQ 1: What are some of the characteristics of work itself that can be inherently motivating (e.g., variety, challenge, decision-making authority, pride in ownership, sense of progress, closure, and/or customer interface)? DQ 2: Describe some intrinsic and extrinsic motivators offered at your job. DQ 3: Why do extrinsic motivators tend to lose their motivating properties in the long-term? DQ 4: Which intrinsic motivators do you value the most and why?

Search for more tutorials here - http://entire-courses.com/PSY-320-Week-2-DQs

Psychology - General Psychology PSY 320 Entire Course PSY/320 Entire Course PSY-320 Entire Course

Search for more tutorials here - http://entire-courses.com/PSY-320-Week-2-DQs

Remember that you can always transfer. Sometimes college students feel stuck, and don't like the school they have chosen. The good news is that you can always look elsewhere and go to a different school if you want to do so. There is no shame in doing that, and you may be happier elsewhere.