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54 Cards in this Set

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Why  is java so popular?

Why is java so popular?

Because it is

1)platform indipendent

Build once run anywhere through the bytecode

2) it is an OO language , which is good for code maintenance

Compare JVM , JRE and JDK

Compare JVM , JRE and JDK

JVM --> java virtual machine , it is the Just in Time Compiler , which run the java code

JRE --> java runtime environment (jvm+libraries)

JDK-->java development kit (jvm+jre+compiler+debug tools)

What	is	the	role	for	a	ClassLoader	in	Java?

What is the role for a ClassLoader in Java?

When a program is executed, JVM needs to load the content of all the needed class. JVM uses a ClassLoader to find the classes in the following order

1)System Class Loader search in the classpath for the jar,ear,war

2)Extension ClassLoader search jre ext lib ...

3)BootStrap ClassLoader search in core java files

What are Wrapper Classes?

What are Wrapper Classes?

A wrapper class is one of the eight classes of the package java.lang to provide methods for the 8 primitives type (byte,double,int,long,float,boolean,char,short)

It gives a primitive type an object appearance

They are immutable

Why do we need Wrapper Classes in Java?

1)null is a possible value

2)they can be used in a Collection

3)They can be created starting from other types

es:Integer number2 = new Integer("55");//String

What are the different ways of creating Wrapper Class Instances and the differences?

1) using the new () operator

always a new Object

2) using the static method valueOf()

a cached value(good for memory saving)

Two wrapper objects created using new are not same object.

Integer nineA = new Integer(9); Integer nineB = new Integer(9); System.out.println(nineA == nineB);//false System.out.println(nineA.equals(nineB));//true

Two wrapper objects created using boxing are same object.

Integer nineC = 9; Integer nineD = 9; System.out.println(nineC == nineD);//true System.out.println(nineC.equals(nineD));//true

What	is	Auto	Boxing?

What is Auto Boxing?

It is the automatic conversion made by the java compiler between the primitive type and the corresponding wrapper class.

es:Integer n = 9;n++ // allowed as well

What	are	the	advantages	of	Auto	Boxing?

What are the advantages of Auto Boxing?

It makes use of valueOf() method so objects already created are reused , with new() a new object is created everytime

Explain java primitive datatypes

byte (+ - 127),short(+ - 32767),int(+ - 2^31),long(+ - 2^63)

float(32 bit floating point),double(64 bit floating point)

char (16 bit unicode)

boolean (1 bit)

What is Casting?

It is the automatic conversion from one type to another

What is Implicit Casting?

It is done by the compiler when smaller values are stored in larger variable types

int value = 100;

long number = value; //Implicit Casting

What is Explicit Casting?

It is done through code, to store larger values into smaller variables

//int x = 35.35;//COMPILER ERROR

int x = (int)35.35;//Explicit Casting

Explicit casting would cause truncation of value if the value stored is greater than the size of the variable.

int bigValue = 280; byte small = (byte) bigValue; System.out.println(small);//output 24. Only 8 bits remain.

Are all String’s immutable?

Yes , it is not possible to modify a String without creating a new object

String str3 = "value1"; str3.concat("value2"); System.out.println(str3); //value1

Where are string values stored in memory?

It depends on the way the String is created

1) String s = "value" // literal

It is stored in the string constant pool and if the compiler finds a literal it checks if exists in the constant pool , so the instruction

String s1 = "value" points to the same object

s1==s2 // true

2)String s3 = new String("value") // new operator

in this case an object is created in the heap and not reused

s3 == s1 // false

Why should you be careful about String Concatenation(+) operator in Loops and how you solve the problem?

String s3 = "Value1"; String s2 = "Value2";

for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {

s3 = s3 + s2;


More than 10000 objs are created in memory with a huge impact on the memory.

We must use StringBuffer

What are differences between StringBuilder and StringBuffer?

StringBuilder is not thread safe. So, it performs better in situations where thread safety is not required.

What is a Class?

A class is a template for creating multiple objects.

It defines the behavior that an object can exibit

What is an Object?

It an instance of a class

What is state of an Object?

Values assigned to instance variable of an object

What is behavior of an Object?

Are the methods supported by an object

Explain about toString method

it is used to write the content of an object.By default , if not overriden the Object method is called, it writes the package and hashcode

What is the use of equals method in Java?

It is used to compare 2 objs

Default in Object : 2 objs ref are equal if are pointing to the same object.

we can override this behavior writing our own logic

What are the important things to consider when implementing equals method?


public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (this == obj) return true;

if (obj == null) return false;

if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;

Client other = (Client) obj;

if (id != other.id) return false;

return true; }

What is the hashCode method used for in Java?

