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61 Cards in this Set

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Abnormal Psychology
the scientific study of mental disorders and their treatment
the current version of the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic and classification guidelines for mental disorders
Personality disorder
a disorder characterized by inflexible, long standing personality traits that lead to behavior that impairs social functioning and deviates from cultural norms
Bio-Psycho-social Approach
explaining abnormality as the result of the interaction among biological, psychological (behavioral and cognitive) and social or cultural factors
Anxiety Disorders
disorders in which excessive anxiety leads to personal distress and atypical, maladaptive, and irrational behavior
Specific Phobia
an anxiety disorder indicated by a marked and persistent fear of specific objects or situations that is excessive and unreasonable
Social Phobia
an anxiety disorder indicated by a marked and persistent fear of one of more social performance situations in which there is exposure to unfamiliar people or scrutiny by others
an anxiety disorder indicated by a marked and persistent fear of being in places or situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing
Panic Disorder
an anxiety disorder in which a person experiences recurrent panic attacks
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
an anxiety disorder in which a person has excessive, global anxiety that she cannot control for a period of at least 6 months
Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder
an anxiety disorder in which the person experiences recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are perceived by the person as excessive or unreasonable, but cause significant distress and disruption in the person's daily life
a persistent intrusive thought, idea, impulse, or image that causes anxiety
a repetitive and rigid behavior that a person feels compelled to perform in order to reduce anxiety
Mood Disorders
disorders that involve dramatic changes in a person's emotional mood that are excessive and unwarranted
Major Depressive Disorder
a mood disorder in which the person has experienced one or more major depressive episodes
Major Depressive Episode
an episode characterized by symptoms such as feelings of intense hopelessness, low self-esteem and worthlessness, and extreme fatigue, dramatic changes in eating and sleeping behavior, inability to concentrate, and greatly diminished interest in family, friends, and activities for a period of 2 weeks or more
Manic Episode
an episode characterized by abnormally elevated mood in which the person experiences symptoms such as inflated self-esteem with grandiose delusions, a decreased need for sleep, constant talking, distractibility, restlessness, and poor judgement for a period of at least a week
Bipolar Disorder
a mood disorder in which recurrent cycles of depressive and manic episodes occur
Psychotic Disorder
a disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality
a false sensory perception
a false belief
a psychotic disorder in which at least two of the following symptoms are present most of the time during a 1month period:

hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, or negative symptoms such as a loss of emotions
Five Subtypes of Schizophrenic Disorder
disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, or inappropriate emotion
Extreme movement symptoms ranging from excessive motor activity to posturing (immobility for long periods of time)
Organized cognition and emotions, but with hallucinations and delusions that are usually concerned with persecution
Mixed-bag category- symptoms fit the criteria of more than one of the above three types or none of them
There has been a past schizophrenic episode, but presently only some negative symptoms and no positive symptoms (hallucinations and delusions)
Vulnerability- Stress Model
a bio-psycho-social explanation of schizophrenia which proposes that genetic, prenatal, and postnatal biological factors render a person vulnerable to schizophrenia, but environmental stress determines whether it develops or not
Clinical Psychologist
doctoral degree in clinical psychology; provides therapy for people with mental disorders
Counseling Psychologist
Doctoral degree in psychological or educational counseling; counsels people with milder problems such as academic, job, and relationship problems
Medical degree with residency in mental health; provides therapy for people with mental disorders and is the only type of therapist who can prescribe drugs or other bio-medical treatment
any of the above types of credential, but with training in psychoanalysis from a psychoanalytic institute; provides psychoanalytic therapy for psychological disorders
Clinical Social Worker
Master's or doctoral degree in social work with specialized training in counseling; provides help with social problems, such as family problems
Biomedical Therapy
the use of biological interventions, such as drugs, to treat mental disorders
the use of psychological interventions to treat mental disorders
a naturally occurring element (a mineral salt) that is used to treat bipolar disorder
Antidepressant Drugs
drugs used to treat depressive disorders
Neurogenesis Therapy of depression
an explanation of depression that proposes that neurogenesis, the growth of new neurons, in the hippocampus stops during depression, and when it resumes, the depression lifts
Antianxiety Drugs
drugs used to treat anxiety problems and disorders
Antipsychotic Drugs
Drugs used to treat psychotic disorders
Tardive Dyskinesia
a side effect of long-term use of traditional antipsychotic drugs causing the person to have uncontrollable facial tics, grimaces, and other involuntary movements of the lips, jaw, and tongue
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
a biomedical treatment for severe depression that involves electrically inducing a brief brain seizure
a biomedical treatment in which specific areas of the brain are destroyed
a type of psychosurgery in which the neuronal connections of the frontal lobes to lower brain areas are severed
a style of psychotherapy originally developed by Sigmund Freud in which the therapist helps the person gain insight into the unconscious sources of his problems
Free Association
a person spontaneously describes, without editing, all thoughts, feelings, or images that come to mind
a person's unwillingness to discuss a particular topic during therapy
Manifest Content
Freud's term for the literal surface meaning of a dream
Latent Content
Freud's term for the underlying true meaning of a dream
a person undergoing therapy acts toward the therapist as she did or does toward important figures in her life, such as her parents
Client-centered Therapy
a style of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rodgers in which the therapist uses unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy to help the person to gain insight into his true self-concept
Behavioral Therapy
A style of psychotherapy in which the therapist uses the principles of classical and operant conditioning to change the person's behavior from maladaptive to adaptive
A type of behavioral therapy in which a maladaptive response is replaced by an incompatible adaptive response
Systematic Desensitization
a counterconditioning exposure therapy in which a fear response to an object or situation is replaced with a relaxation response in a series of progressively increasing fear-arousing steps
Virtual Reality Therapy
a counterconditioning exposure therapy in which the patient is exposed in graduated steps to computer stimulations of a feared object or situation
a counterconditioning exposure therapy in which the patient is immediately exposed to a feared object or situation
Cognitive Therapy
a style of psychotherapy in which the therapist attempts to change the person's thinking from maladaptive to adaptive
Rational- emotive Therapy
a type of cognitive therapy developed by Albert Ellis in which the therapist directly confronts and challenges the person's unrealistic thoughts and beliefs to show that they are irrational
Beck's cognitive therapy
a type of cognitive therapy developed by Aaron Beck in which the therapist works to develop a warm relationship with the person and has the person carefully consider the evidence for her beliefs in order to see the errors in her thinking
a statistical analysis in which the results of many separate experimental studies are pooled together into one analysis to determine whether there is an overall effect