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25 Cards in this Set

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Compatible (adj.)
In agreement with; harmonious.
Condescend (v.)
To come down from one's position or dignity.
Comprehensive (adj.)
All-inclusive; complete; thorough.
Concede (v.)
1 - To acknowledge; admit.
2 - To surrender; to abandon one's position.
Complacent (adj.)
Content; self-satisfied; smug.
Concise (adj.)
In a few words; brief; condensed.
Compromise (v.)
To settle by mutual adjustment.
Condone (v.)
To overlook; to forgive.
Conspicuous (adj.)
Easy to see; noticeable.
Consternation (n.)
Amazement or terror that causes confusion.
Contrite (adj.)
Regretful; sorrowful.
Defamation (n.)
Harming a name or reputation; slandering.
Contempt (n.)
Scorn; disrespect.
Deliberate (1 - v., 2 - adj.)
1 - To consider carefully; to weigh in the mind.
2 - Intentional.
Conventional (adj.)
Traditional; common; routine.
Cower (v.)
To crouch down in fear or shame.
Deference (adj.)
Yielding to the opinion of another.
Denounce (v.)
To speak out against; condemn.
Depict (v.)
To portray in words; to present a visual image.
Consummation (n.)
The completion; finish.
Deplete (v.)
To reduce; to empty.
Contemporary (adj.)
Living or happening at the same time; modern.
Depravity (n.)
Moral corruption; badness.
Compliant (adj.)
Yielding; obedient.
Deride (v.)
To ridicule; to laugh at with scorn.