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40 Cards in this Set

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- Security from predators

- Assistance with hunting

- Getting help when you are injured/sick

- Protection from other groups

Social Brain Hypothesis

- Our brains are wired to coordinate with groups of people

- The size of a primate's neocortex is related to their standard social group size

- Larger groups require keeping track of and maintaining multiple complex relationships

Outgroup Homogeneity Effect

- Think of people in a group that you dislike:

- ex. People in opposing pol. group

- Now think of people in a group that you are a member of

- Which group is easier to think of as individuals?

- Which group seems to consist of more or less the same person

In-group bias

- Giving more to members of your own group and even actively working to prevent the other group from getting something

- ex. Abu Ghraib, 2003

- Abu Ghraib was an American prison in Iraq designed to hold prisoners prisoners during the Iraq war

- Prisoners were tortured in horrible ways

- One prisoner even died from the abuse

Stanford Prison Experiment

- A fake prison is set up at Stanford

- Male undergraduates were randomly assigned to 2 groups: guard or prisoner

- The first day the guards and prisoners were acting out their roles, not taking it very seriously

- After the first day the "guards" started to change, becoming brutal and sadistic

- Prisoners were forced to do tedious and degrading tasks, such as cleaning a a toilet with their bare hands

- The study was planned for 2 weeks but had to be stopped after only 6 days because guards were abusing the prisoners.


- People can often lose their sense of identity when they are in a group

- When self-awareness disappears, so does your personal standards

- People that had never stolen a thing in their life don't think twice about looting stores during a huge riot.


- The altering of one's behaviors and opinions to match those of other people or to match other people's expectations.

The Asch Experiment

- 75% of the time participants conformed to the group by giving the wrong answer at least once



-People in groups will often change their thinking to try keep it the same as the rest of the group

- In 1986, due to a faulty component, the Challenger space shuttle exploded killing all of the crew

- Even though engineers had told NASA for months about the faulty component, a group of administrators at NASA had convinced themselves it was still okay.

- No one in the group stood up to challenge the decision

Milgram Experiment

- Participants were told they were needed to fill the role of a "teacher" who gives electric shocks to a person (the "learner") doing a simple memory task

- Participants hear the "learner" say they have a minor heart condition and are worried, but the "experimenter" (the person in charge of the study) says that is OK

- The participant ("teacher") is told how to use a machine that gives shocks to the "learner" that increase in voltage with each wrong answer

Kitty Genovese

- was walking home from work when she was violently attacked for half an hour. Eventually, Kitty died from the attack.

- A newspaper reported that none of the 38 witnesses to the crime had contacted the police or tried to help her.

- Eventually discovered that only very few people actually saw the crime take place, and two people did call the police.

- However, public outrage led to research being done on what is now called the Bystander Intervention Effect

Bystander Intervention Effect

-A person is less likely to offer help or intervene in a situation if there are other people nearby

After seeing smoke:

- Most participants on their own quickly went for help

- Participants with at least two other people (who acted calm) only went for help 10% of the time.

- The other 90% coughed, rubbed their eyes, and even opened the window - but did not report the smoke.

Cognitive Dissonance

- Most of the time people hold consistent viewpoints, but sometimes we believe and do things that are contradictory to each other.

- We try yo get rid of these contradictions by either changing our beliefs, or convincing ourselves (and others) they aren't a big deal...

Group Cognitive Dissonance

- There are situations where people put themselves through pain or embarrassment to join a group

- Think about hazing to get into a fraternity or sorority (or even a sports team)

- People feel a lot of discomfort being hazed, but they still decide to do it

- This causes Cognitive Dissonance

- They resolve this dissonance by believing the group must be very important to them

- In order to go through something terrible to join, they must believe it's a great group, right?


How psychologists categorize people based on common ways they:

- Think

- Respond to things emotionally

- Behave in different situations

Psychodynamic theory of personality

Unconscious forces - such as wishes, desires, and hidden memories - determine our behavior

- By Sigmund Freud

- ex. Oedipus complex

Psychosexual stages

- we go through them when we are young, determines our personality when we are older

- ex. during oral stage, infants learn from breast feeding to experience relief through sucking

- If an infant is prevented from sucking at this stage, they will grow into adults that become fixated on oral cravings, such as smoking

Rorschach inkblot test

- Early way of assessing personality, reveal hidden motives, wishes and unconscious conflicts

- A person describes what a meaningless inkblot means to them

- Their answer is analyzed to uncover unconscious desires and conflicts

- Unfortunately this test diagnoses many normal children and adults as mentally disturbed


- Children appear to be born with general tendencies in how they act

- Activity Level

- Emotionality

- Sociability

Temperament effect late in life

- There seems to be a link between temperaments that children are born with, and how they behave later in life

- By noticing how children as young as 6 weeks react to new and strange situations and objects, we can predict how likely they are to be shy later in life

- Young children who avoid being social are more likely to be anxious, depressed, and unemployed as adults

Genetics of personality: twin studies

- Identical twins tend to have much more similar personalities than fraternal twins

- Identical twins share nearly the same genes, fraternal twins do not

- Other twin studies have found that genetics explained about half of the similarities in personality between twins

- Twins raised apart are often as similar in personality (and sometimes more similar) as twins raised in the same family

- Children raised in the same household not biologically related tend to not be that similar to each other

Environment's effect on personality

- 50% of similarities in twins explained by genetics

- Even when two people are essentially the same genetically, 50% of their personality tends to be different due to environment most likely

