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34 Cards in this Set

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Sensory receptors are biological ___________________, or devices for converting one type of energy to another.
The minimum amount of stimulation necessary for a sensation to occur defines the ___________________ ______________________.
absolute threshold
Subliminal stimuli have been shown to have an effect on the behavior of viewers. T or F?
Lettvin found that a frog’s eyes are especially sensitive to phos-phenes. T or F?
Important features of the environment are transmitted to the brain through a process known as

* phosphenation
* coding
* detection
* programming
6. Is a doorbell a transducer?
In a broad sense, it is. The button converts mechanical energy from your finger into an electrical signal that is converted again into mechanical energy in order to strike a bell; the physical vibrations of the bell then produce sound waves that are transduced into nerve impulses by the ears of the person in the house.
7. If the human ear were more sensitive than it is now, our hearing would be impaired. How could this be true?
Under ideal conditions, vibrations of the eardrum as small as one billionth of a centimeter (one tenth the diameter of a hydrogen atom) can be heard. Therefore, if your ears were more sensitive, they would convert the random movement of air molecules into a constant roaring or hissing noise
8. When promoters of self-help “subliminal tapes” are challenged to provide evidence that their products work, what study do you think they most often cite?
Good guess! That’s right, it’s still the faked “Eat popcorn/drink Coca-Cola” study (Pratkanis, 1992).
The __________________ ___________________ is made up of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers.
visible spectrum
Hyperopia is related to

* farsightedness
* having an elongated eye
* corneal astigmatism
* lack of cones in the fovea
Hubel and Wiesel found that cells in the visual cortex of the brain function as ________________________ ______________________.
feature detectors
In dim light, vision depends mainly on the ____________________.
In brighter light, color and fine detail are produced by the ____________________.
rods, cones
The fovea has the greatest visual acuity due to the large concentration of rods found there. T or F?
The term “20/20 vision” means that a person can see at 20 feet what can normally be seen from 20 feet. T or F?
For the cones, the most visible color is a. reddish orange b. blue-green c. yellow-orange d. yellowish green
The eyes become more sensitive to light at night because of a process known as ________________________ _________________________.
dark adaptation
The frequency of a sound wave corresponds to how loud it is. T or F?
# Which of the following is not a part of the cochlea?



c.tympanic membrane

d.all of the above
Which of the following is not important for the transduction of sound?

a. pinna

b. ossicles

c. phosphenes

d. oval window

e. hair cells
According to the place theory of hearing, higher tones register most strongly near the base of the cochlea. T or F?
Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the auditory ossicles are damaged. T or F?
Daily exposure to sounds with a loudness of _______ decibels may cause permanent hearing loss.
Cochlear implants have been used primarily to overcome

a. conductive hearing loss

b. hunter’s notch

c. sensorineural hearing loss

d. tinnitus
Olfaction appears to be at least partially explained by the _____________ _____________ _____________ theory of molecule shapes and receptor sites.
lock and key
From the standpoint of survival, we are fortunate that we are least sensitive to bitter tastes. T or F?
Which of the following is a somesthetic sense?

a. gestation

b. olfaction

c. rarefaction

d. kinesthesis
Pain that originates in the internal organs is sometimes felt on the surface of the body as “referred pain.” T or F?
Warning pain is carried by ______________ nerve fibers.
An ability to sense the inertia of objects as we move them through space is the basis for __________________________ .
dynamic touch
Head movements are detected primarily in the semicircular canals, gravity by the otolith organs. T or F?
Sensory conflict theory appears to explain space sickness, but it does not seem to apply to other types of motion sickness. T or F?
Sensory adaptation refers to an increase in sensory response that accompanies a constant or unchanging stimulus. T or F?
The brain-centered ability to influence what sensations we will receive is called

a. sensory gating

b. central adaptation

c. selective attention

d. sensory biasing
The painkilling effects of acupuncture appear to result from __________________ and the release of beta-endorphin.
sensory gating