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19 Cards in this Set

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a hostile or negative attitude toward a group of people based soley on their membership in that group
prejudice + affective
acting hostile
prejudice + cognitive
-stereotype=generalization about a group of people
-cognitive misers=take shortcuts and adapt certain rules of thumb to understand other people
prejudice + gender
men successful=ability
women successful=luck

hostile sexism items ("women seek to gain power by getting control over men")
benevolent sexism items ("women should be cherished and protected by men")
prejudice + behavioral
discrimination: unjustified negative/harmful action toward memebers of a group; giving 1 group the benefits and denying other
Devine's 2 step model of cognitive processing
automatic processing:occurs when [member of stereotypical group]is encountered causing stereotypes to be assessed from memory (occur w/out awareness)
-->controlled processing: choose to disregard or ignore stereotype info. that has been brought to mind (occurs with awareness)
illusory correlation
tendency to see relationships between events that are actually unrelated
-most likely when people are distinctive or conspicuous
-newly processed info will be guided by illsory correlation, seeing what expect to see
changing stereotypes
-2 or 3 powerful evidence doesnt work, dismissed as 'exceptions'
-need many examples taht are inconsistent w/ belief for them to modify
ultimate attribution error
tendency to make dispostional (based on personality not situation) attributions about an entire group of ppl
stereotype threat
apprehension experienced by members of a minority group that their behavior might confirm a cultural stereotype -> interferes with their ability to perform well
blaming the victim
tendency to blame individuals for their victimization, typically motivated by desire to see world as fair place
realistic conflict theory
limited resources lead to conflict among groups and result in prejudice and discrimination
scapegoat theory
tendency, when frustrated or unhappy, to displace aggression onto groups taht are disliked, visible, or powerless
institutionalized racism (/sexism)
racist (sexist) attitudes caused by living in society where stereotypes and discriminations are the norm
normative conformity
tendency to go along with group in order to fulfill the group's expectations and gain acceptance
modern prejudice
outwardly acting unprejudiced while inwardly having prejudice attitudes
hostile vs. benevolent sexism
hostile= women are inferior to men (less intelligent, etc)
benevolent=idealize women romantically, but are weaker and need protection
contact hypothesis
can reduce prejudice thru:
-mutual interdependence
-common goal
-equal status
-friendly, informal setting
-multiple membres
-social norms of equity
jigsaw classroom
children places in small groups and dependent on each other to learn material and do well in class
-reduces prejudice
-raises self-esteem
-increases empathy