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24 Cards in this Set

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Protein modification information
- Residue= group being modified
- Enzyme= enzyme that catalyzes modification/ addition
- Donor= where group comes from that gets added onto protein
- Reversible or irreversible modification
- Role of modification
- Interesting notes
- Type of modification
Disulfide Bonds
1. Residues: side chain -SH of 2 Cys
2. Enzyme: disulfide isomerase (in ER) (enzymes secreted out of cell)
3. e- Acceptor: glutathione (GS-SG→2GSH)
4. Reversible: disulfide isomerase, thioredoxin
- Role: extracellular protein stability (e.g., insulin, antibodies, collagen, hair, nails, etc.)
- Intramolecular disulfide tethers two portions of a single polypetide chain; intermolecular tethers two separate polypeptide chains
- oxidation reaction between S's of two Cys
- primary structural arrangement
Proteolytic Cleavage
1. Residues: many residue recognition sequences
2. Enzyme: proteases (many types); cleave inactive protein releasing a portion that then folds into active form
3. Donor: peptide bond hydrolyzed by H2O
4. Irreversible
- Role: protein maturation, enzyme activation
- majority of proteases in blood clotting
- primary structural arrangement
1. Residues: side chain -OH of Ser, Thr, Tyr
2. Enzyme: kinases
3. Donor: ATP→ADP (transfers terminal phosphate)
4. Reversible: phosphatases
- alter conformation, specify recognition
- highest occurring PTM (post translational modification), occurs in majority of intracellular proteins→ activates inactive proteins
- localized electrostatic change (neutral→ negative)
1. Residues: side chain -OH of Tyr
2. Enzyme: tyrosyl protein sulfotransferases
3. Donor: PAPS →PAP
4. Irreversible
- Role: specify recognition
- majority secreted; occurs primarily extracellular proteins (matrix; joint fluids)
- localized electrostatic change (neutral→ negative)
1. Residues: -NH3+ of N-term and Lys side chain
2. Enzyme: acetyltransferases
3. Donor: acetyl-CoA→CoA
4. Reversible: deacetylases
- Role: alter conformation, specify recognition
- 2nd highest PTM, majority intracellular
- localized electrostatic change (positive→ neutral)
1. Residues: -NH3+ of Lys and Arg side chains
2. Enzyme: methyltransferases
3. Donor: SAM→homo-Cys
4. Reversible: demethylases
- alter conformation, specify recognition
- regulates majority histones for gene regulation along with acetylation
- localized electrostatic change (positive→ neutral))
1. Residues: -NH3+ of N-terminus
2. Enzyme: myristoyltransferase
3. Donor: myristoyl-CoA , CH3(CH2)12CO2-
4. Irreversible
- membrane localization
- majority N-term Gly, but others
- lipid attachement; amide linkage
1. Residues: side chain -SH of Cys
2. Enzyme: palmitoyltransferases
3. Donor: palmitoyl-CoA , CH3(CH2)14CO2-
4. Reversible: thioesterases
- Role: membrane trafficking
- significant role in synaptic plasticity
- lipid attachement; thioester linkage
1. Residues: side chain -SH of Cys near C-term
2. Enzyme: farnesyltransferases
3. Donor: farnesylpyrophosphate (Fpp)
4. Irreversible
- Role: membrane localization, protein recognition
- 15 carbons (3 units of 5)
- lipid attachement; thioester linkage
1. Residues: side chain -SH of Cys near C-term
2. Enzyme: geranylgeranyltransferases
3. Donor: geranylgeranylpyrophosphate (GGpp)
4. Irreversible
- Role: membrane localization, protein recognition
- 20 carbons (4 units of 5)
- lipid attachement; thioester linkage
N-linked Glycosylation
1. Residue: side chain -NH2 of Asn (NxS/T)
2. Enzyme: glycosyltransferase
3. Donor: dolichol-oligosaccharide
4. Irreversible
- cell adhesion, connective tissue
- occurs in lumen of ER
- glycosylation; N-glycoside linkage
O-linked Glycosylation
1. Side Chain: side chain -OH of Ser, Thr
2. Enzyme: glycosyltransferase
3. Donor: UDP-saccharide
4. Irreversible
- Role: mucins-lubricate/protect epithelial surfaces
- synthesis in Golgi
- glycosylation; O-glycoside linkage
1. Side Chain: side chain -OH of Tyr
2. Enzyme: glycogenin
3. Donor: UDP-glucose
4. (Ir)reversible ?
- Role: primer for glycogen synthesis
- only one known instance (protein that starts synthesis of starch)
- glycosylation
Hydroxyproline (Hyp)
1. Side Chain: side chain Cδ-OH of Hyp
2. Enzyme: glycosyltransferase
3. Donor: UDP-galactose or -arabinose
4. Irreversible
- Role: extracellular matrix stability
- occurs only in plants
- glycosylation
Hydroxylysine (Hyl)
1. Side Chain: side chain Cδ-OH of Hyl
2. Enzyme: glycosyltransferase
3. Donor: UDP-glucose, then -galactose
4. Irreversible
- Role: unknown, fibril organization?
- occurs in ER and only in animals
- glycosylation
Proline Hydroxylation
1. Side Chain: (R)Cγ
2. Enzyme: prolyl hydroxylase
3. Donor: O2 , α-ketoglutarate, Fe, ascorbic acid
4. Irreversible
- Role: H-bonding in collagen
- vitamin C deficiency→scurvy (collagen instability; British sailors ate limes)
Lysine Hydroxylation
1. Side Chain: (R)Cδ
2. Enzyme: lysyl hydroxylase
3. Donor: O2 , α-ketoglutarate , Fe, ascorbic acid
4. Irreversible
- Role: H-bonding in collagen, prime glycosylation
- linked to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hypermobile joints, hyper elastic skin)
1. N-Linked Side Chains: His, Arg, Asn, Lys
O-Linked Side Chains: C-term of Lys
2. Enzyme: ADP-ribosyltransferases
3. Donor: NAD+
4. Reversible:
- Role: protein conformation, enzyme regulation
1. Residues: -NH3+ of Lys
2. Enzyme: E1, E2, and E3 ubiquitin ligases
3. Donor: E1→ E2→ E3→target protein
4. Reversible: deubiquitinases
- Role: alter conformation, specify recognition
- targets proteins for transport and degradation
Histone Acetylation
1. Residues: -NH3+ of Lys
2. Enzyme: histone acetyltransferases (HATs)
3. Donor: acetyl-CoA(CoA) →histones 2A,2B,3,4
4. Reversible: histone deacetylases (HDACs)
- POSITIVE → NEUTRAL: reduce affinity that histone has for DNA by reducing attraction of positive Lys side chains to negative phosphate backbones= loosen DNA
Histone Methylation
1. Residues: -NH3+ of Lys and Arg
2. Enzyme: histone methyltransferases (HMTs)
3. Donor: SAM(homo-Cys) →histones 3,4
4. Reversible: histone demethylases
Histone Phosphorylation
1. Residues: side chain -OH of Ser, Thr, Tyr
2. Enzyme: kinases
3. Donor: ATP(ADP) →histones 2B,3,4
4. Reversible: phosphatases
Histone Ubiquitination
1. Residues: -NH3+ of Lys
2. Enzyme: E1, E2, and E3 ubiquitin ligases
3. Donor: E1→ E2→ E3→histones 2A,2B
4. Reversible: deubiquitinases