- There is evidence that good parenting contributes to whether a child displays antisocial behavior and skips school

- ex. of nature and nurture working togehter

Five Factor Theory

- Openness

- Conscientiousness

- Extraversion

- Agreeableness

- Neuroticism

- Used by surveys to determine whether people have a high or low amt. of each factor

- Results are consistent whether people rate themselves or rated by others

- 5 personality factors are present in people across cultures and ethnic backgrounds


Weak situation - at a party, these two people (extraverted and introverted) might act differently

Strong situation - At a funeral, these two people are more likely to act similarly

Animals and personalities

- There is evidence that animals do display personality traits.

ex. extroversion, assertiveness, sociability, and emotionality have all been observed

Self Esteem

- Western culture places a high emphasis on self-esteem

- People with high self-esteem report being smarter, more attractive, and better liked by people

- On avg. they are not any smarter or thought of more highly by others

- People with high self-esteem are also not any more successful in their careers than normal people

- higher self-esteem ---> report to being happier than avg.

- Violent criminals commonly report having high self-esteem

- School bullies often report having high self-esteem

- Often, if people w/ high self-esteem are challenged or do not feel lie they are getting enough respect, they can react by being:

- boastful

- Antagonistic and confrontational


- When self-esteem is inflated it can be associated with narcissism

- These individuals often feel entitled to special treatment

- They can have explosive anger when challenged

- They are often abusive to people who don't hold a high opinion of them

- Often are unfaithful and cheat on their partners

Psychological Disorders

- America - 25% of people over the age of 18 currently have a diagnosable pyschological disorder

- 44% of college students experience symptoms of depression

- 50% of college students said they felt overwhelming anxiety in the last year

- ~50% of Americans will have a disorder at some point in their lifetimes

- ~1/5 people receive treatment for disorders

Ancient disorders

- First descriptions of mental illness was recorded in Ancient Babylon (founded 2300 BC)

- Believed psychological disorders were caused when people were possessed by a demon called Idta

- If you got possessed the cure was exorcism

- They even had advice for staying healthy: try to be a good person, and stay away from women...

Medieval Disorders

- In EU between 14th and 17th centuries a "dance plague" called Dance Mania, swept across EU.

- Groups of people would suddenly start to dance erratically, sometimes thousands at a time

- Sufferers would dance until they collapsed from exhaustion

- First ex. of "mass hysteria", a real psychological condition that can effect large groups of people, making them behave in strange ways

Recent mass hysteria

-In Portugal (2006), a popular teen girl's soap opera show called Morangos com Acucar was on TV

- The show featured an episode where a virus affects a school, making the students ill

- After the episode, around 300 students at 14 schools in Portugal became ill with rashes, difficulty breathing, and dizziness


- Medieval disorder - 1500s

- The belief that people were transforming into a werewolf

- It was believed that this (and other psychological disorders) were caused by a problem in "bodily fluids" that ran throughout the body called "humors"

- A doctor described patients as exhibiting paleness, dry tongue, great thirst, sunken, dim eyes and dry eyes

Modern diagnosis

- 1952 manual: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

- Provided a way to diagnose people with different disorders based on symptoms experienced


- Something considered a disorder when it becomes maladaptive

- The symptoms of a disorder must interfere with at least one aspect of a person's life: work, social relations, or self-care.

- doing something more than avg. is not a disorder, but if it interferes with ability to do things, then it may be a disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

- Have trouble being alone and an intense fear of abandonment

- They desperately need an often intense exclusive relationship with a person, and will use manipulation to maintain the relationship

Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)

- Used to be called "psychopath"

- Behave in socially unacceptable ways such as breaking the law and harming other people without feeling remorse

- Usually very charismatic and able to avoid punishment, however punishment is usually ineffective

- People without this disorder tend to commit murder without planning, such as when they are provoked or angry. However, people with APD nearly always kill intentionally, usually planning and preparing

- Some psychopaths are able to live undetected and become very successful in professions that reward certain aspects of their their behavior, such s business and politics

Autism Spectrum Disorder

- Two essential features: impairments in social interactions, and repetitive behaviors, interests, and activities

- Children with autism often do not: establish eye contact, smile at caregivers, desire physical contact (often becoming upset if touched)

- From 1991- 1997 there was a dramatic 556% increase in the number of cases of autism

- led people to be concerned that vaccinations might be the cause

- we now know that vaccinations do not cause autism

- we now have some evidence about possible genetic and environment contributions

Anxiety Disorders

- Persistent excessive fear and anxiety in the absence of true danger

- ~1/4 Americans will have an anxiety disorder at some point in their lifetimes

- Sufferers experience: rapid heartbeat - even when a rest, increased blood pressure, headaches, inability to sleep, panic attacks/hyperventilation

Can feel like:

- The same tension you have standing on the edge of a cliff, but all the time

- You need to be careful/watchful, something bad is happening or is about to happen

Anxiety: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

- Constantly checking the locks on the door, repeatedly counting different objects, washing hands over and over

- It is not just simply worrying about a clean room, or being a "perfectionist"

- These are behaviors that are so repetitive they interfere with work and relationships, causing a lot of anxiety.

Benefits to worrying

- Worriers tend to sense and deal with threats faster than other people, as well as score higher on IQ tests

- In ancient times these people were most likely the best look-outs/guards of the tribe/village