HashCode's are used in hashing to decide which group (or bucket) an object should be placed into. A group of object's might share the same hashcode. The implementation of hash code decides effectiveness of Hashing. A good hashing function evenly distributes object's into different groups (or buckets)

A good hashCode method should have the following properties

• If obj1.equals(obj2) is true, then obj1.hashCode() should be equal to obj2.hashCode()

• obj.hashCode() should return the same value when run multiple times, if values of obj used in equals() have not changed.

• If obj1.equals(obj2) is false, it is NOT required that obj1.hashCode() is not equal to obj2.hashCode(). Two unequal objects MIGHT have the same hashCode.

What	is	Method	Overloading?

What is Method Overloading?

Defining a method in a class or in a subclass having different parameters but the same name

What	is	Method	Overriding?

What is Method Overriding?

Defining a method in a subclass having the same name and signature of the superClass method

Can super class reference variable can hold an object of sub class?

Yes , for example

Animal a = new Cat();

Object obj = new Animal(); // the superclass can hold all the references

Is Multiple Inheritance allowed in Java?

No, but we can create an inheritance chain and we can extend one class and implement multilple interfaces

Can you extend an interface?

yes , an interface can extend another interface,but not a class

What is an interface and what is an abstract class?

1) interface is a contract , implementing it the user is forced to override the methods defined in the interface.

2)abstract class provides some common functionality and some declared abstract methods for the subclass to be inherited , hence it cannot be instantiated

example : AbstractMap

What is a Constructor?

Constructor is the method with the same name of the class and no return type called when an instance is created

What is a Default Constructor?

It's the no-args constructor provided by the compiler if we don't declare any other contructors

How do you call a Super Class Constructor from a Constructor?

super(), it has to be the first instruction

What is the use of this()?

it is used to invoke a constructor of the same class inside another constructor

Is a super class constructor called even when there is no explicit call from a sub class constructor?

yes , if we have inheritance hierarchy we will have



Chihuahua and the constructors called will be




What is Polymorphism?

Same code giving different behavior

Animal animal = new Animal();

animal.shout // don't know

Animal animal = new Dog;

animal.shout // uoaf

What is the use of instanceof Operator in Java?

instanceof operator checks if an object is of a particular type, it works also with interfaces

What is Coupling?

Coupling is a measure of how much a class is dependent on other classes. There should minimal dependencies between classes. So, we should always aim for low coupling between classes.

What is Cohesion?

Cohesion is a measure of how related the responsibilities of a class are. A class must be highly cohesive i.e. its responsibilities (methods) should be highly related to one another.

Different classes must have their own responsibilities.

What is Encapsulation?

Encapsulation is “hiding the implementation of a Class behind a well defined interface”. Encapsulation helps us to change implementation of a class without breaking other code.

What is an Inner Class and a Static Inner Class?

Inner Classes are classes which are declared inside other classes.

Consider the following example:

class OuterClass {

public class InnerClass { }

public static class StaticNestedClass { }


Can you create an inner class inside a method?

Yes , only a class , not static

What is an Anonymous Class?

They don't have name and they are not reusable , are used to instantiate an object on the go , let's think to the Comparator example

What is private access modifier?

a. Private variables and methods can be accessed only in the class they are declared.

b. Private variables and methods from SuperClass are NOT available in SubClass

What is default or package access modifier?

a. Default variables and methods can be accessed in the same package Classes.

b. Default variables and methods from SuperClass are available only to SubClasses in same package.

What is protected access modifier?

a. Protected variables and methods can be accessed in the same package Classes.

b. Protected variables and methods from SuperClass are available to SubClass in any package

What is public access modifier?

a. Public variables and methods can be accessed from every other Java classes.

b. Public variables and methods from SuperClass are all available directly in the SubClass

What is the use of a final modifier on a class?

The class cannot be extended, String and wrapper classes are final

What is the use of a final modifier on a method?

Final methods cannot be overridden

What is a Final variable?

Once initialized, the value of a final variable cannot be changed

ex: java.lang.Math.pi

What is a final argument?

final argument of a method cannot be modified

What happens when a variable is marked as volatile?

• Volatile can only be applied to instance variables.

• A volatile variable is one whose value is always written to and read from "main memory". Each thread has its own cache in Java. The volatile variable will not be stored on a Thread cache,it is like a global variable for every thread accessing the class

What are a Static Variables and methods ?

They belong to the class , not to the object , they can be called without making an instance , all the objects will point to this unique copy of the static variable

Guess the output of this switch block.

int number = 2;

switch (number) {

case 1:


case 2:


case 3:



System.out.println("Default"); }

Output of above switch




NB: there'no break instruction