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24 Cards in this Set

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Evolutionary theory of original Eukaryotic cells

developed and introduced by Lynn Margulis

Endosymbiotic Theory

Serial (Primary) Endosymbiosis

•1. infolding of the plasma membrane

•2. infolding continues to form nuclear envelope andendomembrane system (ER)

•3. engulfment of an aerobic heterotrophicprokaryote ----> mitochondrion

•4. engulfment of a photosynthetic cyanobacterium----> chloroplast


•Explainsthe evolution of the diverse protistanlineages

•Aprocess in eukaryotic evolution in which a heterotrophic eukaryote engulfed aphotosynthetic eukaryote (red or green algae) which survived symbiotically


• allcontain flagella for locomotion

–1. Phylum Diplomonadida

–2. Phylum Parabasala

–3. Phylum Kinetoplastida

–4. Phylum Euglenophyta

Flagellated Protists


–2equally sized nuceli


–Heterotrophic,intestinal parasites

–Mitochondriawithout DNA, enzymes, and ETC–Anaerobic






–Parasitesor mutualistic symbionts

–Undulatingmembrane –Mitochondriawithout DNA, enzymes, and ETC






-heterotrophic parasites

-undulating membrane

-kinetoplast = an organized mass of DNA containedwithin a large mitochondrion*Trypanosoma

Phylum Kinetoplastida





-chloroplasts with primarily chlorophylls

-glucose stored as paramylon by pyrenoid

-pellicle – protein based covering (no cellwall)

-photoreceptive eyespot

*Euglena gracilis

Phylum Euglenophyta

- All have membrane-bound sacs under the plasmamembrane that regulate water and ion balance and stabilize the cell’s surface

1. Phylum Dinoflagellata

2. Phylum Apicomplexa

3. Phylum Ciliophorad

Alveolate Protists



•Flagellaextend from perpendicular grooves•Chloroplastwith carotenoid pigments•“armoredbody” – covered by numerous cellulose plates

•Peridinium–mutualistic symbiont of coral reefs
•Pfiesteria –“cell from hell” – causes red tides

Phylum Dinoflagellata

•Unicellularparasites of vertebrates

•Complexlife cycles within hosts and vectors•Producespores

•Apicoplast –non-photosynthetic plastid for fatty acid synthesis

••Plasmodiumvivax– causes malaria and carried by female Anophelesmosquito



-Cilia for feeding and motility

-Oralgroove leads to mouth-like buccal cavity


– polyploid nucleus for most cell functioning


– diploid nucleus for reproduction


–store/release of excess water

-Performsconjugation followed by reproduction

Phylum Ciliophora

- Protistswith reproductive cells possessing two flagella - one “hairy” flagellum and onesmooth one.

1. Phylum Oomycota - water molds

2. Phylum Bacillariophyta -diatoms

3. Phylum Chrysophyta - golden algae

4. Phylum Phaeophyta - brown algae


•Aquaticwater molds


•Majorityare saprophytes

•Capableof asexual and sexual reproduction


–Antheridaand oogonia


•Phytophthorainfestans–causes Irish Potato Famine•


•Non-motilefreshwater and marine diatoms•Majorityof plankton

•Uniqueshapes and designs

•Cellwalls composed primarily of silica•Chloroplastwith carotenoid pigments

•Storeglucose as laminarin

•Primaryproducers of aquatic food chain

•Usesinclude: polishing agents (toothpaste),reflective paint, filters, diatomaceous earth



•Marineand freshwater

•Chloroplastswith golden and brown carotenoids

•Somespecies are mixotrophic


•Brownalgae (1500 species of rockweeds and kelps)

•Chloroplastswith chlorophylls a and c, xanthophylls andcarotene

•Storeglucose as laminarin

•Mostlycold, marine habitats

•Cellwalls of algin

•Uses: fertilizer, thickening agent in ice cream,cosmetics and paint


- Usepseudopodia for movement and feed by phagocytosis

1. Phylum Gymnamoeba - free-living amoebas

2. Phylum Entamoeba - parasitic amoebas

3. Phylum Myxogastrida – plasmodialslime molds

4. Phylum Dictyostelida –cellular slime molds


•Nakedand shelled free-living amoebas

•Broadpseudopodia for movement and feeding•Feedby phagocytosis


•Numerousfood vacuoles




•Pseudopodiafor movement and feeding

•Feedby phagocytosis

•Entamoebahistolytica - causes amebic dysentery through contaminateddrinking water, food or utensils

–3rdleading cause of death worldwide by a parasite


•Plasmodialslime molds

•Brightlycolored – yellow or orange

•Terrestrialand heterotrophic

•Unicellular,but forms a multinucleated, plasmodial mass

– produced through repetitive mitotic divisions without cytokinesis

•Twotype of cytoplasm – gel and sol


•Cellularslime molds

•Terrestrialand heterotrophic

•Solitaryamoeboid cells feed

•Aggregationof amoeboid cells (never fuse) occurs when food is depleted

•Aggregationmigrates as a “slug”

•Sorocarp – areproductive sporangium is then produced




-Chloroplastswith chlorophylls a and d, phycobilins and carotenoids

-Glucosestored as Floridean starch

-Mostlywarm tropical marine habitats

-Cellwalls of agar-Uses: agar plates, nori

Phylum Rhodophyta – red algae

•Unicellularand multicellular


•Chloroplastswith chlorophylls a and b, xanthophyll and carotene

•Glucosestored as starch

•Cellwalls of cellulose

•Mostlyfreshwater and marine seaweeds•Somereproduce through alternation of generations

•Closestliving ancestors to plants

F. Phylum Chlorophyta – green algae