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59 Cards in this Set

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a neurotransmitter that plays multiple roles in the central and peripheral nervous systems, including the excitation of muscle contractions
action potential
the all-or-none electrical signal that travels down a neuron's axon
a trait that has been selected for by nature because it increases the reproductive fitness of the organism
autonomic system
the collection of nerves that controls the more automatic needs of the body (such as heart rate, digestion, blood pressure); part of the peripheral nervous system
the long tail-like part of a neuron that serves as the cell's transmitter
central nervous system
the brain and the spinal cord
a hindbrain structure at the base of the brain that is involved in the coordination of complex motor skills
cerebral cortex
the outer layer of the brain, considered to be the seat of higher mental processes
computerized tomography scan (CT scan)
the use of highly focused beams of X-rays to construct detailed anatomical maps of the living brain
corpus callosum
the collection of nerve fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres and allows information to pass from one side to the other
the fibers that extend outward from a neuron and receive information from other neurons
a neurotransmitter that often leads to inhibitory effects; decreased levels have been linked to Parkinson disease, and increased levels have been linked to schizophrenia
electroencephalograph (EEG)
a device used to monitor the gross electrical activity of the brain
endocrine system
a network of glands that uses the bloodstream, rather than neurons, to send chemical messages that regulate growth and other internal functions
morphine-like chemicals that act as the brain's natural painkillers
family studies
the similarities and differences among biological (blood) relatives are studies to help discover the role heredity plays in physical or psychological traits
the outer portion of the brain, including the cerebral cortex and the structures of the limbic system
frontal lobe
one of four anatomical regions of each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, located on the top front of the brain; it contains the motor cortex and may be involved in higher-level thought processes
gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)
a neurotransmitter that may play a role in the regulation of anxiety; it generally produces inhibitory effects
segments of chromosomes that contain instructions for influencing and creating particular hereditary characteristics
the actual genetic information inherited from one's parents
glial cells
cells that fill in space between neurons, remove waste, or help neurons to communicate efficiently
a primitive part of the brain that sits at the juncture point where the brain and spinal cord merge; structures in the hindbrain, including the medulla, pons, and reticular formation, act as the basic life support system for the body
chemicals released into the blood by the various endocrine glands to help control a variety of internal regulatory functions
a forebrain structure thought to play a role in the regulation of various motivational activities, including eating, drinking, and sexual behavior
cells that transfer information from one neuron to another; interneurons make no direct contact with the outside world
limbic system
a system of structures thought to be involved in motivational and emotional behaviors (the amygdala) and memory (the hippocampus)
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
a device that uses magnetic fields and radiowave pulses to construct detailed, three-dimensional images of the brain; function MRIs can be used to map changes in blood oxygen use as a function of task activity
the middle portion of the brain, containing such structures as the tectum, superior colliculus, and inferior colliculus; midbrain structures serve as neural relay stations and may help coordinate reactions to sensory events
motor neurons
cells that carry information away from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands that directly produce behavior
a spontaneous change in the genetic material that occurs during the gene replication process
myelin sheath
an insulating material that protects the axon and helps to speed up neural transmission
bundles of axons that make up neural "transmission cables"
the cells in the nervous system that receive and transmit information
an interdisciplinary field of study directed at understanding the brain and its relation to behavior
chemical messengers that relay information from one neuron to the next
occipital lobe
one of the four anatomical regions of each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, located at the back of the brain; visual processing is controlled here
peripheral nervous system
the network of nerves that links the central nervous system with the rest of the body
a person's observable characteristics, such as red hair; the phenotype is controlled mainly by the genotype, but it can also be influenced by the environment
pituitary gland
a kind of master gland in the body that controls the release of hormones in response to signals from the hypothalamus
positron emission tomography (PET)
a method for measuring how radioactive substances are absorbed in the brain; it can be used to detect how specific tasks activate different areas of the living brain
largely automatic body reactions, such as the knee jerk, that are controlled primarily by spinal cord pathways
refractory period
the period of time following an action potential when more action potentials cannot be generated
resting potential
the tiny electrical charge in place between the inside and the outside of the resting neuron
sensory neurons
cells that carry environmental messages toward the spinal cord and brain; make the initial contact with the environment
a neurotransmitter that has been linked to sleep, dreaming, and general arousal and may also be involved in some psychological disorders such as depression and schizophrenia
the cell body of a neuron
somatic system
the collection of nerves that transmits information toward the brain and connects to the skeletal muscles to initiate movement; part of the peripheral nervous system
the small gap between the terminal buttons of a neuron and the dendrite or cell body of another neuron
temporal lobe
one of four anatomical regions of each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, located roughly on the sides of the brain; it's involved in certain aspects of speech and language perception
terminal buttons
the tiny swellings at the end of the axon that contain chemicals important to neural tranmission
a relay station in the forebrain thought to be an important gathering point for input from the senses
twin studies
identical twins, who share genetic material, are compared to fraternal twins in an effort to determine the roles heredity and environment play in psychological traits
inhibitory message
causes potassium ions to flow out of the neuron or chloride ions to flow into the neuron
natural chemicals, such as endorphins, that increase or decrease the activity of specific neurotransmitters
sympathetic nervous system
responsible for up- and down-regulating many homeostatic mechanisms in living organisms
medulla and the pons
medulla controls autonomic functions and connects the higher levels of the brain to the spinal cord (vomiting, coughing, sneezing, swallowing); pons is a bridge between the cerebral cortex and the medulla (communication and coordination center between the two hemispheres of the brain)
control of motivational and emotional behaviors
left hemisphere
controls language and communication