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51 Cards in this Set

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What are the characteristics of Protista?

Unicellular, eukaryotic, equatic, aerobic, heterotrophic/autotrophic, some capable of locomotion, sexual/asexual, size varies

movement, reproduction, size, nutrients

What are 3 types of Protista?

Animal like, plant like and fungi like

Protozoans, slime moulds and algae

What is an example of animal like protist?


Begins with P

What is an example of plant like protist?


Begins with E

What is an example of plant like protist?


Begins with E

What is an example of fungus like protist?

Slime moulds

What is a Euglena?

Unicellular, chloroplast for photosynthesis, if to dark then it can turn heterotrophic, has eyespot for light to find food, has pellicle to keep shape, has flagellum for movement

What is a Euglena?

Unicellular, chloroplast for photosynthesis, if to dark then it can turn heterotrophic, has eyespot for light to find food, has pellicle to keep shape, has flagellum for movement

What is a paramecium?

Unicellular, heterotrophic, moves by cilia, has pellicle to keep shape, eat algae, lives in ponds, reproduce

What is a Euglena?

Unicellular, chloroplast for photosynthesis, if to dark then it can turn heterotrophic, has eyespot for light to find food, has pellicle to keep shape, has flagellum for movement

What is a paramecium?

Unicellular, heterotrophic, moves by cilia, has pellicle to keep shape, eat algae, lives in ponds, reproduce

What is an Amoeba?

Unicellular, animal like, moves by pseudopodia, forms a cyst in unfavourable conditions, changes shape, lives in ponds or people, can cause disease

What is a slime mould?

Bright color, cool shady moist places to stay, moves over group, resembles protozoans, can be amoebalike or have a flagella, or produce spores like fungi, do not remain single celled

What is a slime mould?

Bright color, cool shady moist places to stay, moves over group, resembles protozoans, can be amoebalike or have a flagella, or produce spores like fungi, do not remain single celled

What is the phylum of Malaria?

Sporozoa; plasmodium causing Malaria

What is a slime mould?

Bright color, cool shady moist places to stay, moves over group, resembles protozoans, can be amoebalike or have a flagella, or produce spores like fungi, do not remain single celled

What is the phylum of Malaria?

Sporozoa; plasmodium causing Malaria

How is Malaria transmitted?

female mosquitos, malaria parasites enter your blood stream an destroy red blood cells

What is a slime mould?

Bright color, cool shady moist places to stay, moves over group, resembles protozoans, can be amoebalike or have a flagella, or produce spores like fungi, do not remain single celled

What is the phylum of Malaria?

Sporozoa; plasmodium causing Malaria

How is Malaria transmitted?

female mosquitos, malaria parasites enter your blood stream an destroy red blood cells

What are the symptoms of Malaria?

flulike symptoms involving nausea, diarrhea, chills, head ache, muscle ache, tiredness

What are algae?

photosynthetic autotrophs, important to aquatic food webs, classified based on color and structure

What are algae?

photosynthetic autotrophs, important to aquatic food webs, classified based on color and structure

Examples of Algae involve?

red, green, brown, golden algae

What are algae?

photosynthetic autotrophs, important to aquatic food webs, classified based on color and structure

Examples of Algae involve?

red, green, brown, golden algae

Animal like include phyla?

Sporozoa, Cillophora, Sarcodina, Zoomastigina

What are algae?

photosynthetic autotrophs, important to aquatic food webs, classified based on color and structure

Examples of Algae involve?

red, green, brown, golden algae

Animal like include phyla?

Sporozoa, Cillophora, Sarcodina, Zoomastigina

What is sporozoa?

Do not move, involves plasmodium which causes malaria

What are algae?

photosynthetic autotrophs, important to aquatic food webs, classified based on color and structure

Examples of Algae involve?

red, green, brown, golden algae

Animal like include phyla?

Sporozoa, Cillophora, Sarcodina, Zoomastigina

What is sporozoa?

Do not move, involves plasmodium which causes malaria

What is Cillophora?

move by cilia, includes paramecium

What are algae?

photosynthetic autotrophs, important to aquatic food webs, classified based on color and structure

Examples of Algae involve?

red, green, brown, golden algae

Animal like include phyla?

Sporozoa, Cillophora, Sarcodina, Zoomastigina

What is sporozoa?

Do not move, involves plasmodium which causes malaria

What is Cillophora?

move by cilia, includes paramecium

What is Sarcodina?

move by flagella, includes amoeba

What are algae?

photosynthetic autotrophs, important to aquatic food webs, classified based on color and structure

Examples of Algae involve?

red, green, brown, golden algae

Animal like include phyla?

Sporozoa, Cillophora, Sarcodina, Zoomastigina

What is sporozoa?

Do not move, involves plasmodium which causes malaria

What is Cillophora?

move by cilia, includes paramecium

What is Sarcodina?

move by flagella, includes amoeba

What is Zoomastigina ?

moves by flagella

What is Sarcodina?

move by pseudopodia, includes amoeba