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23 Cards in this Set

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1. What was the Protestant Reformation?
A religious and political movement that began in 1517. Groups of Christians that protested certain Catholic beliefs and practices, then broke from Catholicism to form new churches.
Who was behind the Protestant Reformation ?
Martin Luther a catholic priest and professor
Who were the Puritans?
The Puritans were the followers of John Calvin, who thought the Church of England was not strict enough.
Who were the Separatists?
Separatists were a group of Puritans who advocated total withdrawal from the Church of England and wanted the freedom to worship independently from English authority. They believed the church should only allow Saints to be members. ( Landed in Plymouth Colony)
King Henry VIII. Why did he split with the Catholic Church?
He wanted to get a divorce from his 1st wife and the Pope would not give him one. He decided to Start the Church of England and Granted himself a divorce.
a. How many children did King Henry VIII have?
4- Henry died after @ 5 days
Ruled First
Mother : Jane Seymour
Ruled Second
"Bloody Mary"
(1553-1558) Mother : Katherine of Aragon
Ruled Third
"Virgin Queen"
Mother :Anne Boleyn
3. Why was Jamestown important?
1st successful English settlement in the New World
What allowed the settlers at Jamestown to persevere (syn. carry on) through hard times?
1. The leadership of John Smith-trade w/ natives & made men work.
2. The growing of Tobacco (Cash Crop) & the arrival of African slaves and indentured servants.
3. The development of a Representative Government – House of Burgessess
4. The arrival of Women
5. Native Americans traded crops
Plymouth Colony. Why was it established?
Established for Religious Freedom by the Separatists ( Pilgrims)
Plymouth Colony. Who was their leader?
William Bradford
What was the Mayflower Compact?
An agreement entered into by the Pilgrims that guaranteed self-government. Every member of the community said they would abide by the laws that the community established.
What circumstances led to the Pilgrims coming to North America?
They were persecuted by the English under Elizabeth I and then James I. They fled to Holland and but felt their children would be growing up Dutch and did not want that. They wanted a place where they were free to worship their own religion and could live and die as good Pilgrims.
what Religious group settled in each colony?Maryland, Plymouth,Massachusetts Bay, Pennsylvania
Maryland – Catholics
Plymouth – Separatists ( Pilgrims)
Massachusetts Bay- Puritans
Pennsylvania - Quakers
Why did people come to the New World?
Religious Freedom, Social mobility ( to improve their place in society), Political Freedom, Economic opportunity.
What is mercantilism?
Economic theory that a nation’s strength comes from building its gold supplies and expanding its trade.
Why did England encourage colonization of North America?
To help them grow wealth by creating a market that they controlled. They could buy raw materials cheap and sell England’s manufactured goods at high prices.
What were the Navigation Acts?
Laws set up by the English to control all trade in to and out of the colonies. British colonies in Asia, Africa, and America could import and export goods only in English ships, and 3/4 of each crew was to be English. Other clauses stated that England could import products from its colonies in Asia, Africa, or America on English vessels and that goods from foreign countries could arrive in England only on English vessels or on the vessels of the country from which the goods originated. Certain colonial products, which could be exported from the place of production only to another British colony or to England.
What was the purpose of the Navigation acts?
1. to protect British shipping against competition from the Dutch and other foreign powers, 2. to grant British merchants a monopoly on colonial commodities such as Tobacco and Sugar.
What was the Great Migration?
The movement of 20,000 English settlers to the Massachusetts Bay colony between 1629-1640.
What were the beliefs of Roger Williams, Thomas Hooker, and William Penn?
They all believed that the Native Americans should be paid for the land the settlers were taking.