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58 Cards in this Set

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what does the bible say about marriage and family?
Singleness: good so that your devotion is only to God, remain pure to that devotion; if you can't get married
Marriage: a legal bond - a life contract, one flesh
Sex: body belongs to spouse
Divorce: adultery is the biblical grounds for divorce, remain unmarried, God hates divorce, remain married even if you're unequally yoked
Adultery: SIN
Remarriage: acceptable after spouse dies
who said "if you try to build intimacy with another person before getting whole on your own (the hard work) all your relationships will be an attempt to complete yourself?
Les Parrot
what is the "note to men" about marriage
you usually have a productive end in mind but marriage is never finished until death
what is the "note to women" about marriage?
you come in to marriage with high expectations and make unrealistic demands on your husbands
in family systems rules...
can be spoken or unspoken
in family systems, roles...
can be of duty (chores), emotion (family peacemaker) or being (1st born, female etc)
in family systems the power structure is defined by
who has the influence and how power is administered
in family systems, what are the forms of commmunication?
if we talk, what we talk about, how often we talk (this can include the volume at which we talk)
in family systems, how is problem solving carried out?
finding compromises, fighting, negotiation
inf family systems, what is shared history?
story telling and legends that come down through the generations in your family
in family systems, what is the shared internalized perceptions of the world?
comprised prejudices, values and beliefs
in family systems, what are reciprocal emotional attachments
no one person in the family is an emotional island
-everyone influences everyone
-if one person moves, everyone back home has to adjust to recreate the balanace
what is abnormal behavior?
maladaptive and harmful. It fails to promote the well being and growth of a person. it interferes with the ability of someone to function effectively in the world
what are the biological causes of abnormal behavior?
physical malfunctioning; especially in the brain: a chemical imbalance
what are the psychological/sociocultural causes of abnormal behavior?
-emotional turmoil
-inappropriate learning
-distorted thoughts
-inadequate relationships
-females and males are diagnosed differently
what is the DSM-IV
the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: published by APA
there are 18 major classifications and over 200 disorders with clear definitions
-helps therapists with communication
what is the DSM-IV definition of neurotic?
a relatively mild mental disorder
-person hasn't lost contact with reality
what is the DSM-IV definition of psychotic?
severe mental disorder where the person has lost contact with reality
what are the 3 main features of anxiety?
-motor tension: jumpiness, can't relax
-hyperactivity: perspiration, racing heart
-apprehensive expectations and thoughts: phobias, OCD, PTSD
what are the 5 types of anxiety
-generalized anxiety order
-panic disorders
-phobic disorders
-obsessive compulsive disorders
-post-traumatic stress disorder
describe generalized anxiety order
persistent anxiety for at least a month
can't attribute symptoms to anything
describe panic disorders
recurrent sudden onset of intense apprehension or terror
describe phobic disorders
irrational overwhelming persistant fear of an object or situation
describe obsessive compulsive disorders
anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away (obsession) and or urges to perform repetitive ritualistic behaviors to prevent/produce a future situation (compulsion)
-thoughts vs. actions
describe post traumatic stress disorder
can develop through a traumatic even
symptoms can show up right away or they can be delayed years
what are somatoform disorders?
psychological symptoms take on a physical form even though no physical causes can be found
give 2 examples of somatoform disorders and describe them
hypochondriasis: pervasive fear of illness and death
conversion disorder: experienceing genuine physical symptoms without cause
give three examples of dissociative disorders and describe each
amnesia: memory loss caused by extensive psychological stress
fugue: (flight) developing amnesia and traveling away and assuming a new identity
dissociative identity disorder (DID): 2 or more distinct personalities or "selves"
describe mood disorders and give 2 examples
wide emotional swings ranging from deep depression to extreme euphoria to agitation
-major depression and bipolar disorder
describe major depression
deeply unhappy, demoralized, self-derogatory and bored, showing changes in appetite and sleep patterns, decreased energy, feelings of worthlessness, concentration on problems, guilt feelings (might prompt thoughts of suicide
when faced with someone who may be suicidal, which should you do?
