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34 Cards in this Set

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1. What duct develops into the female repro duct?
Paramesonephric Ducto or Mullerian Duct
2. What duct develops into the Male repro duct?
Mesonephric Duct or Wolffian duct
3. In the male, what does the primary sex cord develop into?
Seminiferous cord then rete testis and seminiferous tubules
4. What does the spermatogonium develop from?
Primordial germ cells
5. During development, (at 3 weeks) the primordial germ cells migrate from where to where?
Wall of yolk sac to genital ridge
6. What parts of the adult male repro system are derived from the mesonephric duct?
Epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal gland, efferent ductules
7. What parts of the adult female repro system are derived from the paramesonephric duct?
Uterine tube, uterus
8. What does the gubernaculum develop into in the female?
Suspensory ligament of the uterus, and round ligament of the uterus
9. What does the gubernaculum develop into in the male?
Scrotal ligament
10. What is developmental abnormality leads to gonadal dysgenesis?
Lack of formation of the genital ridge
11. What causes male pseudohermaphroditism?
Inadequate testosterone and MIF production in the fetal testes
12. What causes female pseudohermaphroditism?
Exposure of the female fetus to excessive androgens, commonly congenital hyperplasia
13. What is cryptorchidism?
Non-descent of the testes
14. What causes micropenis?
Fetal testicular failure, usually due to cryptopituitarism
15. What causes vaginal atresia?
Failure of canalization of the vaginal plate, results in blockage of the vagina
16. What causes an imperforate hymen?
Failure of the inferior end of the vaginal plate to perforate many anomalies exist
17. What causes epispadias?
The urethral opening is on the dorsal portion of the glans penis
18. What causes a congenital inguinal hernia
A persistant processus vaginalis exists, the communication between tunica vaginalis and peritoneal cavity fails to close
19. What causes Didelphys?
Mullerian duct fusion failed, double uterus/cervix/vagina
20. What causes a unicornate uterus?
One paramesonephric duct fails to develope, result is a uterus w/ one uterine tube
21. What causes a septate Uterus?
Failure of the paramesonephric ducts to complete fusion
22. What causes a hydrocele?
Abdominal end of the processus vaginalis stays open and fills w/ peritoneal fluid, normally the processus vaginalis gets completely obliterated this occurs in the scrotum
23. What causes a bicornate uterus?
Dublication of the superior part of the body of the uterus
24. When do interstitial cells begin to secrete testosterone and androstendione?
About week 8
25. What do the cortical cords in the developing ovaries become?
Primordial follicle and eventually oogonium
26. What forms the paradidymis?
Remnants of the paragenital mesonephric tubules
27. Does the uterine tube develop with the ovary?
Nope, the develope separately
28. How is the vagina formed?
The upper 1/3 is formed by vacuolization of the paramesonephric tissue, while the lower 2/3 is actually formed by vacuolization of the sinovaginal bulbs
29. What invaginates to form the spongy urethra?
Urethral plate
30. What is the big problem with ectopic testes.... besides the obvious?
Spermatogonium are undifferentiated and may show neoplastic change and become cancerous. If they don’t descend after 18 months, they are surgically removed.
31. After the processus vaginalis has made it into the scrotum w/ the testes what happens to it.
It degenerates, if it doesn’t you will have a hydrocele
32. In the case of cryptorchidism, where do the testes usually end up?
Stuck at the deep inguinal ring
33. What does the mesenchyme that separates the seminferous tubules become?
Interstitial cells of leydig
34. What stimulates testosterone production?