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25 Cards in this Set

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Classical conditioning (Pavlov)
■ dogs salivate before given food
■ conditioned stimulus begins to create conditioned response
■ extinction happens rather quickly
Watson and Rayner (Little Albert)
■ conditioned to fear rats
■ generalized to all white fuzzy things
Cover Jones (Little Peter)
■ afraid of rabbits
■ brought cage closer and closer while eating until he could touch it
Systematic desensitization - Wolpe
■ clinical application of classical conditioning
■ rank fear of things associated with fear
■ reduce anxiety and hierarchically introduce fears
Operant conditioning (Skinner)
■ cats in puzzle box
■ behaviors with good response will be repeated
■ learning improves with practice
■ focus on voluntary behavior
■ positive - something added
■ negative - something taken away
■ sharp increase in response when first extinct
● intermittent lasts longer than continuous
Social Learning Theory (Bandura)
■ related to operant conditioning but things happen inside and out
■ BOBO doll experiment, operational learning
REBT (Ellis) and Cognitive Therapy (Beck)
■ focus on “mediating cognitive factors”
History of cognitive-behavioral therapy
○ classical conditioning (Pavlov)
○ Watson and Rayner (little albert)
○ cover jones (little peter)
○ systematic desensitization (Wolpe)
○ operant conditioning (skinner)
○ social learning theory (bandura)
○ REBT (Ellis) and Cognitive Therapy (Beck)
Hollon et al. (2005)'s findings when comparing CBT and continued antidepressants for depression
Found that CBT and medication have similar immediate effects but CBT has better long-lasting effects.
Rational emotive behavior therapy
■ change behavior by changing how you think about it
■ behavior determined by interpretations of events
■ confront illogical thinking and find alternatives
Cognitive therapy
■ most effective treatment for depression
● also used for eating disorder, anxiety dx, personality dx
■ modify thinking that characterizes the problem
■ examine reality of thoughts, reattribute to appropriate source
What is the best form of therapy for depression?
Cognitive therapy
Effectiveness of CBT
○ better than no treatment
○ enduring effect beyond treatment, as effective as keeping patient on meds
General cognitive model
Situation --> Automatic thoughts (negative, assumed to be true) --> Reaction
Which form of therapy is seen as the most efficacious of all psych interventions?
Seeks to modify patterns of thinking that are believe to contribute to a patient’s problem
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Practicing deficit skills through role-playing
● assertiveness training (inhibits anxiety)
● social skills training
● problem-solving therapy
Behavioral rehearsal
■ administer aversive stimulus to inhibit unwanted behavior
■ obesity, smoking, alcoholism, sexual deviation
■ agents, covert sensitization, response cost, overcorrection
■ usually last resort
Aversion therapy
■ first used in institutional setting
■ desirable behavior and absence of undesirable behavior rewarded
■ kids, mental retardation
■ reward occurs immediately
Token economy
For maximum benefit what should exposure therapy do?
● long duration
● repeated until gone
● hierarchical
● must interact with stimulus
● must provoke anxiety
Exposed to feared stimuli (real or imaginary)
Exposure therapy (flooding)
Best treatment for phobias, panic disorder, social phobia, PTSD, OCD
Exposure therapy (flooding)
■ patient has ability to respond correctly but has anxiety instead - goal to reduce this anxiety
■ teach to relax then gradually introduce fear stimuli (anxiety hierarchy)
■ animal phobias, public speaking, social anxiety
Systematic desensitization
Basic characteristics of behavioral therapy
■ maladaptive behavior best understood by learned behavior
■ scientific emphasis/de-emphasis of inferred variable
■ focuses on present - what currently maintains problem
■ treatment driven by functional analysis
■ treatment active, directive, collaborative
Role of the therapist in CBT
Role is to be empathetic understanding, unconditional positive regard, genuineness
DOES NOT involve reassurance or interpretation