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56 Cards in this Set

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tendency of body to maintain a steady state
3 types of need
need for achievement, need for affilitation, need for power
Stimulus motive
unlearned, stimulus in motivation, curiousity
Arousal theory
have an optimanl level of tension that they seek to maintain by increasing or decreasing stimulation
increasing or decreasing
Self-determination theory
social context of an action has an effect on the type of motivation existing for the action
Intrinsic motivation
person performs an action because the act is rewarding
reduces level of glucose
increases level of glucose
hormone that signals that a person is full
Common sense theory of emotion
stimulus leads to an emotion, which leads to bodily arousal
James-Lange theory of emotion
physiological reactions leads to the labeling of an emotion
leads to
Cannon-Bard theory of emotion
physiological reaction and the emotion are assumed to occur at the same time
same time
Cognitive arousal theory
both physical and labeling of arousal must occur before emotion
both occur
Facial feedback hypothesis
facial expressions provide feedback intensifing the emotion
Cognitive-mediational theory
stimulus interpreted to result in a physical response and an emotional reaction
stimulus interpreted
Social learning theory
reinforcement of appropriate gender behavior and imitation
Gender schema theory
mental pattern,organizes observed and learned behavior
possessing the most positive personality characteristics of males and females regardless of sex
Cognitive differences
males better at math, females verbal
Emotional expression
males report, females relate
Stages of sexual arousal
excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution
Refraction period
males just after an orgasm cannot become aroused
Masters and Johnson Study
measured physiological response during all phases of sexual intercourse
Kinsey Studies
survey revealed controverdial findings about kinds of sexual behavior
Janus Report
survey looking at sexual deviance
Organic or stress-induced dysfunction
sexual problem caused by physical disorder or psychological stress
arousal through unusal sexual behavior
object or body part, shoes, feet or underwear sexually arouses a person
Flashing to the unwilling arouses
Peeping Tom
rubbing against unwilling in public places
sex with a corpse
wearing clothing of the opposite sex arouses
effect of unpleasant and undesirable stressors
optimal amount of stress people need to promote health and well-being
Cognitive appraisal approach
how people think about a stressor determines how stressful stressor will become
think about stressor
Primary appraisal
estimating the severity of a stressor and classifying it
Secondary appraisal
estimating resources available for coping
Social readjustment rating scale
measures amount of stress in person's life over a year resulting from major life events
College Undergrad. Stress Scale
measure amount of stress college students life
Approach-approach conflict
must choose between two desirable goals
Avoidance-avoidance conflict
choose between two undesirable goals
Approach-avoidance conflict
must choose or not choose a goal that has both positive and negative aspects
Sympathetic system
responds to stressful events
Parasympathetic system
restores body to normal functioning
General Adaptation Syndrome
3 stages; alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
Type A personality
ambitious, time conscious, extremly hardworking, high levels of hostility and anger, easily annoyed
Type B
relaxed and laid back, less driven and competitive, slow to anger
Type C
internalize anger and anxiety, expression difficult
Hardy personality
thrive on stress but lacks the anger and hostility of Type A
Problem-focused coping
eliminate source of stress through direct actions
Emotion-focused coping
changing emotional reaction to stressor
Concentrative meditation
focuses the mind on repetitive or unchanging stimulus
Receptive meditation
aware of everything in immediate conscious experience