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27 Cards in this Set

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Which protozoal parasite has two genetic entities, one pathogenic & the other non-pathogenic?
What is the name of the genetic speices of amebiasis that is pathogenic to humans?
Name four strategie with examples that protozoa evolved in order to avoid host reponse?
1. antigenic variation of surface antigesn (trypanosomes)
2. polymorphisms in surface antigens (malaria)
3. consumption of complement at surface of cell (amoebae)
4. intracellular survival (leishmania, toxoplasma)
How do you distinguish between the two genetic entities of histolytica?
isoenzyme patterns
Which protozoan infection is one of the three most leading causes of parasitic death?
Who are the at risk populations for amebiasis?
male homosexuals, travelers, recent immigrants, institutionalized populations
Who gets the disease of amebiasis the worst?
very young, old & those on corticosteroids
What is the resevoir for amebiasis?
Humans, soil
What protozoal infections have temporal patterns?
What is the infectious agent of the amebiasis life cycle? What causes disease?
cysts, trophoziotes
What are five virulence factors of amebiasis?
1. galactose-specific adhesin
2. complement lysis resistant
3. extracellular proteases
4. extracellular matrix receptors
5. cell surface lipotroph
What is the incubation period for amebiasis?
1 to 4 wks
Where does binary fission and feeding of trophoziotes occur?
lg. bowel
What are the symptoms of someone w/ an amebiasis infection?
fever, bloody/pussy stool, feel really sick
What do the symptoms of amebiasis look like?
Shigella, dysenntary
What are the four intestinal syndromes of amebiasis?
1. asymptomatic colonization
2. acute amebic colitis
3. fulminant colitis
4. ameboma (tumor of bowel wall)
Ambiasis eats two things nonstop in humans?
RBC & intestinal wall
Which goes deeper into the bowel wall, ambiasis or giardia?
Where in the human body are trophioziotes released in an ambeiasis infection?
small intestine
What is the pathological result of trophioziotes invading the bloodstream in an amebiasis infection?
extraintestinal infection
What are the three types of disease resulting from an amebiasis infection?
noninvasive infection (intestinal lumen)
intestinal disease (intestinal mucosa)
extraintestinal disease (bloodstream)
When are the four intestinal syndromes from an amebiasis infection?
1. asymptomatic colonization
2. acute amebic colitis
3. fulminant colitis
4. ameboma
What are extraintestinal syndromes from an amebiasis infection?
amebic liver abscess, amebiasis of lunds, brain, gi tract, heart
How do you diagnose amebiasis?
stool analysis, antibody detection (IHA, EIA & ID), tissue biopsy, antigen detection of stool
What is the treatment for an amebiasis infection?
mild--diloxanide furoate
moderate/severe--metronidazole, tinidazole
What are some prevention mechanisms for amebiasis?
sanitation, clean water supply, public health education, travel precautions
Is there a vaccine for amebiasis?
No, but working on developing an antibody to cysteine rich domains of adhesin