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27 Cards in this Set

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5 types of protists

Excavata, archaoplastida, unikonda, Sarah clade


2 cells with nuclei which can be considered as food and are flagellated. They are in the guts, sexually transmitted and some can be parasites

SAR clade

Glass-like red cells with two flagellum, tiny pores and multicellular




The plants


Mostly unicellular,

Diplomonads (from excavata)

Anaerobic, biochemical, no electron transport

Parabasalids (in excavata)

Sexually transmitted parasites

Euglenozeons (in excavata)

Unicellular flagellates

Dinoflagellates (in chromalveolata, alveolates)

Red tiles reinforced by cellulose plates in planktons. Can be toxins

Apiconplexons (in chromalveolata, alveolate)

Parasites which penetrate host cells and tissues (sporozoites)

Ciliates (in chromalveolata, alveolates)

Move and feed with cilia. Micro nuclear fusion

Conjugation meaning

Sexual process btw 2 individual which exchange haploid nuclei without reproducing

Diatoms (in chromalveolata, stramenopiles)

Glass-like walls (silica) which are a protection against pressure. Big producers of CO2

Golden Algae (in chromalveolata, stramenopiles)

Plankton producers with two flagella at one end

Brown Algae (in chromalveolata, stramenopiles)

Largest multicellular

Thallus meaning

A plant like algal body

Oomycetes (in chromalveolata, stramenopiles)

Mildew with filaments like fungal. Decomposers, parasites, white rusts

Entamoebas (in chromalveolata, stramenopiles)

Ingestive heterotrophs

Cercozoans (in Rhiania)

Feed with threadlike pseudopodia. Heterotrophs

Forams (in Rhizania)

Porous cells (CaCO3). Live in sand, rocks and planktons

Radiolanions (Rhizania)

Delicate symmetrical skeletons (silica) from microtubes. Settle on the sea floor when they die, made of cytoplasm (small)

Red algae (in archaeplastida)

Get pigment from phycoerythin. Goes from green-red in shallow waters to almost black in deep waters. Multicellular

Green algae (in archaeplastida)

-charophytes: most closely related to plants

- chlorophytes: in fresh waters, unicellular, in colonies formation of multicellular sometimes in other eukaryotes. Division of nuclei either sexually or asexually

Slime molds (in unikonta)

Fruiting bodies like fungai

-...: bright colors, form mass sexually. Many nuclei and roaming for nutrients and oxygen

-...: individual until food, then separated by plasma membranes. Asexual haploid

Gymnamoebas (in unikonta)

Unicellular heterotrophs which consume bacteria (amoebozoans)

Eutamoebas (in unikonta)

Parasites for water and food