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60 Cards in this Set

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2 names for view of the scaphoid
*PA Axial Projection
*Stecher Method
angulation for stetcher
*CR 20 deg toward the elbow
*finger end of IR elevated 20 deg.
Center the ____ to the IR for stetcher
For Stecher, position the wrist in _____ to see the _____.
*ulnar deviation
*open navicular space
For Stecher, CR is perpendicular to ____.
the table
Structures shown on Stecher
the scaphoid at right angles to the CR
2 names to view the carpal canal
*Tangential Projeciton
*Gaynor-Hart Method
Pt position for Gaynor-Hart
seated @ end of table with forearm lying parallel with long axis of film
For Gaynor-Hart, ____ the wrist and center the IR to ____.
*at the level of the radial styloid process
For Gaynor-Hart, make the ___ axis of the hand as ___ as possible.
On Gaynor-Hart, why do you rotate the hand slightly toward the radial side?
to prevent superimposition of the shadows of the hamate and pisiform bones
Angulation for Gaynor-Hart
25 to 30 deg
CR for Gaynor-Hart
the palm of the hand 1" below base of third metacarpal
Structures shown on Gaynor-Hart
*the carpal canal
*the entire pisiform
2 parts of partial flexion for the elbow
*distal humerous
*proximal forearm
When do you use the partial flexion for elbow?
when pt cannot completely extend the elbow
Position of pt for partial flexion elbow views.
seated with hand supinated, humerous in same plane for upper view
For partial flexion elbow, what surface of forearm touches the IR?
For partial flexion elbow, what must you do with the forearm for the lower view?
Support with sponge or raise the table.
2 names for method udes when trauma exists and the arm cannot be rotated or abducted.
*Transthoracic Lateral Projection
*Lawrence Method
Film size for both Lawrence methods
Position of pt for transthoracic
Pt seated or standing in lateral position
Position of part for transthoracic lateral and why.
Have pt raise unijured arm above head bc this drops the injured side.
***NO attempt should be made to move injured arm***
Respiration for transthoracic lateral.
Deep inspiration
On Transthoracic, name two things that having the pt's lungs full of air helps.
*it improves contrast
*It decreases the exposure necessary to penetrate the body.
What is another breathing technique for the Transthoracic?
Instruct pt to practice slow, deep breathing. A min exposure time of 3 sec works well with this.
CR on a transthoracic lateral.
Perpendicular to the IR, entering the midcoronal plane at the level of the surgical neck
On transthoracic, what exposure is used with lungs full of air.
66 kvp phototime
Film placement on transthoracic lateral.
2" above the already lowered injured shoulder.
2 names for abducted shoulder view.
*Inferosuperior axial projection
*Lawrence Method
On InfSup projection, you do not have to use a grid if you do not go over ___ kV.
On InfSup projection, position of pt.
On InfSup projection, what do you need to elevate.
Pt head, shoulder, and elbow
On InfSup projection, position of part.
*abduct arm of affected side at right angles to long axis of body
On InfSup axial projection, keep the humerous in what position?
external rotation
On InfSup axial projection, what is the placement of the IR?
On edge against the shoulder as close as possible to the neck.
***Have pt turn head away***
Techniques to use on InfSup axial projection.
girl- 8@60
boy- 12@60
Structures shown on InfSup axial projection.
*proximal humerous
*the scapulohumeral joint
CR for InfSup axial projection
*horizontally thru axilla
*deg of medial angulation depends on deg of abduction of arm....15-30 deg
On InfSup axial projection angulation, the greater the abduction, the ____ the angle
Two names for view of Glenoid cavity
*AP Oblique Projection
*Grashey Method
Film size for Grashey
8*10 crosswise
Postion of pt on a Grashey
RPO or LPO supine or upright
Postion of part for a Grashey
Rotate body 45 deg toware affected side
Abduct arm slightly in internal rotation
Center the IR to ____ on a Grashey
scapulohumeral (glenohumeral) joint
CR on a Grashey
Perpendicular to glenoid cavity.
2" medial and 2" inferior to the superolater border of shoulder.
What projection do we do for the intertubercular groove?
Tangential projection
The IT groove lies on the ____ surface of the humerous.
Film size for Tangential of IT Groove.
***use a cone***
Postion of part on Tang. of IT Groove.
*Supinate pt's hand
*Pt supine
CR for Tang. of IT Groove
Angled 10-15 deg (downward from horizontal) to the long axis of the humerous
Two names for showing the acromioclavicular articulations.
*AP Projection-Bilateral
*Pearson Method
Film size for Pearson
14*17 crosswise
SID for Pearson and why?
72" to reduce mag and show both joints on one image
Why should pt be upright for the Pearson Method?
Dislocation of the AC joints tends to reduce itself when pt is recumbant.
IR placement for Pearson
IR midpoint should lie at the same level of the AC joints
Exposures for Pearson
*One without weights
*One with weights attached to wrist (5-8lbs)
Film size for the Coracoid AP Axial
Positioning for Coracoid AP Axial
*center affected coracoid to IR
*supinate the hand
CR for the Coracoid AP Axial
10-15 deg cephalad