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22 Cards in this Set

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What are Protozoa and Parasitic worm?
I> Eukaryotes: parstic protoza: micro and parastic worm:macro
parasitci worm: micro in food as eggs or larave, but marco as adults
causes INFECTIONS, complex life cycles: better to survive for long times, hard to get rid of after they are endemic
due to poor sanitation and under cooked meat
What is the basic life style of prtozoans?
asexual has 2 stages:
1) Trophozoites: growing stage analogous to vegetaive cells more complex sexual cycles, T becomes gametes, then zygoes->meiosis=sporozoites encases as Oocyst (excrted form)
2) Dormant stage: cysts analogous to vegetaive cells to spores but not as heat resistant
What is Entamoeba histolytica?
several types, long term
disease and carrier status
hard to contorl
proliferate in colon cause
bloody diara.
liver infection lead to
severe fatigure, susp to
other infc, intermittent dysterndy
due to reclonization of colon and
long term carrier status
What are the symptons of Entamoeba histolytica?
cause Amoebic
1) dysentery
2) liver infection
How is Entamoeba histolytica transmitted?
Human are only host
sanitation problem
rare in US
but long term so can
be imported from
bad countries i.e
malfunction in sanitation
What are the treatment of Entamoeba histolytica?
Good sanitation
What is the life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica?
1)food ingested contamined with human feces containing cysts.
2)excystment in small intst follwed by growth of released T. and colon of lower intest.
3) T. invade and clonize liver, lead to generalized symptons
4) long term exretion of cysts
What is Toxoplasma gondii?
parastic protozoan
cause toxoplasmosis
no clinical symp
but birth defeccts
and seirous illness in
host and

cats are requried for completion of
cycle. Cats excrete cysts
What is transmission and control of T.gondii?
Human infected by food contamined
with oocysts from soil or
undercooked meat with cysts
maybe be in utero and cause fetal
neural damage

tranmission is common
no control
What is Giardia lamblia?
cause giardiasis
recurring G*

from untreated water
How do you transmit and control giardia?
wild animla contaminate surface
also food brone transmission

only way to prevent it is
chlorinatoin of drinking water
What is Cryptosporidium parvum?
thought to be animal pathgoen
than ass. With AIDS. Not
widespread helath till 93
What are the symptons of Cryptosporidium parvum?
cause cyrptosporidosis
ingestion of oocysts
excysment in intest.
then goes in life cycle
in test. Cause
serious disrrhea
last 1-2 week
but chornic in sicklely
How do you transmit and control C. parvum?
parastic for domestic animals
esp. young calves
kids in poor countries get infected
resistsatn to cl

heatin git more than 60c
to kill itand filter less 10mm will
remove it
usually 2 standards for
drinking water and
household water
What is the basic lifestyle of parasitic worm carried in food?
Dormant is eggs from worms or cysts for others
eggs become larvae, cyst undergo exystement into larvae
larvage becomes worms…some are killed by cooking or heating food to 140F or freezing at 15F or below
What is Trichinella spiralis?
Parasatic worm that spread when the cysts get ingested.
What are the symptons of Trichinella spiralis?
cause intst.sympton:
pain,mild diarrhea
fever, wakeess, musle
What is the transmission and control of Trichinella spiralis?
eating a meat eating animals
not from env unless env contains
meat scraps
ie.e pigs and bears

pork food must be pasteruized
cook pork to 170F
freeze to 15F
What is Taenia saginata/T. solium?
Beef/pork tapeworm
weakness + suscep.
to other infections
more serious if
human to human
What is the transmission and control of Taenia saginata/T. solium?
from eating undercooked meat
or ingestion of fecally contam water
and food
but human-human: brian infeciton
or fatal

sanitation in US is efficient
What is Diphyllobothriusm latum?
fish tapeworm disease
How do you transmit and control D.latum?
ingestion of undercooked fresh
water fish i.e. coperod and fish

cook fish or freeze
several days before eating
because fihs is not routnely
inspected for infection