tell someone if they are in danger to self or others
its ok to talk about suicide with them
watch for symptoms
describe bipolar
extreme mood swings: depression or manic of both: normally go through a cycle: depression state will last the longest
describe the manic portion bipolar disorder
a state of elation, exuberance, tireless stamina
what are schizophrenic disorders?
sometimes called "split personality"
-distorted thougths and perceptions; odd communication, inappropriate emotions, abnormal motor behavior, social withdraw
what are the four types of schizophrenic disorders and describe each one
disorganized: have delusions or hallucinations that have no meaning
catatonic: bizarre mobile behavior including being completely immobile
paranoid: dillusions of persecution
undifferentiated; dont know for sure which type is present or there are more than on criteria met
what are personality disorders?
-they get their own axis on the diagnosis axial system because of their severity
-people with these become maladaptive and inflexible with their actions
-they dont realize they have a probloem most of the time
what are the 5 types of personality disorders
-obsessive compulsive
describe schizotypal
appear to be in contact with reality but they're actions are very distasteful/inappropriate
describe obsessive-compulsive disorder
they don't know how severe they are
describe borderline
manipulation, controlling, attention seeking, sometimes "cutters"
describe antisocial
often resort to crime violence and delinquency
ex: columbine sutdent shooters
describe narcissistic
-grandiose sense of self, need for admiration and a lack of empathy
-normally seen in very successful men
what are the symptoms of substance use disorders
-pattern of pathological use: they're getting intoxicated every day; need it to function and their tolerance increases: dependent on it
-significant impairment of social or occupational functioning
-physical dependence: serious withdraw symptoms would occur if they tried to come off of it
look over review of major mental health disorders worksheet
understand the symptoms of each disorder
why would someone from the psychoanalytic school want to join a religion?
-understanding the key to "religiousness" resides deep within the unconscious mind
-individuals are believed to have instinctual needs that they are not aware of, such as needs for safety and security, which can be met be relating to a higher power
why would someone from the behavioral school want to join a religion?
-important to analyze person's learning history to determine the extent to which, for that person, religious behavior has been and is being rewarded, punished or imitated
why would someone from the humanistic school want to join a religion?
-person's most important needs include growth, purpose and self acutalization
-humans have innate tendencies to fulfill their potential and express values. Religion serves as a vehicle to do this
why would someone from the sociocultural school want to join a religion?
individuals adopt a particular religious stance because of the experiences they have in culture which they live (ex: parents are christian so you are by default)
what are the three main aspects of defining religion?
-what a person does to answer basic existential questions of life
-conscious dependency on a deity or God
-Religion vs. spirituality
describe the four questions one asks in order to answer basic existential questions of life
-why am i here?
-what does life mean in general?
-what does my life amount to?
-what happens when I die?
describe conscious dependency on a deity or God
-involves commitment as reflected in a person's experiences, beliefs, and personality
-motivates moral and devotional behavior
describe "religion vs spirituality"
-Religion: institutional, organizational, ritual and ideologicla
-Spiritual: personal, affective, experiential and thoughtful
describe intrinsic religious orientation
involves religious motives that lie within person; person LIVES the religion (consistent between beliefs and behavior)
describe extrinsic religious orientation
involves motives that lie outside the religion itself, using religion for non-religious ends (look to get something out if it); USES the religion
define religious conversion
change from having no religious belief to accepting a religious belief as one's own or the process of changinv from one religious belief system to another
describe the quest of religious attitudes and behavior
searching and exploring religious issues while being satisfied in not finding answers and being aware of one's limitations in the faces of existential questions
what are the 8 spiritual disciplines?
how can we use these disciplines for intrinsic and extrinsic spirituality/religion
we compare ourselves to others: what are they doing? how spiritual are they?