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78 Cards in this Set

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How many comparisons will the linear search algorithm make if the search key is not in an array of 10 elements?
Which of the following is not a name for a big O run time?
Variable run time.
What is the efficiency of linear search?
What is the maximum number of comparisons required to find a search key in a sorted 31-element array?


Which of the following is a negative of binary search?
The data must be in sorted order.
What is the term used for binary search’s run time?
Logarithmic run time.
What does the first pass of selection sort do?
Locates the smallest element in the array and swaps it into the zeroth position.
What does each iteration of the insertion sort algorithm do?
Each iteration takes the next element in the unsorted portion of the array and inserts it into the sorted portion.
How much faster is insertion sort with a 15-element array than with a 60-element array?
19 times
What is the base case for the recursive merge sort algorithm?
A one-element array
Which of the following sorting algorithms is the fastest?
Merge sort
When a recursive method is called to solve a problem, the method actually is capable of solving only the simplest case(s), or ___________
base case(s).
When the recursion step executes:
the original call to the method is still active.
Which of the following statements about recursion are true?
Recursion uses a termination test.

Recursion can occur infinitely.

The recursion step should:
call a fresh copy of the recursive method to work on a smaller problem.
Which of the following is false?
The value 1 can be implicitly converted to a BigInteger.
The number of calls to recursively calculate the Fibonacci value of 7 is
The operands of an operator are evaluated ________
from left to right.
The current method executing is always the method whose activation record is ________
at the top of the stack
Recursion is often less efficient than iteration because ________
it can cause an explosion of method calls.
All of the following are true for both recursion and iteration except ________
they have a base case.
Recursion often is preferable to iteration because ________.
it models the problem more logically.
Fractals that yield an exact copy of the original when a portion of the original image is magnified are called _______ fractals.
strictly self-similar.
Each time a fractal’s pattern is applied to it, the fractal is said to be at a new ________.
After a fractal’s pattern is applied several times, the shape of the fractal will generally become ________.
stabilized and more detailed.
In recursive backtracking, if one set of recursive calls does not result in a solution to the problem, what happens?
The program returns to a previous decision point and makes a different decision.
The basic generic functional interface ________ in package java.util.function contains method get that takes no arguments and returns a value of type T
By default, method sorted uses ________.
the natural order for the stream's element type
Interface Stream (package java.util.stream) is a generic interface for performing stream operations on objects. The types of objects that are processed are determined by the Stream’s ________.
The basic generic functional interface ________ in package java.util.function contains method apply that takes a T argument and returns a value of type R. Calls a method on the T argument and returns that method’s result.
Terminal operations are eager; they perform the requested operation when they are called.
You can declare that an interface is a functional interface by preceding it with the @FunctionalInterface annotation. The compiler will then ensure that the interface contains ________; otherwise, it’ll generate a compilation error.
only one abstract method
Stream method ________ eliminates duplicate objects in a stream.
The basic generic functional interface ________ in package java.util.function contains method apply that takes two T arguments, performs an operation on them (such as a calculation) and returns a value of type T.
________ is a method reference for an instance method that should be called on a specific object. It creates a one-parameter lambda that invokes the instance method on the specified object—passing the lambda’s argument to the instance method—and returns the method’s result.
An ________ (package java.util.stream) is a specialized stream for manipulating int values.
The intermediate Stream operation ________ results in a stream containing only the unique elements.
Interface Stream (package java.util.stream) is a generic interface for performing stream operations on objects. The types of objects that are processed are determined by the Stream’s ________.
________ is a method reference for an instance method of a class. It creates a one-parameter lambda that invokes the instance method on the lambda’s argument and returns the method’s result.
Class Array’s ________ method is used to create a Stream from an array of objects.
________ is a constructor reference. It creates a lambda that invokes the no-argument constructor of the specified class to create and initialize a new object of that class
The classes and interfaces which comprise the collections framework are members of package ________
A(n) __________ allows a program to walk through the collection and remove elements from the collection.
Interface Collection contains __________ operations (i.e., operations performed on the entire collection)
Iterator method __________ determines whether the Collection contains more elements
Java SE 7 supports type inferencing with the <> notation in statements that declare and create generic type variables and objects. For example, the following lineList< String > list = new ArrayList< String >();can be written as:
List< String > list = new ArrayList<>();
LinkedList method listIterator returns a(n) __________.
bidirectional iterator.
The collections framework algorithms are __________, i.e., each of these algorithms can operate on objects that offer given interfaces without concern to the underlying implementations
Collections method sort that accepts a List as an argument sorts the elements of a List, which must implement the __________ interface.
Collections method ___________ returns a Comparator object that orders the collection's elements in reverse order.
Comparator method compare should return ________ if the first argument is greater than the second argument.
a positive int value.
Algorithm __________ randomly orders a List's elements
Method shuffle is a member of __________
class Collections.
Class Collections provides algorithms for reversing, filling and copying ________.
To find the smallest and largest element of a Collection, use Collections methods _________ and __________.
least, greatest.
If the desired Object is not found, binarySearch returns __________.
a negative value
Collections method __________ returns true if two Collections have no elements in common.
Stack method __________ looks at the top element of a stack without removing that element
If no elements are in the Stack, method pop throws an __________
PriorityQueue method __________ inserts an element at the appropriate location in the queue.
__________ methods enable a program to view a portion of a collection.
Maps allocate keys to values and cannot contain duplicate keys, i.e., the key-to-value mapping is a __________ mapping.
Which statement about hashing is false?
A load factor of 1.0 usually results in good hashing performance, but less efficient utilization of memory.
Map method ________ is used to determine whether a map contains a mapping for the specified key.
A Properties object is a __________ Hashtable object.
Most objects in Java can now be output and input with Java's object __________
The collections framework provides various __________ collection interfaces from which the programmer can quickly "flesh out" complete customized implementations.
Which of the following is not an abstract implementation provided by the collections framework?
Relative paths normally start from which directory?
The directory in which the application began executing
How do methods setIn, setOut and setErr affect the standard input, output and error streams?
They redirect the standard input, output and error streams.
Which of the following is arranged in increasing size order?
bit, field, record, file.
What does the following statement do? Scanner scanner = new Scanner( new File( "test.txt" ) );
Opens a text file for input.
Records in a sequential file are not usually updated in place. Instead:
the entire file is usually rewritten.
A serialized object is:
an object represented as a sequence of bytes used to store the object’s data in a file.
Which JFileChooser method returns the file the user selected.
Instance variables that are not to be output with a Serializable object are declared using which keyword?
Relative paths normally start from which directory?
The directory in which the application began executing.
What does the following statement do? Scanner scanner = new Scanner( new File( "test.txt" ) );
Opens a text file for input.