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34 Cards in this Set

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activation-synthesis hypothesis
The idea that dreams represent the brain's attempt to make sense of the random patterns of neural activity generated during sleep.
alpha waves
The pattern of brain activity observed in someone who is in a relaxed state.
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A psychological disorder marked by difficulties in concentrating or in sustaining attention for extended periods; can be associated with hyperactivity.
Fast and effortless processing that requires little or no focused attention.
biological clocks
Brain structures that schedule rhythmic variations in bodily functions by triggering them at the appropriate times.
circadian rhythms
Biological activities that rise and fall in accordance with a 24-hour cycle.
cocktail party effect
The ability to focus on one auditory message and ignore others; also refers to the tendency to notice when your name suddenly appears in a message that you've been actively ignoring.
The subjective awareness of internal and external events.
delta activity
The pattern of brain activity observed in stage 3 and stage 4 sleep; it's characterized by synchronized slow waves. Also called slow-wave sleep.
A class of drugs that slows or depresses the ongoing activity of the central nervous system.
dichotic listening
Different auditory messages are presented separately and simultaneously to each ear. The subject's task is to repeat aloud one message while ignoring the other.
drug dependency
A condition in which one experiences a physical or a psychological need for continued use of a drug.
A class of drugs that tends to disrupt normal mental and emotional functioning, including distorting perception and altering reality.
A chronic condition marked by excessive sleepiness.
A form of social interaction that produces a heightened state of suggestibility in a willing participant.
hypnotic dissociation
A hypnotically induced splitting of consciousness during which multiple forms of awareness already exist.
hypnotic hypermnesia
The supposed enhancement in memory that occurs under hypnosis; there is little if any evidence to support the existence of this effect.
A chronic condition marked by difficulties in initiating or maintaining sleep, lasting for a period of at least one month.
latent content
According to Freud, the true psychological meaning of dream symbols.
manifest content
According to Freud, the actual symbols and events experienced in a dream.
A technique for self-induced manipulation of awareness, often used for the purpose of relaxation and self-reflection.
A rare sleep disorder characterized by sudden extreme sleepiness.
night terrors
Terrifying experiences, which occur mainly in children, in which the sleeper awakens suddenly in an extreme state of panic.
Frightening and anxiety-arousing dreams that occur primarily during the REM stage of sleep.
A class of drugs that reduces anxiety, lowers sensitivity to pain, and elevates mood; opiates often act to depress nervous system activity.
psychoactive drugs
Drugs that affect behavior and mental processes through alterations of conscious awareness.
A stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements and low-amplitude, irregular EEG patterns resembling those found in the waking brain. REM is typically associated with dreaming.
REM rebound
The tendency to increase time spent in REM sleep after REM deprivation.
The sleeper arises during sleep and wanders about.
A class of drugs that increases central nervous system activity, enhancing neural transmission.
theta waves
The pattern of brain activity observed in stage 1 sleep.
An adaptation made by the body to compensate for the continued use of a drug, such that increasing amounts of the drug are needed to produce the same physical and behavioral effects.
visual neglect
A complex disorder of attention characterized by a tendency to ignore things that appear on one side of the body (usually the left side).
Physical reactions, such as sweating, vomiting, changes in heart rate, or tremors, that occur when a person stops taking certain drugs after continued use.