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16 Cards in this Set

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Why did a protest movement against the Church begin?

The citizens criticized the Church's practices and felt that the church leaders were too interested in worldly pursuits, such as gaining wealth and political power.

How did the Renaissance contribute to the Protest Movement?

The emphasis on the Secular and the individual challenged Church authority. The printing press spread these secular ideas, and some rulers began to challenge the Church's political power.

What did John Wycliffe suggest about the pope?

He denied that the pope had the right to worldly power and taught that the Bible had more authority than the Church leaders.

What were the 95 theses?

Formal statements that attacked the practice of selling indulgences.

What was an indulgence?

An indulgence was a pardon. It released a sinner from performing the penalty that Priest imposed for sins.

What was the real complaint about the practice of selling indulgences?

It gave people the impression that by buying indulgences, they could buy their way into Heaven

Why was posting the 95 theses the event that triggered the Reformation?

Someone copied and printed them, quickly spreading the word all over Germany.

Why did the Pope view Luther as a threat?

Luther's ideas against the Pope's practices began to grow more popular and widespread.

What did it mean to be "excommunicated"?

To be officially excluded from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church

What was the main premise behind Calvinism?


According to all Protestants, what was the real source of religious truth?

The Bible

Explain what it meant to be an Anabaptist.

To be a believer of baptizing only those persons who were old enough to decide to be a Christian. They believed that persons who had been baptized as children should be re-baptized as adults.

How did the Catholic Church respond to the Protestant Reformation movement?

The Catholic Church itself developed its own reformation within the Church called the Catholic Reformation. During this movement, Catholics remained loyal to the Catholic Church.

How did the Protestant Reformation impact Christianity?

Churches flourished and new denominations flourished. The Roman Catholic Church itself became more unified as a result of its reforms. Christian beliefs were promoted and emphasized more in education leading to the development of parish schools.

How did the Protestant Reformation impact the Pope?

The Protestant Reformation had a negative impact on the Pope. As Luther’s ideas spread to Christians, the Pope’s authority was questioned. The Pope’s authority was decreased politically as these belief-questioning ideas led into the Enlightenment.

How did the Protestant Reformation impact the Catholic Church?

Positively, it led to the reformation within the Catholic Church that reformed the Church. Negatively, the Catholic Church’s moral and political authority declined, and eventually led to the development of modern nation-states.