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16 Cards in this Set

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Commutative Prop. of Multiplication
m · 8 = 8 · m
Same thing but backwords.
Associative Prop. of Addition
5 + (4 + 6) = (5 + 4) = 6
It doesn't matter. Where the parentheses go.
Additive Inverse Prop.
27 + (-27) = 0
Something added to its opposite is 0.
Multiplicative Identity Prop.
Pi · 1 = Pi
Anything multiplied by 1 is itself.
Commutative Prop. of Addition
(a + b) + c = c + (a + b)
Everything is added together but in a different order. It does not matter.
Multiplicative Identity Element
Multiplicative Inverse Prop.
3 · 1/3 = 1
A number multiplied by its reciprocal is 1 except for 0.
Additive Inverse
5 is the opposite of -5
They are opposites because they have the same distance from 0 on the number line.
Additive Identity Element
Added to any number it will equal that number.
Additive Identity Prop.
3 + 0 = 3
Anything added to 0 is itself.
Multiplicative Inverse
-5/9 is the reciprocal of -9/5
Associative Prop. of Multiplication
1/2(6x) = (1/2 · 6)x
The parenthesis do not matter.
If x = 7 and 7 = z then x = z
1 = 1
The number on one side is the reflection of itself on the other side.
-8(x - 3) = -8x + 24
-8 is distributed through the parentheses.
If 5x = 19 then 19 = 5x
It is the same thing backwards.