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23 Cards in this Set

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Define neuron.

Nerve cell.

Define dendrite.

The bushy 'fingers' that receive messages (energy) & conduct impulses toward the cell body.

Define axon.

The sending arm, the neuron extension that passes messages through its branches to other neurons, glands or muscles.

Define myelin.

A fatty substance that acts as an insulator.

Define myelin sheath.

A segmented fatty lamination composed of myelin that wraps the axons of many nerves in the body.

Define myelinization.

The production of myelin around the axon; also called myelination.

Define action potential.

A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon. (If enough energy gets to your neurons, it gets sent to the next neuron.)

Define threshold.

The point @ which the action potential is decided - whether to follow-through or not; yes or no point.

Define synapses.

The junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron & the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron.

Define synaptic gap.

The tiny gap @ the junction betweeen the axon tip of the sending neuron & the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron.

Dendrites listen...

...Axons speak.

Define neurotransmiter.

Stored in synapses & make you feel good; brain chemicals.

Define endorphins.

Our bodies respond to pain & vigorous exercise with neurotransmitters that are made in the brain; natural opiates, endogenous (produced within) morphine.

Define nervous system.

Electrochemical network consisting of all the nerve cells of the peripheral & nervous systems.

All cognitions involve...

...both sides of the brain.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

Magnetic fields & radio waves to show brain activity.

Define glial cells.

Protectors of the neuro system; may also play a role in learning & thinking.

Define dopamine.

Feel good - a neurotransmitter - influences movement, learning, attention & emotion.

Define serotonin.

Affects mood, hunger, sleep & arousal - a neurotransmitter.

Define norepinephrine.

Helps control alertness & arousal.

Define intuition.

An effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought, as contrasted with explicit, conscious reasoning.

Hormones are...

...chemicals from endocrine system/glands.

To lesion means...

...to cut.