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50 Cards in this Set

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Abate (v)
Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate.Thesaurus: slow, weaken, decline, lessen, decrease
Altruistic (adj)
In providing tutorial assistance and college scholarships for hundreds of economically disadvantaged youth, Eugene Lang performed a truly altruistic deed.Thesaurus: unselfishly generous, benevolent, chartable, considerate, kind, magnanimous, philanthropic
Ascendancy (n.)
Leaders of religious cults maintain ascendancy over their followers by methods that can verge on brainwashing.Thesaurus: advantage, authority, control, influence, superiority, sovereignty
Buttress (v)
The attorney came up with several far-fetched arguments in a vain attempt to buttress his weak case.Thesaurus: support, reinforcement, prop up.
Contract (v)
Warm metal expands; cold metal contracts.Thesaurus: compress, shrink, pledge, catch a disease
Didactic (adj)
Pope’s lengthy poem An Essay On Man is too didactic for my taste: I dislike it when poets turn preachy and moralize.Thesaurus: academic, teaching, instructional, perceptive
Duration (n.)
Because she wanted the children to make a good impression on the dinner guests, Mother promised them a treat if they would behave of the duration of the meal.Thesaurus: length of time something lasts
Ephemeral (adj)
Its adult stage lasting less than two days, the mayfly is by definition an ephemeral creature.Thesaurus: short lived, brief, temporary, impermanent,
Expertise (n.)
Although she is knowledgeable in a number of fields, she was hired for her special expertise in computer programming.Thesaurus: specialized knowledge, expert skill
Frail (adj)
The sickly child seemed too frail to lift the heavy carton.Thesaurus: week, thin, unsubstantial, dainty, decrepit, delicate, feeble
Hardy (adj)
We asked the gardening expert to recommend particularly hardy pants that could withstand our harsh Hew England winters.Thesaurus: strong, robust, healthy
Impetuous (adj)
“Leap before you look” was the motto suggested by one particularly impetuous young man.Thesaurus: abrupt, rash, furious, hasty, unthinking, violent, sudden, swift
Indolent (adj)
Couch potatoes lead an indolent life lying back on their Lazyboy recliners watching TV.Thesaurus: lazy, inert
Initiate (v)
The college is about to initiate a program in reducing math anxiety among students.Thesaurus: begin, originate, enter, admit, intoduce
Invert (v)
When he inverted his body in a handstand, he felt the blood rush to his head.Thesaurus: reverse, up side down, flip
Meander (v)
Needing to stay close to a source of water, he followed a very twist and turn of the stream as it meandered through the countryside.Thesaurus: wind or turn in its course, turn, change, extravagate,
Munificent (adj)
The Annenberg Trust made a munificent gift to the city that supported art programs in the public schools. Thesaurus: giving, generous, kind, benevolent, liberal, rich, magnanimous
Paradigm (n.)
Pavlov’s experiment in which he trains a dog to salivate on hearing a bell is a paradigm of the conditioned-response experiment in behavioral psychology.Thesaurus: ideal, sample, model, pattern, example
Pithy (adj)
Some of Whoopi Goldberg’s one-liners at the Oscar Awards were pithy and to the point: they packed a wallop, but were short and sweet.Thesaurus: meaningful, substantial, concise, effective, expressive,
Prolific (adj)
My editors must assume I’m a prolific writer: they expect me to revise six books this year!Thesaurus: abundant, fruitful, reproducing, rich
Receptive (adj)
Adventure-loving Huck Finn proved a receptive audience for Tom’s tale of buried treasure and piracy.Thesaurus: quick, willing to receive ideas, open, ready, responsive
Repudiate (v)
On separating from Tony, Tina announced that she would repudiate all debts incurred by her soon-to-be- ex-husband.Thesaurus: disown, reject, banish, disclaim, discard, repeal, revoke
Sparse (adj)
He had moved from the densely populated city to the remote countryside where the population was sparse.Thesaurus: few, scant, scarce, sporadic, infrequent, inadequate
Surpass (v)
Her SAT I scores surpassed our expectations. Thesaurus: exceeds, outdo, beyond, improve, outrank, beat
Vacillate (v)
Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other.Thesaurus: fluctuate, waver, oscillate, vibrate,
Acknowledge (v)
Although I acknowledge that the Beatles’ tunes sound pretty dated nowadays, I still prefer them to the “gangsta” rap songs my brothers play.Thesaurus: admit, accept, acquiesce, agree, allow, approve, ratify, recognize, support, subscribe to
Anecdote (n.)
Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Ronald Reagan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds.Thesaurus: incident, narration, short story, tale, yarn, short account of amusing event.
Benign (adj)
Though her benign smile and gentle bearing made Miss Marple seem a sweet little old lady, in reality she was a tough-minded, shrewd observer of human natureThesaurus: amiable, complaisant, friendly, gentle, generous, sympathetic
Composure (n.)
Even the latest crisis at work failed to shake Nancy’s composure. Thesaurus: calmness, balance, harmony, dignity, placidity, self-control, stability
Degenerate (v)
As the fight dragged on, the champion’s style degenerated until he could barely keep on his feet.Thesaurus: worse, deteriorate, worn, breakable
Disparity (n.)
Their disparity in rank made no difference at all to the prince and Cinderella.Thesaurus: difference, inequality, disproportion, imbalance,
Elusive (adj)
Trying to pin down exactly when the contractors would be finished remodeling the house, Nancy was frustrated by their elusive replies.Thesaurus: evasive, hard to grasp, ambiguous, puzzling, incomprehensible, indefinable
Exalt (v)
The actor Alec Guinness was exalted to the rank of knighthood by the queen.Thesaurus: rise in rank, excessive, eminent, first, imposing, leading, noble
Florid (adj)
If you go to Florida and get a sunburn, your complexion will look florid.Thesaurus: ruddy, reddish, flowery,
Garrulous (n.)
My Uncle Henry can out-talk any three people I know. He is the most garrulous person in Cayuga County.Thesaurus: chatty, wordy, talkative, loquacious
Impair (v)
Drinking alcohol can impair your ability to drive safely; if you’re going to drink, don’t drive.Thesaurus: damage, diminish, destroy, decrease, weaken
Incongruous (adj)
David saw nothing incongruous about wearing sneakers with his tuxedo; he couldn’t understand why his date took one look at him and started to laugh.Thesaurus: alien, bizarre, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, foreign, unintelligible
Inexorable (adj)
Ignoring the defense attorney’s pleas for clemency, the judge was inexorable, giving the convicted felon the maximum punishment allowed by law.Thesaurus: hard, harsh, immobile, unyielding
Insipid (adj)
Flat prose and flat ginger ale are equally insipid: both lack sparkle.Thesaurus: banal, colorless, dry, dull, lifeless, plain
Lethargic (adj)
The stifling classroom made Sarah lethargic: she felt as is she was about to nod off.Thesaurus: drowsy, apathetic, dull, impassive, inactive, inert, lackadaisical, sleepy
Misanthrope (n.)
In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift portrays an image of humanity as vile, degraded beast; for this reason, some critics consider him a misanthrope.Thesaurus: hater, isolate, misogynist, recluse, skeptical
Notoriety (n.)
To the starlet, any publicity was good publicity: if she couldn’t have a good reputation, she’d settle for notoriety. Thesaurus: dishonor, disrepute, ill fame
Paucity (n.)
They closed the restaurant because the paucity of customers meant that it was a losing proposition to operate.Thesaurus: lack, scarcity,
Problematic (adj)
Given the many areas of conflict still awaiting resolution, the out come of the peace talks remains problematic. Thesaurus: doubtful, ambiguous, dubious, uncertain
Provocative (adj)
In a typically provocative act, the bully kicked sand into the weaker man’s face.Thesaurus: annoying, aggravating, arousing anger or interest, offensive, insulting
Renegade (n.)
Because he had abandoned his post and joined forces with the Indians, his fellow officers considered the hero of Dancing with Wolves a renegade.Thesaurus: disloyal, radical, unfaithful, rebellious
Seclusion (n.)
One moment she loved crowds; the next she sought seclusion. Thesaurus: aloof, alone, hiding, isolation
Steadfast (adj)
Penelope was steadfast in her affections faithfully waiting for Ulysses to return from his wanderings.Thesaurus: changeless, loyal, abide, enduring, immobile
Tantamount (adj)
Though Rudy claimed his wife was off visiting friends, his shriek of horror when she walked into the room was tantamount to a confession that he believes she was dead.Thesaurus: same, alike, equivalent, indistinguishable,
Virulent (adj)
Laid up with an extremely virulent case of measles, he blamed his doctors because his recovery took so long. In fact, he became quite virulent on the subject of the quality of modern medical care. Thesaurus: poisonous, malignant, harmful, unhealthy, deadly, toxic, septic, mephitic